NFL Kansas City Chief's player Mitchell Schwartz tells CNN's Don Lemon that he thinks Desean Jackson's Instagram post came from "a place of ignorance."
#CNN #News
Jewish NFL player reacts to anti-semitic posts by Desean Jackson

NFL Kansas City Chief's player Mitchell Schwartz tells CNN's Don Lemon that he thinks Desean Jackson's Instagram post came from "a place of ignorance."
#CNN #News
We live in a culture that’s sloppy, inconsiderate, desensitized, contemptuous, and driven by selfish impulsivity. It’s absolutely everywhere you look.
We’re so blind in our grandiose self-centeredness that we fail to even detect it in ourselves.
A tragic thing.
@Chaasayad Sawapah I totally agree!
Slogan graffiti on public streets to be underfoot of rubber tires, with no value in the real world, looked upon as a ‘win’ by a small group of people as their expression of art and meaning.
@musiquemaquer “No value in the real world”, you say?
Maybe it has no value to you.
But then, it’s likely that you’ve never been lynched, right? It’s highly likely that nothing has ever happened to you only because of your physical appearance, true?
Tell me– have you ever had any self-respect? Any humanity? Is there anything ideal and cherished and beautiful that can penetrate your bitterness?
How would you like it if you were chased around by a truck on a country road, just because of the color of your skin?
Tell me how that would be for you.
Then tell me that symbols don’t mean anything.
Plus, humans are pretty stupid!!
@lionharehart We are naturally self-destructive, yes. It is not natural for us to be kind and loving and positive.
And it’s hard work to do so, and much of this is about nothing more than simple laziness.
It’s very easy to be destructive, insensitive, impulsive, and the rest of it. It takes real effort to be just and fair. ..
Love u all, we all need to learn and grow.
I don’t get why some of us black people have problems with Jews? We share a common history; oppression. I do however have problems with Israeli politics and the hold they have over American politics. The comment about extorting America is correct but it’s not Jews that are doing it, it is the Israeli government.
@Joshua Allen You are right, we do share oppression. Them as the oppressors and us as the oppressed. We, as blacks, have an issue with them because the have put their foot on our nests along with the OTHER WHITES. The rode our backs during the civil rights movement, as did the gays, white women and everyone else. They got tangibles and we got nothing. Same as today.
@Chaasayad Sawapah we can’t be free unless everyone is free. How can you seek your freedom and look at your fellow man and say “good luck”. That is unacceptable and most certainly selfish. We are better than that sir.
No one:
Actually no one:
Desean Jackson: Insert Hitler quote during divisive period
@Joshua Allen Lois Farrakhan, NOI who spews Jew hatred ‘n somehow thinks muslims don’t do racism.He such an ignoramus that he doesn’t know black slave trade is still a fact in many muslim countries in 2020.
Truth is everything the excerpt from the book that was posted by Desean Jackson is true the problem is who said it PERIOD
Jackson gonna Jackson
Don Lemon Tough on Blacks – Adressing Black on Black Crime (CNN 2013)
@Crystal Giddens wow that’s gold.
Who else just went straight to the comment section
You don’t click on a CNN video for the video.
It’s now sport to see how much they can raise the bar on how obvious they are of being a direct asset of DNC
I don’t get why some of us black people have problems with Jews? We share a common history; oppression. I do however have problems with Israeli politics and the hold they have over American politics. The comment about extorting America is correct but it’s not Jews that are doing it, it is the Israeli government.
@Joshua Allen meh there will always going to be racism and different religions hating on each other, you know
now they have to start deleting post here as their blm “burn loot murder” falls apart
People forget that Caucasian skin does not mean all white people come from the same place. White people have different cultures and religions too
@Moshe JaJah Lee saying that hash tag is probably racist. I.e. Washington Redskins
Take it from someone of Apache descent, you are separated from ‘us’ guys. Shalom
@St. Michael of Cigarillo
There is no big effort other than in your own imagination.
Oh poppycock! You’re so hard done by, whiny wimp.
Don Lemon Tough on Blacks – Adressing Black on Black Crime (CNN 2013)
In the real Caucus , the Caucasian skin means a black.:))
“That post” A little context please!
Easy google search
CNN don’t want to really put attention to it, just acknowledge it and smooth things over as best possible. If DeSean were a white gentleman, then they would make sure to quote fully, underline and highlight exactly the post.
@Mister Tambourine And they would have fired him.
Just think before you speak, can’t demean other races trying to support our own, don’t need to, I was so angry!!!!!! Unity♥️♥️♥️
Racist stuff ftom a black guy?? Cmon Desean – dude, you should know better.
I lived in Africa for ten years (Angola). I heard racists comments from black Africans so many times, against whites, mulatos, chinese people.
Why is no station reporting of Armed Black Militia marching on the streets of Georgia?
Because it was a fake cia/government psyop.
Who else just went straight to the comment section
Me. I do not care what Don Lemon says.
How about Jewish White nationalist Steven Miller, sure I found him.
Don Lemon Tough on Blacks – Adressing Black on Black Crime (CNN 2013)
Now thats a real gamer right there
I went straight to the dislike button for Don Lemon
Their ear to dicipline
They shall spend their days in prosperity
Mitchell seems like a great guy.
“Black lives matter is not about all black lives” -Don Lemon
Robert Harris Him*
@My Hero Academia I said her!
@Robert Harris like what?
Dom the queen lemon
@Michael Wilson based comment
Blown away by what seems to me…..Don, not being more active in this conversation as he has been with blm
The federal government is completely owned by AIPAC
Prometheus that is one of the many false conspiracy theories toward Jews
Well it was only a clip. A 3 and a half minute clip. He may have interviewed him longer. I’m not sure. Video clip just ends
Wait I’m missing it what did he say
He didn’t say anything. He just tweeted a passage who quoted Hitler. Looking at the passage real close, I don’t see anything antisemitic about that passage .
The talmud says Jesus is burning in hell symbol of love is reffed to as a lier and worse…
Must be nice to be ignorant
@Talk Smoke how is it ignorant if thats whats in the talmud? Are you now calling talmudic Judaism ignorant?
1 thessalonians chapter 2: 14-15
Imagine if the media used their powers for good rather than for evil…
It’s despicable. As Black people we know how awful discrimination is; we know better than this. So sorry to the Jewish community. We don’t all feel this way.
@Rain The African origins of man hypothesis has been debunked for a very long time. lol. Inform yourself. Two fossils of hominids which had human-like teeth have been found in Bulgaria and Greece, dating to 7.2 million years ago. The discovery of these hominids, named Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco’ by scientists, proves that human ancestors were already starting to evolve in Europe 200,000 years before the earliest African hominid. So all people come from the caves of Europe and not the trees of Africa.
Don Lemon Tough on Blacks – Adressing Black on Black Crime (CNN 2013)
American blacks need to stand in solidarity with Palestine.
@NB Sorry but I don’t believe anything so called white people come up with. These are the same people that said that God, Jesus, the angels and the Israelites were pink only a fool would believe any of their theories (best guess).
If CNN can cover Desean Jackson’s post with videos than they can with Ghislaine Maxwell. Showing your true colors CNN!
CNN is owned by Zionist duelcitizens of Israel
So he’s saying that the Jewish community stands with the BLM Movement? Or should I say Marxist Movement?