Jim Clyburn: ‘I Want … Double Digit Victory’ For Biden | MTP Daily | MSNBC

After endorsing Joe Biden for the South Carolina primary, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn says "anything in the single digits I think would be problematic" for Biden. Aired on 02/26/20.
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Jim Clyburn: 'I Want … Double Digit Victory' For Biden | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Jim Clyburn: 'I Want ... Double Digit Victory' For Biden | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. @Noiseless Sounds Bernie sold a book and got some money. The others are rich from ”donations” (or bribes if you prefer) from lobbying corporations.

    2. @Margaret Nicol He got some money? Bernie sold a book and kept the proceeds, making him a millionaire with three houses. Plus all his political contributions run through and organization run by his wife who is paid very handsomely. Not bad for a rich Vermont socialist who says he doesn’t like the rich.

    1. Jam Who You are really dumb, aren’t you?! Socialism (democratic socialism) is totally different from communism. Guess your brain is not capable to understand that.

  1. Is there anyone in the Dump Administration, including family members, who isn’t a criminal, liar, or under investigation?

    1. gratefuljr Actually the intelligent question to ask would have been why aren’t any accusations legit or right?

    1. @salmonline it is what it is. You can’t differentiate bad from good.
      Not matter how you try, what is bad will be bad.
      Just like the gullible ones.
      Charity begins at home, our characters showcased the background we came out from.

    2. @salmonline my last comment says alot about you.
      So I don’t have be dilly dallying with a bigot.
      Because I do not believe in what u believed or shared the same ideology with you makes me a bad person.
      This is what you get when you mix up with bollocks.

    1. In other words you don’t know. You’re just spouting words that have no meaning to you. @My Goddess Shasta

    2. @My Goddess Shasta So you really are just spouting words you’ve heard. You don’t actually know. Where was the ‘rebuttal”? I just asked a question as you seemed to know all about it – but you don’t. Shame,

    3. Because Fox wants to divide you and Bernie supporters are playing staright into their hands. The same Fox News that is now using words like Marxist and Communist to describe Bernie. They are toying with Bernie supporters.

    1. This is just a sequel to all his other failed attempts at running for president. It’s almost a bad as the Star Wars prequels.

  2. Biden feels like that old uncle who tells old stories about his childhood while giving you old candy no one eats.

    1. Biden’s in way over his head. Luckily everyone can see it. I suppose he may win SC – but only if enough Democratic voters haven’t seen or heard him on the stump. Any that have should not, and in good conscience cannot, consider him at all for the Presidency. A seat on the school board may be beyond him now.

    1. You can tell the establishment forced him to make this endorsement because he’s saying it’s more pressure on him to make sure Biden wins than Biden..

    1. Lol. It’s another fake story that Biden fabricated. Just like how joe says he was a part of the civil rights movement.. it’s a complete and utter Lie. Biden was literally a type of segregationist with zero history on civil rights activism.

    2. He and another guy, an ambassador I think, went to SA to try to visit Mandela. Along the way they were thrown in prison. Trouble is that the other guy said it never happened!

  3. Clyburn, what is wrong with you now? I thought you were cool back in the day, but I’m so disappointed I you at this point and fed up with Biden.

    1. “Bernie Sanders praised Fidel Castro’s literacy program on 60 Minutes. The candidate’s remarks have been justly criticized, for all the obvious reasons. One defense that has been made is that Sanders is factually correct. The line goes that the Castro regime, for all its evils, made great strides in improving education, and also health care, for Cubans.

      Is that so? Justin Trudeau made similar claims after Castro died in 2016, and Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post fact-checked them. He gave Trudeau three Pinocchios (four would have been the worst rating), concluding:……”


  4. Yeah, pick the guy who lied about being arrested in South Africa. He may have some character, but Jim is part of the Washington elite.

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