Trump Campaign Senior Adviser Jason Miller says that "the Trump supporters? It doesn’t matter if it’s snowing, if it’s raining … they’re going to be there. There’s a big question on that on the Biden edge.” Aired on 10/26/2020.
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Jason Miller: 'Enthusiasm Gap' Between Trump And Biden Campaigns | MTP Daily | MSNBC
The GOP and conservatives are out of touch with reality.
@Godfrey Daniel my aspirations are the government stays out of my life and doesn’t give my money to anyone. I know how to donate to charities I like, don’t need them giving it to people who don’t deserve it or other countries for aid.
Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A MINOR
@the truth – So? Yours is a minority position – and it isn’t even honest. You want government to enforce the ways you think should be – don’t even pretend otherwise…
@Godfrey Daniel whatever the constitution states. That’s what I want, I don’t want government to be big. Just basic needs police, military, federal highways, courts prisons. Everyone else work and take care of yourself unless your disabled. Why does the government feel the need to give other countries money, and help people when they can’t balance the budget. Cut programs and let people go through hard times until they stop being irresponsible.
@wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever – Stop eating lead paint chips – you aren’t fooling anyone…
How does this serial impregnator get any airtime on any network outside of the echo chamber?
Laura Zaboraski Well, he’s fathered three children, two within six months of one another.
Completely forgot about him trying to dose his mistress with an abortion pill.
@Laura Zaboraski ><
How does he get laid!? What women are fornicating with this guy?

Mainely Don’t discount that at all. No one should put this abortion doser on any credible media platform (I certainly am for abortion rights, maybe not through spiking the drink of your pregnant mistress, though).
@Mainely I hope your not a communist.
Wonder what job this guy will go for when Trump loses
Mascot for a melon farm.
I wonder to
Selling used condoms by mail.
human toilet brush, perhaps?
@T Electronix Pulling the wings off of butterflies.
There’s an enthusiasm gap between you and the women you’ve been in relationships with.
Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A MINOR
@Prudence 0 Trump & China are partners. Give it a rest.
@Ian T
Oh just shut up.
He’s underestimating how much people want Trump gone and normalcy back
@Josef I remember that guy that had a van full of Trump stickers and such. That was bad news.
@Don Jindra
If you look at what trump has done objectively. He’s a center right guy
@Logan McLean His supreme court picks alone blow that thought out of the water. But I’ll agree he’s no Republican.
@SLUICEBOY PROSPECTING my mistake. You are correct. The Republicans are the ones that drive the fancy cars, live in the fancy houses and all live off credit.
Anybody checked out the history of this guy, Jason Miller? Talk about a worm….cheated on his wife with a campaign staffer….she got pregnant, he fought having to pay any support…he’s a vile human being…he fits well with Trump and his crew.
@Common Sense trump is a politician as well. He’s made millions out of tax payers money. He goes to his clubs and guess what. Secret server needs to stay there and pay money to stay there. He donated 400k salary but made millions out of money of rooms being rented for secret service and other government officials. If you think only republicans care about the country. That’s divisive. It’s cult. Only a special group are saved and the chosen ones. There’s both blue and red party affiliations risking their lives for our country. I’m a cybersecurity engineer and have friends of both party affiliation keeping our country safe. So don’t give me that bs. That’s why I can’t vote red. Tired of this none sense divisive in the country.
@Common Sense You can say whatever you want about Biden but, even if all those lies were true, Trump is a thousands times worse. It’s as easy as that.
Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A MINOR
@Juan Fran Name 10 things he lied about that should be easy for you?
When you live in a bubble… I mean, even his face shows signs of complicity

You can’t work at a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts within a slight Indian accent? No I’m serious!!! Chains!!! chains!!! We going to put y’all back in Chains!!! You better figure it out ? whether you’re from me ? or Trump? If not? You ain’t black.!!!!
@Richard G Barry …. Shouldn’t go online when you’re drunk…
Cults can be pretty enthusiastic
Is it enthusiasm or rage
The rage will come soon enough.
They hardly need to flavor the Kool-Aid.
Rage? Cult? Really? Have y’all not seen antifa and blm? Name a single right protest or demonstration that killed people and burned cities to the ground? Name one conservative that’s killed cops. Wake up
@SLUICEBOY PROSPECTING …you wake up little one. Visit the DOJ website and read every report about the arrests at riots. Plenty of boogaloo bois and proud boys but not one antifa or blm. Get out of the fox, republican bubble of bs and see the truth. I’ve been a lifelong conservative Republican. This is not the Republican Party any more.
Jason miller must have such a happy family doesnt he have a 3 0r 4 year old.his wife must be so proud
I’d stand in the rain, snow, cold, or a darn hurricane to cast my vote lol
You never have to stand in the path of a hurricane, use a sharpie.
@Josh R. … Plus you can Nuke a hurricane, I hear…
We love Biden. We are tired of this administration killing us!
@Rogério Farias joe Biden doesn’t even know where he is.
@Rogério Farias you mean all those tax loopholes that the Obama-Biden administration left for their lobbyists groups.
Let’s see who will laugh in the end
SAID THE COP KILLER. PSYCHO!!!!!! Biden doesn’t love you or us, just himself. He got RICH from being a politician for almost 50 years. He did not want to capture Bin Laden, and didn’t have the sense to close off inbound flights from China at the onset of COID. He thinks he’s running against “George” Kamala would run the country – Say no to socialism, it only works for those in power.
This is Election is a referendum on Trumps epic Failures! WE WILL WAIT IN LINE AND VOTE!
Imagine if Corona had happened in 2021and not 2020. Shudder*
@José de Jesus It would have been handled better! It’s impossible to be as EPIC FAIL as trump has been
@José de Jesus … Yeah. Imagine at least half as many people dying, and then being able to open up sooner…
Why is this guy even allowed to speak to the country? Have we now set our standards so low?
Democrats have strange bedfellows! Literally and figuratively!
Why is Jason Miller even given camera time? It’s a WASTE of digital energy!!!.
@David Bean
@William H Music 2020 the TROLLs are plenty here
He’s a wasted sperm cell
Forget Jason Miller, check out THIS mofo:
Too bad Jason Miller’s enthusiasm doesn’t including paying his child support nor does it include faithfulness to his spouse.
Democrats have strange bedfellows! Literally!
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@Jeffrey Dahmer Nice deflection, ya cannibal
Why are you giving airtime to this monster? He poisoned his ex to cause her to abort.
Get ready to be tracked down and sued for defamation of character. You can’t just go around saying things like that. Have fun.
@C-Mo 313 It’s not like there is evidence proving he did not do those things.
He means “racism gap.”
This election is black peoples chance to prove LBJ wrong!
You can’t work at a 7-Eleven without a slight Indian accent? No I’m serious!!! Chains!!! Chains!!! We going to put y’all back in Chains!!!! You better figure it out? If you’re for me? Or Trump? If not? You ain’t black!!!!!!
The only thing receding faster than Jason’s hairline is American support for Donald Trump.
stephen miller may
take issue with that
Isn’t that the guy who cheated on his wife with strippers and tried to induce an abortion in his mistress without her knowledge by drugging her? Yeah definitely the best people.
Trump just surrendered to COVID19. What if we were invaded by

You wanna see REAL corruption?
@XxPoopy_ headxX Right? Same reason we got an Orange Bafoon who is a spoiled 6yr old trapped in a very Nasty wanna b leader. He loves calling us Women “Nasty” when he is overwhelmingly Nasty looking
@RUDYARD MAGPIE Not his personality – his character and criminal behaviour.
@RUDYARD MAGPIE he’s not telling the truth. You really think it’s 3 to 1 voters for Trump!? He’s polling at 4% with black people. People waited in line all last week and today .. 6 , 8 , 12 hours. Republicans tried to suppress the vote ..but they waited vote for Biden. Now having said all that he is STILL an awful human being.
Anyone else notice his melon is getting gigantic. Dude’s head is about to pop.
I don’t know Biden thinks he’s running against George bush
This proves that Biden is the best
It’s always been that way.