Washington Gov. Jay Inslee criticizes former Vice President Joe Biden's climate crisis plan, saying Biden didn't seem to understand the urgency.
#CNN #News
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee criticizes former Vice President Joe Biden's climate crisis plan, saying Biden didn't seem to understand the urgency.
#CNN #News
After all this time lol now y’all want too talk about climate change
@canadianperspective GLACIERS follow a 15 YEAR LAG to the current climate… they GROW and SHRINK as a delayed reaction … So if they are MELTING NOW its because 15 Years ago the CLIMATE was HOTTER (which it was) We have been through an 18 year COOLING PERIOD…You will soon start seeing GLACIERS stop melting and Start EXPANDING again… Try learning a bit about GEOLOGY and you would understand that they are not MELTING as a result of some additional CO2 in the air… k?
canadianperspective friggen moron, the last two springs were coldest on record in the Midwest.. two winters ago we had record snow fall season totals and many totals broken this last winter. You dipshlts blame climate change for too much snow and blame climate change for too little snow.
Andreas karlsson show me where on the planet the climate has changed in your lifetime.. not how they find fish fossils in the deserts or on mountains, we all know the climate has changed since earths beginning
Rayvon Hickman yeah, everything is Trumps fault and he’s only been in office for 2 yrs.
OrionXZ which is it, will water levels rise with global warming or diminish? I’m so confused with you climate idiots new religion of the stupid
The United Nations said nothing to China about Climate Change when they had their Industrial Revolution while the Obama administration. Anyone remember how China had to clean their air in order to host the Olympics??
And they give Beijing the a Winter Olympics? Go figure.
Nothing else matters if we don’t act to remedy the climate crisis.
@Travis Fisher We are in an interglacial in an ice age.
Keep on pumping out CO2 and this ice age is going to be called off.
Andrew just checked as of 5/2019 Trump has 350 lobbyists, I stand corrected .
Ryan B That still doesn’t take away from the fact that they are by far the worlds biggest polluter and aren’t willing to change for the next few decades.
Basque Irishman we export much of our emissions to china and india you clown
Every one of these clips prominently features Joe Biden.
Hmmmmm…..so you think they are letting you know who Trumps rival will be???
T B doesn’t matter who it is, Trump curb stomps all of them in a debate.
Hmm I wonder why
Because he’s the FRONT RUNNER. By policy HE GETS THE MOST TIME. This is not bias. It’s PRACTICE. Geeezzuuuss.
Being pummeled
Bernie and Warren are still slaughtering everyone. *
Inslee and Gabbard had some great remarks here though.
Naaah.. That Marianne will win this!
@Emiliano Zapata if Biden gets the nominee and doesnt get elected its the fault of the left that trump is the president. They obviously dont think Trump is as bad as I do if they stay at hone or vote third party and onlybhave themselves to blame.
Same as with last election but worse, cause now you all know what you grt with trump.
I hope Bernie wins
They are not
Inslee for head of the EPA.
My Physics Professor Micha Tomkiewcz could better explain why climate change is essential today. Gov. Inslee and Mr. Yang are right. Time is not for us but rather against.
omg.. can you share the data your professor presented? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5B8gcpggfs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nerGGJGGms. i am surprised that Yang hasn’t seen the other side’s data. I like Yang, but we are not in a climate crisis. its a super complex science. thats why none of the climate alarmists predictions from pre 2000 ever came to be.
Screen capping the responses to this comment for my “America needs another Enlightenment era because the first one didn’t stick” file.
Climate change is only an issue when Democrats are out of power
I keep waiting for Rod Sterling to walk on the stage smoking a cigarrete, telling us we have entered the ” Twilight Zone”
Serling, no t
@Debby McCormack Thank you Debbie. I stand corrected.
@Debby McCormack LOL…. Too true!
Gillibrand, you’re going to need something stronger than Clorox, you’ll need acid!!
StarkRaving Ralph we gonna have government run everything, and everything will be great, just like the DMV and all places will look like how demoturd run shltholes look right now
The Sanitizer-in-Chief
GT3X only little retards like you believe Trump has anything to do with Russia. So a couple Russians approached Trumps campaign =Bad, going out and paying for Russian lies from actual Russians ( dossier)= good. You lefties are pathetic little dumb aszess useless to everyone
Climate change is a scam ya little idiots. The climate everywhere in the world is exactly the same as it was when you were born and when your parents and grandparents were born. Difference today is you little retards are unsure which bathroom to use. Dems create problems to grow the government, climate change is only about government takeover and power. Open your eyes to facts little morons
1st thing I am gonna do as President, Clorox the Oval Office.
Is Trump paying you to clean
This was thrilling but while CNN & these politicians were dicking around on stage I think the global temperature just rose by 1 degrees………The richest most prosperous country in the world with all of its beloved corporations & billionaires are wasting a lot of time via inaction on just about everything — there is a price to be paid for greed & inaction!!!
Steven Troy Amen. Here’s a couple red flags for you. A) Canada is warming at twice the global rate.
And B) when our Inuit of the North go to intercept the migrating caribou herds, as they have done for thousands of years, and there are no caribou. The herds suddenly changed their path by over 500 miles, they know something we don’t.
The only problem I have with electric cars. Is that they run on sulfur. Sulfur mines are one of the worst thing for the environment. It literally burns into the ozone. Like a volcano constantly erupting. And you cant recycle the batteries. There are dumping grounds filled with these leaking sulfur into the ground.
Joe biden is such a robot.
Lmfao he gave examples of weather occurrences and peddled it as “climate change” what a hack
How can anyone actually want to watch the communist news network ? I’d rather what my fresh droppings of reparations circle the toilet bowl when flushed . I’m not paying anyone for being born a certain color
@Lola Lola But here you are?
Europe is building roads that can charge cars while traveling and old JoE wanna build 500k charging points.
Every climate change intiative tried on Europe has failed especially solar ,now they have to get oil from big bad Putin but it sounds promising
its too soon in europe for full electric…people are still using 15 years old cars in my country (italy) and i’m sure we’re not even the worst country on that. truth is it’ll take about 20 more years to go full electric on cars. the cars that can get charged with charging points just take too much time to get charged, solar panels on top of the car would help tho but i’m sure car companies will find a solution that is viable, that’s their job, but people will only buy that solution once they have money for it and the truth is that aside for germany and a few other countries, in europe there’s not much cash going around to buy new fancy electric cars. But yeah, building 500k charging points sounds like stupid, he should get the car companies together and find a unified solution.
3:41: “i heard you say we need a realistic plan”
too quick to defend himself, biden says, “no i didn’t say that”
so either he agrees his plan isn’t realistic, or he did say that and it fails to be what he says
Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden!
If you talk about clean energy and don’t mention nuclear power, either you’re not serious or you have no clue what you’re talking about
Waiting for a tiny bird to hatch from Cory Booker’s head.