Jerry Stiller dies at 92. Look back at his life and career

Actor and comedian Jerry Stiller has died of natural causes according to a tweet from his son, actor Ben Stiller. He was 92.
#CNN #News #usnews #entertainment #happeningnow #newdaywithalisyncamerotaandchriscuomo


  1. I’ve been binge watching Seinfeld during this whole pandemic. RIP Jerry, thanks for all the laughs!

    1. “Tranquility NOW” 😂😂 only *He* could have played Mr. Contanaza…R.i.p. Mr. Stiller

  2. In honor of Jerry:

  3. He was the main reason I watched Seinfeld and King of Queens. Always stole the scene. R.I.P Mr Stiller. #Legend

    1. My daughter calls me Arthur Spooner, my grandkids love me. I’ll take that compliment(?). Yeah it’s a compliment .

  4. A true legend. He’s gone to the big Festivus celebration in the sky and finally gets his serenity now.

    1. OMG now Jerry won’t be able to vote for Bernie like he wanted 😣😣😔 we should vote for Bernie in his legacy

    1. @Uncle Ed Trump is all washed up now, he’s starting to looks like a spoiled old ham. He actually believes that people think his spray on tan is real. Fkg orange turd!

  5. One of the great comic actors. And, in his younger years, a hilarious stand-up comedian in league with his late wife, Anne Meara.

    1. Back when I was a kid I had a bit of a crush on Anne, and an even bigger one on Elaine May.

    1. My son and I watch it. It’s his favorite show and he was born after it went off the air. Jerry was one of our favs. And was our favorite on KOQ

    1. Yes, he is funnier as Arthur Spooner, but the faux highbrow people @CNN want to talk about Seinfeld because of it’s New York ties. Stop!!! Being so pretentious!

    2. @NickI know, Queens is my favorite show, I can recite every line. It was Seinfeld, but now it is my #2. I was just protecting and standing up for my show, as it doesn’t get enough respect.
      I always protect my own.

    1. Mot Doai You’re a spammer. No one wants to see your linked video. Please stick to the topic. Otherwise I might report you to YT for spamming.

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