Jay Inslee: ‘We Can’t Have This Partisan Divide On Masks’ | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Washington Governor Jay Inslee (D) joins Andrea Mitchell, calling for greater leadership from the White House on the coronavirus response, particularly on the issue of mask usage, saying that "we can't have this partisan divide on masks," as the country struggles with new surges. Gov. Inslee, who made fighting climate change a centerpiece of his presidential campaign, also praised Joe Biden's new $2 trillion climate plan that includes investments in clean jobs and clean energy, saying "I think he has hit it out of the park on this plan." Aired on 07/14/2020.
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Jay Inslee: 'We Can't Have This Partisan Divide On Masks' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Jay Inslee: 'We Can't Have This Partisan Divide On Masks' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


  1. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that by using face mask, social distancing, using disinfectant, and washing your hands with soap and warm water can reduce the spreading of coronavirus disease.

    1. I agree with everything but the in-effective mask! N95 masks may work, but, these cloth bandanas & surgical masks are a joke, they are like strapping a GERM Infested diaper on your face for hours! Do the health care workers wear the same surgical mask for hours? NO THEY DON”T! Does anyone study the effects of wearing a Germ Infested diaper on your face? Isn’t this moist, humid environment ensure that if you pass airborne CV19 microscopic molecules, they will get trapped in the filth and will definitely be breathed in? Is there any study about touching this disgustingly dirty mask , that you get Cv19 all over your hands and spread this disease around on anything we touch? Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% death rate of the high risk people and there is nothing we can do about it!

    2. We be doing this Since we were kids ,first Rule after playing all day in the Park..
      We need the CDC.. for this..
      How about Telling the Truth.. and you may get Cooperation

    1. *What is it about totalitarianism that so appeals to Democrats?*

      Why do they hate the concept of individual freedom?

      In the 20ith century the world has seen despots Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. etc. etc. murder millions of their own people
      in the name of totalitarian government and dictatorship.

      Yet today’s Democrats see nothing wrong with totalitarianism and indeed seek to impose a one party dictatorship on the United States.

      Why do so called Liberals support a Democrat Party that aggressively subverts the basis for democracy – the voting process?

      Democrats use the executive bureaucracy to suppress opposition political activity.

      Democrats regularly violate and subvert the voting process with impunity.

      Democrats regularly selectively enforce the law to punish opponents while excusing their own.

      All this is done in the name of Power.

      Are they all so delusional they believe they will each be supreme dictator
      – or at least they will each have some small piece of totalitarian government under their control?

      What do they feel will happen to them if they disagree with their dictator in chief – or do they actually believe they could never so disagree?

      Why are truth and evidence so irrelevant to “progressives”?

      Is it because their goal of total power and control is so deeply felt that any means that advances it is acceptable?

      If there is one thing “progressives” regularly demonstrate it is their deep emotional hatred of anyone they perceive disagrees with them.

      Clearly their hatred of Christians – even Christian Democrats – is an example.

      Yet curiously they have few if any issues with Islam – one of most totalitarian belief systems in human history.

      Could progressivism/fanaticism possibly be a neurological problem?

    1. @Pam Deshane I am safe, I stay 7 ft away I live in rural area and always wash hands after going out in public

    2. @Tony Smith well clearly you haven’t watched the video, you should, it has all the scientific proof needed

  2. Businesses are not democracies. They have the right to demand all clients ware masks to protect their patrons for public safety. People do not have liberty claims of freedom when entering a private business to access the goods or services offered by those commercial entities.

    1. MASKS? MASKS? N95 masks may work, but, these cloth bandanas & surgical masks are a joke, they are like strapping a GERM Infested diaper on your face for hours! Do the health care workers wear the same surgical mask for hours? NO THEY DON”T! Does anyone study the effects of wearing a Germ Infested diaper on your face? Isn’t this moist, himud environment ensure that if you pass airborne CV19 microscopic molecules, they will get trapped in the filth and will definitely be breathed in? Is there any study about touching this disgustingly dirty mask , that you get Cv19 all over your hands and spread this disease around on anything we touch? Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% death rate of the high risk people and there is nothing we can do about it!

    2. So, only businesses can dictate what can and cannot be done with their businesses? Wow!!! Does that mean I can open my bar and let people smoke in it? Without the Nazis shutting me down and hauling me off to prison?

      You inbreeding cultists make me giggle

    3. mask wearer comes in touches his mask, touches things in your business and BOOM spread, It is inevitable!

    4. @Pam Deshane Except that the epidemiology shows that not to be the case. The actual case studies don’t care what you think is happening, they show that masks reduce the spread of the virus, and there is no indication of any adverse health effects. And your 0.02% death rate is simply wrong, not to mention that it ignores the horrible long-term health effects that haunt people who have survived this disease.

    5. @Gordon Brooks Stop this democratic fear mongering! Arizona: population 7.3 Million. 2339 supposed Cv19 deaths and 128,000 supposed “CASES”, So, Death rate per cases = 1.82% way below the 4.3% national average. 2339 dead in 7.3 mil = 0.032% of population dying from Cv19. How many will die due to more LOCK DOWNS? This will be worse than these numbers . GET WOKE!

  3. Trump was warned about this possible pandemic as far back as January and he did NOTHING! What a disgrace he is to this country and the world! Lie and deny is his motto. Over 120,000 people have died in this country alone.

    1. @Laurie Huntley 138,000 and counting, unfortunately. TRUMP CONTINUES TO FAIL THE U.S. AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

    2. @Nicholas Klauba should we have banished 40,000 American people from their own country! Ahaha Trump denies 40,000 Americans life liberty & pursuit of happiness

  4. Way to go Washington no new cases today. That is how it’s supposed to be done. Hey Florida you can learn something from Washington. Cold, rainy state, no new cases. Hot, Sunny state, new coronavirus hotspot. Stay home or mask up. It’s not that hard if you have strong leadership that listens to the professionals.

    1. That’s awesome! Your gov has worked hard and has been on his own since the beginning. I know up here in BC 🇨🇦 our health officials have been in close contact with you guys through this. We gotta be vigilant in the PNW 🙏🏼 We care about our communities!

    1. @Madeline Schaffer
      Nope, the American people made it political when they elected Trump and his friends and don’t say Clinton got more votes, that only shows the true failure of your democracy.

    2. @Jim Battersbee A truthful statement. I have yet to figure out how the electoral college could select an obviously unqualified goon such as trump over Hillary. But then again, the way the DNC selected Hillary over Bernie shocked enough people who chose not to vote. But your assessment is spot on!

    1. N95 masks may work, but, these cloth bandanas & surgical masks are a joke, they are like strapping a GERM Infested diaper on your face for hours! Do the health care workers wear the same surgical mask for hours? NO THEY DON”T! Does anyone study the effects of wearing a Germ Infested diaper on your face? Isn’t this moist, humid environment ensure that if you pass airborne CV19 microscopic molecules, they will get trapped in the filth and will definitely be breathed in? Is there any study about touching this disgustingly dirty mask , that you get Cv19 all over your hands and spread this disease around on anything we touch? Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% death rate of the high risk people and there is nothing we can do about it!

    2. Really, he has divided america? Interesting narrative. But I don’t know, my life doesn’t matter.

    1. @Mueller Time Dirty Don is guilty of encouraging states and public not to follow CDC guidelines. He criminally negligent, whether he can be convicted or not.

    2. @John Coleman but has he been convicted? You can cry all you want, but the CDC is nothing but a lobbying group for the most evil corporation in the world. The pharmacutical industry that sells you suicidal thoughts.

      Enjoy your chemicals

    3. @Paula Sparrow lol. Stormy? Remember when stormy Daniels paid Trump double what Cohen paid her? Look that up🤣😆🤣🤣🤣🖕 and what happened to her lawyer Michael avennetti? Isn’t he serving life in prison???? Too funny

  5. The American right is like that rebellious little kid who just does exactly opposite of what parents or teachers tell him to do.

    1. The American left is like that annoying goody two shoes kid that follows every rule and doesn’t get it when they won’t vote for them for student council rep.

    2. @Christopher Smith yeah, the left does not get it. Why does the right pride themselves on ignorance?

    3. @gantoo Maybe because the left can never tell the difference between a fact and an opinion?

    4. @Christopher Smith Evolution is an opinion? Climate change is an opinion? Masks are an opinion? Science is an opinion? Are there any facts?

    1. @Adventure54 hahahaha gasp hahaha Mogadishu and Benghazi sure are nice places to vacation.

      Go to Minneapolis and St Paul. The Democratic cultists burned and looted 350 businesses in one night. More to come in the “second wave”.

      You inbreeding cultists make me giggle

    2. @Adventure54 actually, you are right…. Any city in Africa is safer, cleaner and has a higher standard of living than any Democratic run $h1t hole city in the USA. That’s why I don’t live on the bus line.

    3. @Mueller Time You can’t tell the difference between right or wrong so spare me the BS. The poorest states in the Union are red states with a health problem dying from opioid addiction. Try venturing away from your trailer park & educate yourself.

    4. @Adventure54 bu bu bu bu opioids!!!!!! Well…. I travel for work. I’ve been to san Francisco. There are heroin addicted liberals with needles hanging out of their arms. Right now I’m in ybor city Florida. It’s very LGBTQXYZ. Not as bad, but just today I watched a overdosing liberal get loaded onto an ambulance.

      Liberals claim it’s red, but the problem is blue. Keep deflecting, it make me laugh harder

      Remember when Democrat ilhan Omar married her brother? Making liberals the party of incest and welfare? Bu bu bu bu muh free college and healthcare!!!!!

    1. N95 masks may work, but, these cloth bandanas & surgical masks are a joke, they are like strapping a GERM Infested diaper on your face for hours! Do the health care workers wear the same surgical mask for hours? NO THEY DON”T! Does anyone study the effects of wearing a Germ Infested diaper on your face? Isn’t this moist, humid environment ensure that if you pass airborne CV19 microscopic molecules, they will get trapped in the filth and will definitely be breathed in? Is there any study about touching this disgustingly dirty mask , that you get Cv19 all over your hands and spread this disease around on anything we touch? Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% death rate of the high risk people and there is nothing we can do about it!

    2. @Richard Alexander yes I imagine the exchange of oxygen and Carbon dioxide should be very limited too!

  6. yes- Governor Inslee- he’s a good Governor and has helped keep many Washingtonians
    stay healthy and alive.

    1. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  7. Anybody arrested Tucker Carlson yet for telling his audience that there is no scientific proof that masks and distancing works. People WILL die because of what he said. How is it any different than the people who ‘coached’ individuals to commit suicide? They arrested those people.

  8. gop: “Our corporations are more important than human life!” Joe Biden: “We can save lives and our economy!” Simple choice folks really: *VOTE JOE BIDEN! VOTE DEMOCRAT! VOTE FOR AMERICAN DECENCY! VOTE FOR AMERICA! VOTE NOVEMBER 2020!*

  9. Absolutely NOTHING this administration does makes any sense!!!! They are a corrupt mafia mob ….robbing the government of millions!!!! ENOUGH!!!!

  10. Talking at Mike Pence is like talking into a hand. He doesn’t even listen to advice from ER room doctors face to face one on one. He listens to his Jesus Trump from the celestial kingdom.

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