Jeffries: Wouldn’t Be Shocked If GOP Put Marjorie Taylor Greene On Jan. 6 Committee

“It wouldn’t shock me if he chose Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert,” says Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, discussing the Jan. 6 select committee. “It’s not my expectation given Kevin McCarthy’s past practice that he will do anything other than bend the knee to Donald Trump.”
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#MSNBC #MarjorieTaylorGreene #CapitolInsurrection

Jeffries: Wouldn’t Be Shocked If GOP Put Marjorie Taylor Greene On Jan. 6 Committee


    1. @Tyeler Nowell yeah no not really. You are wrong on so many levels.
      Israeli was not the aggressor in this last situation in the contrary Israeli has been giving in to Palestine for years. Your example with mormons is irrelevant because that is not at all what Israel is doing.
      Also as a leader no she cant not just be making things up about americans. White americans are not treating any other americans badly. We are all getting screwed by the government the same government you most likely voted for. So how about tou stop blaming cops and white people for what your authoritarian government does. Her rhetoric encourages unjustified violence onto white Americans.
      Lets not forget some of the groups she supports has called for pretty much the extermination of jews around the world.

    2. @The Tweatles That what the constitution says WE THE PEOPLE unlike republcklans”good people”white supremacy groups their base

    3. @Lena Strope Strope Idiots aren’t going to help anyone figure out anything. Can you name any great accomplishments of idiots in all of history?

    1. @The Tweatles if only your sneaking feeling came with Venmo receipts and corroborating witnesses

    1. @My Pillow Guy Liz Cheney to as well possibly Dan Crenshaw.
      He went on air & was attempting to stop the rioting from continuing.

    2. Yeah…I wanna see Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert on the committee. I wanna see The Three Stooges in action! Larry, Moe and Curly! I wanna see three fools, humiliated and destroyed by FACTS.

    3. @Reginald q Didn’t work in the two impeachment trials. The FACTS where clearly given, but still the repugrats would not convict, their dear leader.
      There should be a totally INDEPENDENT outside, non bias committee, looking into what happened, who funded it, how the idea was raised etc. Period

  1. Republicans would rather play politics than take what happened on Jan 6th seriously. Party over country every time.

    1. Yeah…I wanna see Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert on the committee. I wanna see The Three Stooges in action! Larry, Moe and Curly! I wanna see three fools, humiliated and destroyed by FACTS.

    1. @Annette Peels Bi partisan?what does that even mean?🤣🤣.Such BS especially since you just excluded half of America you don’t agree with.🤣🤣

    2. Like asking members of the Manson family to help police investigate the Tate–LaBianca killings.

    3. @humbugs100 LOL First you’d have to explain to her what “truth” means and that it doesn’t mean whatever she, personally, wants it to mean. 🙂

  2. Kevin “I don’t know anything and never will know anything” McCarthy

    1. Hey, Fannone my own family disowned me cause I yelled familial molestation yet not one siblings support my efforts at healing it…

  3. Don’t allow Marjorie green on January 6 commission. She should be investigated for possibly being involved with the insurrectionist.


    2. @Evelyn Murphy that’s why an investigation is over due. We need to discover all these illegal actions.

      This investigation should clear the innocent, but manifest the actions of the guilty!

    3. @Evelyn Murphy it was justice Thomas wife who arranged for some busses to bring the terrorists to Washington. She belongs there n prison. She was involved in the s a conspiracy to overthrow our government.

    4. @Qahir Makhani Yeah…I wanna see Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert on the committee. I wanna see The Three Stooges in action! Larry, Moe and Curly! I wanna see three fools, humiliated and destroyed by FACTS.

    1. @Brenda Bear ya well I don’t want biden 8 years eather I would rather have taylor marjorie greene for president

    2. @Rinny Bairs Well, it makes sense that one of her supporters doesn’t know how to spell “either.”

    3. She has said so much crap till she can’t see the swamp she’s back peddling in.

    4. @Rinny Bairs Did you just create *Joined Jun 13, 2021* that account to post this stupid message? Or should I assume with your lack of English spelling skills that this account is a foreign troll account. (I already know the answer.)

  4. Can’t the Democrats go it entirely alone? Either way the GOP will cry foul, so why put up with barriers? Hold your spines straight, Dems!! Fight back!

  5. Quit involving the people who were involved in it!! They need to be investigated for their involvement!! Republikkkons are criminals and cannot be taken seriously!!

    1. @William Yahwehson maybe you’re right… Let’s get you over to a KKK rally and you call everyone there a democrat…. Maybe they’ll all cheer… I kinda doubt it though…. Whatever happens I wanna film you do it 😉

    1. Exactly!! Only put republicans on the committee who voted FOR the original bill that would have set up the Insurrection Investigative Committee!!!!

  6. No Republicans should be on the committee, they voted no to it. Not to mention that they are complicit in Jan 6th.

    1. Not only that Linda , I bet the house a lot of them played a role in assisting in the insurrection and that is why they don’t want the investigation.

    2. @Kevin Halacy It’s a house committee, not a Senate committee. Romney is a Senator. Plus, Nancy Pelosi runs the house so she will decide who is on the committee!! And it will be house members of congress who are lawyer’s most likely – AND DEFINITELY NOT ANY QANON QUACKS OR TRAITORS LIKE MTG.

    3. Pelosi should have Republican members on this committee. But they should be moderate (yea I know) members, like Schwarzenegger and condeliza Rice.

  7. You’re not alone Officer Fanone. The American people appreciate your service and what you went through.🇺🇸😎✌

    1. Officer Fanone, you have the support of all sane Americans and the majority of people worldwide. Thank you from the UK.

  8. The GOP has already proven that they are incapable of taking this attempted coup seriously. Their only goal would be to obstruct and obfuscate. LEAVE THEM OFF.

  9. Why should she talk to him. Their intent is crystal clear: they will obstruct everything that Democrats propose. Fukkem.

  10. If there is a committee, they should have each and every Capitol police officer who was injured testify to the committee no matter how long that takes and it should be televised. I’d like too see the GQP talk around them or try to pass it off……. for the public to see.

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