Rep. Jim Clyburn talks about the improvements he's seen in the messaging and campaign of Joe Biden since the South Carolina primary, and what was behind his endorsement, which has proven so influential on Super Tuesday. Aired on 3/3/2020.
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Jim Clyburn: People Were Not Feeling Biden Before South Carolina | MSNBC
So, their plan is to keep America’s Healthcare System which is the #1 cause of BANKRUPTCY in the USA and to keep sinking BILLIONS of dollars into Private Insurance company shareholder’s pockets who make more money off of us the less services they approve while paying double the amount as any other Industrialized Nation in the world!!!!
@Natasha Norman Are you running for office to fix it? So, the plan is to keep America’s current Healthcare System which is the #1 cause of BANKRUPTCY in the USA and to keep sinking BILLIONS of dollars into Private Insurance company shareholder’s pockets who make more money off of us the less services they approve while paying double the amount for medical care as any other Industrialized Nation in the world?!?!?!
@Natasha Norman So turning a blind eye to out of control medical costs and denying care to those who couldn’t possibly afford it is a better option?
We should be pooling our financial resources to improve the lives of all Americans because for everyone to be healthy enough to support their families benefits us all. The insurance companies love that they have brain washed us to think “we can’t afford Healthcare for all” when we are paying so much more in individual premiums etc.., then many countries that do have it. I want to put the money I spend on insurance every month into pooling it with other Americans so all Americans can have healthcare.
that’s not true. People paying into the healthcare system Lowers the cost for everybody. These privatized insurance companies are scams. You need to get your facts straight. America is not going into bankruptcy because of the affordable Care act. I think you just don’t believe in loving your neighbor. Even Jesus said to love your enemies. And that means to love people who don’t even look like you. Affordable health Care means that everybody has access to a doctor. How inhumane can your thought process be. Are you even human
Biden is a corporate socialist. If he wins, he won’t be able to sign any bill into law without permission from his 60 billionaire donors.
This dude sold out the country, for what?
To save it from a communist.
All he did was endorse his preferred candidate days before super tuesday came, when many early votes were cast. Bernie lost all but 2 states.
For his political career! He’ll be ok. Have no worries!
Thank you for selling out!
Endorsing the architect of the crime bill…way to go Clyburn.
ohhh perez just reminded him of who is in charge and that whips job might look shaky
Oh, phew.
NOT just me, okay, carry on

Oh, sOrry

He said nobody want nothing for free
now ask him what’s his net worth.
“Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods”
From Australia; we get our healthcare by paying a 2% levy from our incomes, guarantees that regardless of the illness you experience, you receive top notch medical treatment for as long as you need treatment / care. If you want you can also buy Private Insurance …. but why bother?
It’s not for free! It’s paid through taxes. Americans are being brainwashed by the establishment and their lords, the insurance and pharma companies.
@El Hombre de oro Right, instead we will be stupid and ignore that our allies are able to do it and better than we have here . I worked in insurance at both levels as I have previously posted and Bernie’s plan (besides that Yale study recently on it that said it was cost saving and life saving) is way better than Obamacare and all these private little plans. My one sister lives in England because her husband is English and uses their healthcare there. She likes it and doesn’t have long wait times etc. Get educated buddy about what is ACTUALLY going on !
@El Hombre de oro agreed. No one needs meddlers. Opinions and reflections however are not meddling. In Australia, should I be diagnosed with anything … minor or major ( from a broken finger to a nasty … cancer) i will receive top notch treatment, at no cost to myself UNTIL I no longer need it. In the US you only receive treatment ‘if’ you have insurance OR until your insurance runs out. The majority of western nations have: some form of Universal health coverage. Your country doesn’t. That’s horrific for you and your fellow countrymen. And that’s not what any friend would want another to experience. Your country’s government has been influenced since 1970’s by the private interests of profit making medical & big pharma. Just look at the US’s health outcomes in comparison to other countries … you guys pay more and have worse outcomes. None of us can meddle in your countries affairs nor have the interest to (except for Russia) … Though we can, out of care for our fellow brothers, scream out “you Americans deserve better, can have better” … So hold your politicians to account – meddle in your own politics AND demand a better outcome for you AND your families AND neighbours.
“more feeling than policy”….huh? Bernie provokes feelings through his policies and ideas. Is that enough? Bernie 2020
Tea Mesui Bernie is a decent man who believes in America
Congressman Clybern is also a decent man who believes in America
Clyberns endorsementbrought biden from the dead
However Bernie isn’t out yet
How would you think about Biden/Bernie 2020?
Would that be an acceptable compromise?
Tea Mesui NO It’s Not ENOUGH! Why is Russia
and Putin Supporting Sanders Campaign. Obviously
President TRUMP Prefers to run for Re-election against Senator Sanders instead of V. P. Biden. Look Trump’s willing to be Impeached in order to smear V. P. Biden. Why’d Trump do THAT?? 
NOW Trump’s allies in-the
Senate are asking 4 Copies of Biden’s Taxes— While- They’ll not release Trump’s Taxes ?? Is that FAIR

You can’t force candidates down people’s throats and expect a great voter turnout just a thought
They aren’t being forced down anyone’s throat. People are going out and voting in the primaries. Normal, average people just like you and me.
I thought the plan was vote Blue no matter who, I voted Bernie but Will Vote Blue no matter who
@Ashley Aldred Yeah, but the problem is many of them don’t do their homework on a candidate, if they did and didn’t just by into the candidates the News Media is pushing like they did with Hillary, they also gave tRump a lot of coverage in 2016 because it was great for their ratings, legitimized him, while ignoring Bernie pretty much until he won “too many ” primaries and had to be “addressed”. Joe voted for those dumb trade policies (which tRump has made off from & has no desire to really change even though he campaigned on that as a fake populist anti-establishment guy drain the swamp guy) that has led to the job loss and wealth inequality today. Bernie’s Medicare For All isn;t free but eliminates so many costs that are added on to private plans by insurers (I worked in insurance at agency & corporate levels- an agent gets 20% of a new policy costs- 10% on renewals) overhead costs like with advertising that would be eliminated, bigger pool to spread risks always lowers cost- basic principal of risk management 101, the elimination of the dividend which raises cost on policies & care etc.
I repeat “ we are gonna make healthcare affordable” “ no one wants it for free” “and when we get the message, we’ll be successful” MEANING THE ELITE!
Nobody thought it was going to be “free”- the point being it would save costs, bringing them down (Canadians receive better healthcare at significantly less cost than us- Gee Joe and other moderates besides Republicans, how come our allies & most other industrialized countries can do it except US, huh ? So we aren’t that “great” a country when other countries, our allies do more for their average citizens, same with education too. In Germany students besides the government subsidizing higher education, receive a monthly stipend and housing. The government in France paid for my French friend to get his degree- of course he had to study and maintain a certain grade level or he was out- being the point of going to college is to study not party. That guy is such a shill for the Biden campaign and misleading voters, and NO , African American voters, Joe WASN’t arrested with Nelson Mandela, He was against it, but so was Bernie- however Bernie WAS arrested at protests during the Civil Rights Movement, but , OK< ignore that, I mean you know Joe and all.
Bernie marched for civil rights and was arrested Chicago. Idk why voters still vote for biden and his flip flopping social stances
Rock Dai
Because Bernie did a few things when he was in college then moved to Vermont.
Joe started out as a public defender then the city council in Wilmington, Delaware and worked closely with the NAACP on redlining. Look up redlining if you don’t know what it is.
You also have to listen when these people who were part of the civil rights movement put him on the church Dias in Selma Alabama. There’s a reason for them voting for him en masse.
Got no beef with either candidate. One love. It was a smart move for moderates to realize they had no path and to coalesce around Biden. It is not illegal, immoral or unethical. Bernie will have to counter. Whoever obtains nomination will get my vote.
Did you even watch the video? This is what you guys don’t understand: Politics is not just about policy, it’s about how you work with people. These endorsements aren’t just coming out of thin air. Biden is getting them because people like him and he works well with people. You all should be asking yourselves why Bernie doesn’t have the same scale of establishment support, despite how long he’s been in Washington.
you dont speak for anyone but yourself stop trying to manipulate people
Right on!
The world in on it’s knees laughing
TRUMP V BIDEN that this is the best America has to offer
The gaffe-prone Biden is being propped up by mainstream media it is unbelievable! This man is going to be the butt of the joke for the right wing RepubliKKKans because of his regular “senior moments”!!! He did it again on stage today with his wife (whom he called his husband) and his sister he called his wife- Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!
What is this Jim Clyburn’s dude’s claim to fame? “Nobody wants anything for free???” Which planet does he live in? Wow, he must be very rich!
He gets it from the Health Insurance companies! He talks about selling Biden to the people. I guess when you’ve sold your soul the next step is to try to sell others.
What an utter disappointment.
It’s because NOTHING actually is free! Nothing.
clearly you dont Know Jim Clyburn….maybe stop watching Fixed news
This is why we can’t have nice things
50% of Clyburn’s donations come from the Health Care and Insurance industries.
We all know what “professionalize fund raising” means to you!
Yeah, lets see the transparency there so the voters can see any conflicts of interests. Hey, if there was public financing and campaign limits on both sides gee it would actually be a fairer election , cleaner too and maybe the government would work more for the people. I thought the Constitution said in the preamble about ensuring domestic tranquility and promoting the GENERAL welfare, not just corporate and the mega rich welfare, LOL. The toms toms beating as the establishment hacks, MSM and shills once again push the manufactured candidate of Biden on the public like they did with Clinton in 2016.
megahappy2beme You forget to mention that with public financing, politicians would actually have to legislate rather than spend 80% of their time fundraising.
Yes, we want a decent man with a good soul to replace a man who respects no one.
You will be offended by Bernie supporters and dotard supporters. They forget what it took Obama-Biden to get the ACA passed. They are dreaming of a universal healthcare in a very red controlled country.
correction: to replace a man who has no soul
—– > Joe Biden: “I’m the most progressive candidate in this race which means, fundamentally, nothing will change.”