Jeremy Bash: Speaking Of Turkey Pardons, Flynn, Stone Could Be Next | Deadline | MSNBC

MSNBC national security analyst Jeremy Bash predicts what Trump will do in his final months, including the likelihood that he will pardon his close allies Rodger Stone and Michael Flynn Aired on 11/24/2020.
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Jeremy Bash: Speaking Of Turkey Pardons, Flynn, Stone Could Be Next | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. @Jerry PEAL Yup! You are right! And the result of a bowel is the rethuglican party, otherwise known as ….! You fill in the blank! ROTFLMBAO!

  1. Yeah if Trump doesn’t pardon himself he’s got Senator Scott and Governor DeSantis his dewboys to Pardon him

    1. Nahhh! The Southern District of New York DA just keep opening and exposing the baby-carrots scams, that’s good enough to make him squirm 😛

  2. Bush and Barr pardoned all the Iran Contra criminals who were found guilty for selling out our country on their way out the door. My bet is it will be a pardon-fest like we’ve never seen before. Trump will try to shield his whole family…but Tish and Cy have other plans. That is the reason the Trumps’ bolted New York and scattered to Florida like rats exposed in the light.

    1. cool thing about pardons, is if one is given to a “co-conspirator” it can be vacated by a Federal Judge… so guess a few folks will be having a revocation of their pardons.

    1. @deez1 nutz1
      Of course it’s very important to have intelligent smart government to run the country and not a bunch of idiots crooked thievies families and cronies linning their pockets and siphoning the tax payers money.

  3. You need a caretaker government during transition. We have that here in Australia. Government goes into action only if there is a threat to country.

    1. U obviously dont watch or research much… smart , Biden is not, he actually cheated in college and finished last in class… hes a crook along with his dishonorably discharged crooked son.. u people r gullable

    1. It’s like we are saying that the president is above the law in the way he can go over a judge’s head to pardon someone.

    2. Plus it gives some the impression that they can get away with anything if they know the president will just pardon them after they commit the crime

  4. “What if I name one of the turkeys t’rump?”
    “Sorry sir, again that doesn’t mean you’re pardoned.”
    “Now now….someone call the make up person. His bronzer is streaking again!”

  5. Republicans lost all the credibility to criticize Biden Administration in future. They succumbed to Insanity of Trump.

  6. When you been on the map for the count of ten you lose no one’s going to give you 20 tens all you got you lose

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