Jeffrey Epstein pleads not guilty to sex trafficking of minors

Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed a criminal indictment charging multi-millionaire Jeffrey Epstein with having operated a sex trafficking ring in which he sexually abused dozens of underage girls, allegations that have circulated around the politically connected businessman for years. #CNN #News

Jeffrey Epstein pleads not guilty to sex trafficking of minors


  1. HA! my guy got caught red handed a SECOND TIME, If you catch the devil do not let him go for catching him a second time will be near impossible.
    Seriously though, money cant fix this I hope he gets put away.

    1. @Hawkzblade Trump called Epstein and Clinton out in 2015 ,you tube deleted it but you can find it on bichute

    2. @elijah mikle correction, proving crime isn’t hard. It takes time to put things together “but” it isn’t hard. Some attorneys ask for more money to make them move. Sometimes, it’s not what they love to do, it’s the money they can bribe their way through. I spoke to a so called attorney and ask how much would he charge. He had a price for a flight over seas included and money on the side for a follow-up trip. I represented myself for less than $100 and didn’t need to travel. I’ve had my fill of money hungry hippo attorneys, so, I chose to represent myself without the extravagant charges. People if it sounds too expensive, represent your own self. We can start pushing out these overly priced attorneys. If, you need more time to collect evidence ask the judge for more time before your case is up for a hearing.

    1. ilovepork and chicken : Alex Acosta is a CRIMINAL, who was meant to prosecute this case, and instead, he conspired, BREAKING THE LAW, to get Epstein back on the street. He withheld the deal, ILLEGALLY, from the victims. Now, this Pedophile Sex-Trafficking Enabler is in Trump’s Cabinet . . . WTF, America!?

    2. @Dave Schultz
      If thats the case and the argument from Trump supporter’s is the Democrats are responsible, is that why Trump changed to Republican?🤔😉

  2. This shows how theres two different justice systems one for the elite and the burdern on the rest

    1. @Lone Star Patriot sure man can you imagine the health risk for women and children since epstine and trump are neibors

    2. @Gary Davidson trump has always surrounded himself with beautiful women, Epstein has surrounded himself with children and politicians. Trump had to remove Epstein from his golf course, permanently. Trump was also the only rich and powerful man to offer a disposition against Epstein, to federal and state authorities.

    3. @Lone Star Patriot there both rapist and trump apointed the man who covered it up to oversea childtrafing does that make since to you

  3. Whoever the judge(s) are, they will probably fold to political pressure…they will be threatened by the powers at be because of the powerful men who have connections to this man…Can you imagine if all of the powerful men who would be exposed??? Man, I would pay to see that!!! Ken Starr is on the defense team…he went after Bill Clinton for sexual harassment like a mad dog, but now….he is defending a child sex trafficking…WOW, what a guy!!!!

    1. Child sex trafficking is a little strong for statutory and not tender age. My great grandmother has only be dead since 2001. And when she was born all of those girls would have been the of age of consent which was 10-12. I lost my virginity at 15 to someone California(1 of only 8 states to require 18) legal statue says raped me. I would never say that and I never did. In even my pre teens I believed The willing cannot be denied. And I was definitely willing despite my sheltered adolescents.

      My point is outrage should be accordingly proportionally and properly.. Not throwing around words and terms willy nilly and speaking out of term. I don’t know hardly anybody in my 48 years on earth, past or present who cannot or could have invoke statue, whereby sending somebody to the sex offender list.

    2. Just for the record: Ken Starr went after Clinton on bullshit charges related to the Whitewater land deal. When it became obvious Ken Starr was on a failed fishing expedition he switched the charges to Bill Clinton not wanting to tell the truth about a blowjob. America didn’t buy it.

      Just to keep the record accurate, if you don’t mind.

    1. Forest9924 “I had no sexual relationships with that woman” 😂 we see how that one turned out

  4. At least now we know why all those underage girls captured at the border vanished without a trace.

    1. @mati261000 the national review as well as Ann coulter have wrote articles on trump and Epstein. Both are conservative sources In case you are wondering…

    2. unpaid troll : Alex Acosta is a CRIMINAL, who was meant to prosecute this case, and instead, he conspired, BREAKING THE LAW, to get Epstein back on the street. He withheld the deal, ILLEGALLY, from the victims. Now, this Pedophile Sex-Trafficking Enabler is in Trump’s Cabinet . . . WTF, America!?

  5. If indeed Epstein decides to give state’s evidence and he involves the rich and powerful, a 24 hour body guard may not be enough.

    1. Oh Bill, you’re NEXT on the list. 27 private plane trips on Epstein’s plane to Esptein’s private island and you told your Secret Service men to stay home.. Oh Bill, Law of Attraction is coming for you..

    2. Especially if he rats out Bill Clinton…….Anyone in the past who had dirt on the clintons ended up dead

  6. If we’re holding R. Kelly accountable (and he *NEEDS* to be held accountable)…this pervert needs to be held accountable as well.

    1. Kellie Hickman : Alex Acosta is a CRIMINAL, who was meant to prosecute this case, and instead, he conspired, BREAKING THE LAW, to get Epstein back on the street. He withheld the deal, ILLEGALLY, from the victims. Now, this Pedophile Sex-Trafficking Enabler is in Trump’s Cabinet . . . WTF, America!?

    2. Not a darn thing will happen to these rich WHITE men!!! Only black offenders are held accountable. Heck even the “creator” of the Metoo hashtag said it is not her job to call out WHITE men!!!! #whiteprivilege


    1. T Boned Hopefully Trump will come to justice as well for raping at least one 13 year old at Epstein’s NY mansion.

    2. Katwil89, you are such a dumb twat it’s ridiculous. Who do you think is the one declaring war on these perverts? Why do you liberals are so threatened by Trump and constantly lie and smash him? Oh because CNN said he’s bad that’s right all credible CNN said so.. You are in for a rude awaking

    3. @SED please stop. Pedophiles don’t choose a party, they’re monsters. Evidence points to Clinton AND Trump, along with many wealthy and powerful people. Your foolish tribalism is less important than justice for these children.


    1. They don’t protect victims, they only protect their own… last director went there to perv out and his BFF the other director is also a pedo perv.

    2. @HAND BANANNA if you are a conservative, and want conservative sources for this , google ” *Trump Epstein national review or Anne coulter*

    1. @Grey Area Bill raped young girls libtard?,you on the hamster wheel because you know who this connects too

    2. Steph Thompson : Alex Acosta is a CRIMINAL, who was meant to prosecute this case, and instead, he conspired, BREAKING THE LAW, to get Epstein back on the street. He withheld the deal, ILLEGALLY, from the victims. Now, this Pedophile Sex-Trafficking Enabler is in Trump’s Cabinet . . . WTF, America!?

    3. Steph Thompson : We hope they get the Clintons AND the Trumps, just to see the dumb look on your Trump Troll faces, when you find out we REALLY don’t CARE 😁

    1. Unlike Alexander Acosta who was given the Secretary of Labor job by Trump as payment for letting Epstein off.

  9. This is the sort of thing that gets mockingly dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” by mainstream media outlets, and now look . . . .

    1. One Ten Thousandth : Alex Acosta is a CRIMINAL, who was meant to prosecute this case, and instead, he conspired, BREAKING THE LAW, to get Epstein back on the street. He withheld the deal, ILLEGALLY, from the victims. Now, this Pedophile Sex-Trafficking Enabler is in Trump’s Cabinet . . . WTF, America!?

  10. It doesn’t matter who gets taken down with Epstein. Garbage is garbage, regardless where it hides.

  11. This is not and should not be a two sided political debate. Everyone who is involved in the acts as well as everyone who was aware and covered it up should be immediately arrested and put in prison for life!

  12. Dam pizzagate was real remember when every news station said it was a conspiracy don’t forget about Obama he had ties to eipstien all these politicians on The left and right are shitting briks rn so sad 😂😂

    1. @Ash Roskell Bill Clinton flew to his private island 26 times. Democrats have been sweeping Epstein under the rug for decades. Your side has absolutely no moral high ground so get off your high horse.

    2. @Ash Roskell Wtf dude? Trump banned Epstein back in 2009. Clinton is the one that’s been fucking kids man.

    3. Ian Trimbath how did trump ban Epstein? Banned him from what? This pervert has way more money than trumpy

    4. @Eric S he banned him from all his resorts, but you know how the media works these days. They will only talk about what trump said about him before 2009. Have to do anything they can to involve trump so people forget about democrats involvement with Epstein.

    1. Why you think they banned him off every platform. Next years news today infowars ftw.

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