MSNBC national security analyst Jeremy Bash highlights the extent of the cyber-attack on several U.S. federal agencies. Aired on 12/18/2020.
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#JeremyBash #CyberAttack #MSNBC
Jeremy Bash: The Russian Data Breach Could Be The Largest Cyber-Attack On Our Government | Deadline
I don’t think the public understands the scope and depth of this breach.
@Richard Raven Because it’s not “websites”.
@A A Yeah..I wonder…
@Ozner Riznick we act like we can’t do any wrong and would never hack another nation.
They don’t most Americans are un. Edacated . .
I sure don’t really understand what this means. How will this effect the country and my family? Will there be a war? Is this a war? Should i learn russian or chinese (probably should have been learning a second language)?
It will be all too late to find out that this man is really a russian spy deliberately destroying the country from within, Putin could not have asked for a better atomic bomb, WTFU! America – what do you think would happen when you let a lame duck president make moves at the top of the pentagon a few months before he leaves office, unfu..believable
Manchurian candidate.
@Nothing At all You honestly think Trump the person who’s drone strikes saw a four times increase in Civilian causalities over the last year is some type of dove?
Republicans really are brain dead.
@Drake Fire no I’m just saying he’s not a war monger like obama and bush. He increased the size and capabilities of our military while refraing from engaging in any new military conflicts. That’s pretty cool and honestly we shouldn’t have given that up so easily.
@Nothing At all Yeah, no. If that were really the case, you’d also be praising Obama, as he also started no new wars.
But nope.
@Drake Fire uh 2011? Lybia? Don’t remember? Also how exactly is that a “yeah, no” it’s true lmao. Is there a war going on I never heard about? I mean it’s not that unlikely I guess, you forgot about lybia after-all.
Reminder: Donald Trump’s presidential immunity expires on January 20th, 2021, at 12pm Eastern Time.
Can’t wait for that day to arrive!
Yoh wow
He is not immune if he is part of the threat to america .. this man needs to be removed .. I believe he is,a threat to America
I hope someone really stands up to this orange moron and whom ever they are… Will be my hero!!
Just curious bones spurs went awalll who would have figured
Donald’s medical educational phycological and financial records are sealed.
But trust him… he has the back of the Average Joe and Jane in the US
who he has So Much in common with..
Close….. awol. Away WithOut Leave. AWOL.
@Mimi 78 wow, just like sniffing Joe’s broken leg.
Dude, whem you owe over $900,000,000 without any way of paying it back to mafia, would you choose:
A) Cash
B) body parts
C) data
Exactly what I saying here in Australia, and the Mafia don’t play .
@Jon Kuiper dude the other day Putin sent his msg
Fallen from grace, just like Rome. You failed to stop him become president, now you reap what you sow.
-A Londoner
A Londoner is quite right. All of us in America are reaping what some of us sowed.
This has been an unacknowledged Political Coup from day one. The Oval Office should not be a safe haven for a known traitor and psychopathic liar. Insane he’s still there! They want a civil war.
This is what the POS Biden brings..Our enemies knows Biden is weak and corrupt
yeah I don’t know dude I wouldn’t take advice from a country that can’t pay their own defense budget
a American
@mdtdbe I was furiously against Trump, but there are Trump Zombies, manufactured by Terrorist organization of FOXNEWS and Murdoch Family.
Trump did nothing when Russia put bounties on our soldiers. What makes you think he’ll do something now?
@Guided Meditation You mean the thing that didn’t happen? I know you Republicans like to ignore reality, but the rest of us don’t.
And I love you call something reported on by the military times as a DNC “talking point”.
@Baji Mantis
Yes, there is proof.
And what we should do is put so many screws back into their economy that they can’t pull this stunt again.
Screws Trump removed, by the way.
@Baji Mantis we are already at war with Russia, or did you forget Syria and Yemen?
Inside job.
Putin: “Donald, I want you to hand these USB drives out as gifts at the end of meetings, tell them it’s White House souvenir”
As usual the important stuff drops on or close to the weekend. This is f****kin unbelievable. How much can America really take.?
@David Grant To me this is more important than the money rght now. We don’t have a clue what awaits us. Stay Safe and Stay Blessed.
Well, when your own president and his followers work with these people. It’s hard to fight them off. Passwords were all probably changed to Maga2020
You guys been screaming Russia collusion for years. And Democrats didn’t see it coming. To busy with election fraud. You should be worried about Your president in bed with China. You remember the people who brought us covid19.
Bidens got millions from Moscow. Follow the money.
@Slave to The grinde ????…you are acting like a democrat is potus right now….this happened under the Trump presidency, he should have seen it coming.
What do you expect when someone can guess the presidents password to his twitter account …maga2020 lol
I’m willing to bet my right arm that TRUMP knew about that cyber attack before it happened!!!!!!
I’d bet you’re right!
I bet it was meant to change biden votes to TRUMP
Without doubt
Really? Would you bet both arms? I’ll take that bet.
You guys ready for martial law!? Bet joe biden and the rest of the DNC isnt. Why do you think trump dumped his whole white house staff. He knew there was leaks. The distraction is to say its the russians. Blame Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia. Want to be trump uses this to implicate treason on officials. Stand buy, Biden isnt in office yet.
Why can’t that say the Russians were given access? Someone gave them that back door.
@Sterling Lowery They found the ones that the chinese spys marked while they worked for swalwell and feinstein. We will refer to the back door as the “democrat entrance” for future clarification.
@DarthSailorMoon is all of this fake news?
Is Bash one of the 52 intelligence officers that signed a letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation? This blame Russia theme from the left sure seems to come at times when Democrats need cover or a scapegoat for something else going on. This smells a lot more like China’s doing or a wag-the-dog operation distract Americans. Or worse, laying the foundation for some new govt oversight in cyber space and ripping away more of our freedoms and privacy to “protect” us.
Trump did for debt relief
Awol, describes the las 4 years
That happens when a leader sleeps with the country’s adversaries. Someone in your country slept with a KGB agent.
Trump own by Putin and Moscow mafia 400 000 000$ in Dolche Bank
Whenever the chips are down, where is he? AWOL
Someone needs to check the bunker bathroom.
t’rump supporters: “We’re the party of national security!”

Trump supporters=gullible patriot wannabees.
@juan vicks It’s more efficient just to call them traitors.
It was most likely China.
This neocon’s media acts like we don’t do the same to other countries, please give me a break.
*The election early voting in Georgia is going quite well for Democrats Ossoff and Warnock! Keep it up Georgia! America needs you! Georgia needs you! Vote!*
If Georgia secures Democrates having control of the Senate, it will become my favorite state.
When lying on national security clearance application starts with the oval office squatter’s son inlaw?