Labour Party leaderJeremy Corbyn announced that he will not lead his party into the next election. Corbyn spoke after winning his seat in the UK election. Corbyn's Labour party has suffered a disappointing night of results and exit polls project heavy losses.
#UKElections #CNN #News
At least Boris can brag about winning the popular vote.
liar fighter London for the sea, ASAP
At least democrats can brag about winning it and still having to bow to conservatives.

Ok. Trump didn’t campaign to win the popular vote. Electoral College is what matters.
Bovine One Yeah, he was right.
Is that big bird behide him
Nah, that’s time traveler Jeff Daniels from the set of Dumb and Dumber.
If you want to see a fantastic line up of candidates then watch Boris Johnson’s speech
even Ellmo got 8 votes
check oout the full list but don’t laugh
What’s De Blasio doing there?
@James Hart American history X is amazing. Only the end sucks when they turn him into a race traitor
Just maybe it is time for a Labour leader to run on abolishing distorted misrepresentation. Either that or just give up on pretending to have principles or to care about democracy.
Ashley Paulsen They can’t accept that people don’t share their socialist, open border views.
Can’t fathom why, socialism a terrible concept that’s proven not to work, and open borders are a no brainer.
They just can’t cope. Await safe space centres opening across labour held constituencies
W W these types of people are extremely brainwashed. I live in Sweden ( though I’m Californian ) and I can see it clear as day. They do extraordinary mental gymnastics in the name of political correctness and so called equality. They ignore every glaring fact in order to serve an agenda. They even threw away ballots for Swedish democrats here because they were “racist” voters. It’s unbelievable. Eroding democracy everywhere I see.
Ashley Paulsen They’ve been getting away with it for too long, obviously the public in the West are growing up a little and have seen through their crap.
It’s an exciting time to be alive, we’re getting to see their type dismantled, but will have to endure their remainders whining on a little longer until the truly “woke” message spreads and replaces their perverted version of the term.
The UK will leave the EU empire and the sky won’t fall. Other nations will follow
max smart Believe me, you’ll like being with us! We’re allowed to have guns here and you’ll LOVE Texas steakhouse!
They all got a ribbon for coming second. Congratulations!
KS Poland leaving the EU? Lol you’d starve to death within months. U forgot These EU countries fund you
@Big Draco Theyd survive on apples, they got plenty of apples in Poland
Thats how commies roll
BUMBLE BEES are getting larger
Trump win. Brexit wins. Tories win. YOU MAN BABY LIBERALS LOSE
when your customized character appears in a cutscene
Haha so true.
Nice joke! Did you read the script too?
UK is a fag country
US Anchors: …. so what is happening here? Who is this guy? Hey British guy, what do you think?
@Steve Morris I’ll drink to that
He’s a member of the loony left who, in their youth, were Margaret Thatcher’s greatest asset.
Us anchors to Corbyn – Who are you?
@Steve Morris Terrorist? You mean brave & honorable hero loved by all men and women of honor
“I wonder why does ev’rybody look at me
And then begin to talk about a Christmas tree?
I hope that means that ev’ryone is glad to see
The lady in the tutti-frutti hat
The gentlemen, they want to make me say, “S, s”
But I don’t tell them that, I tell them, “Yes, sir-ee!”
And maybe that is why they come for dates to me
The lady in the tutti-frutti hat
Some people say I dress too gay
But ev’ry day, I feel so gay
And when I’m gay, I dress that way
Is something wrong with that?
Americanos tell me that my hat is high
Because I will not take it off to kiss a guy
But if I ever start to take it off, ay, ay!
Ay, ay!
I do that once for Johnny Smith
And he is very happy with
The lady in the tutti-frutti hat”
But he was “winning” in October.
A familiar pattern, no?
Uncle Sam’s None of us here are “enlightened”, if this is enlightened then what’s the fucking point
look at the state of some of the comments, dire.
@W W how is one to to decipher a vague implication? You have to make a assumption of what that vauge implication was. If your wrong you apologize. No you shouldn’t in general make assumptions, but in those cases what are you to do? Listen youtube… this is where the information war happens. When you have things to fight for, fervor is there. So yeah boi the guns out

. Anyways wish you the best, few things I feel people can’t truly come together on!
CNN are experts at polls…..Especially Don Lemon, Fredo, and Anderson Cooper. They put one up their butts every broadcast.
@Gooey 911 im bi (lean hetero) and i find that hilarious, LOL. You might have been trying to be homophobic don’t even care.
Uncle Sam’s I understand your passion, but one must admit defeat when it’s clear. Something the left have struggled with for the last 3 years at least, and it carries on here via their supporters evidently.
It’s time for politics and supporters to grow up, get a grip, and realise we’re all in this together ultimately.
P.s Saying ‘He still thinks…’ on a video entitled ‘Jeremy Corbyn….’ is hardly vague pal
maybe so if you’re seeing it through a red mist 
Sad day for the Conservatives. How will they ever find a better punching bag than Jeremy Corbyn

Abhishek Mhatre lol true, but another leftist moron will surely rise to the occasion
Diane ‘two left feet’ Abbott
damn i miss jeb bush
Abhishek Mhatre we can beg Corbyn to stay
hes the gift that keeps on giving

Well some unlike you are married and conservatives are notorious for using their wives as punching bags, so there’s that
“We did not descend into the gutter” the two guys to his left and right seemed to disagree with him.
Martin Charles Pitt-Bradley The guy that didn’t get elected making fun of the guy that did. lol
@stubones yep, they are the Democrats of the uk. Fucking retards.
This guy is a hardcore islamist apologist and socialist. He would be a disaster for the uk or any western nation
even after getting a good whipping he still doesn’t get it
Idiot! He made Johnsons victory complete
That guy at the back in yellow, I swear he’s on Crack. That, or Meth.. That smile & that outfit… You gotta be..

UNSC INFINITY Well, he’s Scottish so…
the guy with the glasses tho, for every word Jeremy spoke, he has a reaction to it lol
so sad to see him go he has done so much for the conservative party
LOL…..jihadi jeremy
Russia’s fault or Trump’s fault? Please let us know CNN!
Believe me they tried but even they couldn’t sell it to their brainwashed followers that the big bad Russians told Trump to get rid of a commie…I’m sure they put that in spin mode for a very long time.
Is it trumpists goal to deny Russian interference in Western democracies? You gladly do Putin’s work
@Garry Miller no idiots like you and CNN gladly do Putin’s work they count on idiots like you who have never been concerned about Russia until 2016 to promulgate your Russia narrative.
Russia is a third rate country who has a crumbling economy and is no real threat to America by any means they have been interfering in American elections for the past 70 years just as we do all around the world
@Austin Giguere I would agree with you except………….Russia has Nuclear Bombs!
@Garry Miller Keep peddling that sorry loser narrative.Shows us how weak our opponents really are.TRUMP U.S.A!!
Nadler woke up from the hearings for a whole 34 seconds. Stay tuned for updates.
Goodbye Jeremy corbyn LOL