Jason Johnson: This Is A Life Or Death Election For Black Voters | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Jason Johnson, Political Editor for The Root, joins to discuss the role black voters will play in a still wide-open Democratic primary field. Aired on 02/10/20.
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Jason Johnson: This Is A Life Or Death Election For Black Voters | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Jason Johnson: This Is A Life Or Death Election For Black Voters | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @elvin coulter Interesting and well thought out comment. Thanks for your response.I appreciate different perspectives.

    1. @Wren Bua listen up dummy… Bloomberg is single handedly responsible for locking up and violating the rights of black people and he literally said white people dont commit violent crimes…he said only black people commit violent crimes… He made a law based on those racist views… Name one law Trump has passed that reflect his racist views…

  1. Why does MSNBC still bring this guy in? Bernie has overwhelming support from minorities. This is what happens when you’re lost in the money.

  2. This video and everything in it is so indicative of Democrat subjugation of Black voters. Almost kinda reminds me of Joe Biden’s “vote for me or you’ll end up back in chains” speech.

    1. @15k DOW 2022 What is the vast majority? Cmon man. If you can’t see the injustice of kicking people off their healthcare and social security while giving huge tax breaks to the ultra rich and massive corporations (all while outsourcing continues), I don’t know what to say.

    2. jreds yeah, that is something you will have to quantify for us rather than using ambiguous words like “huge” and “massive”. Name the companies dude or stfu

    1. Jorden Sherar Are those the only black people you listen to you because they support Bernie Sanders you’re pathetic

  3. Can’t even think of one black person, besides myself who even knows who Bloomberg is. Once they find out, if they do, they’ll wish they didn’t.

    1. But Your Not Thinking , Polls Predicted HRC Would Win The American VOTE , SHE DID , HRC : recieved 67 Million Votes ,
      TRUMP : Recieved 64 Million Votes , That’s 3 Million More , That’s Considered a Landslide ,and Don’t forget There is a 3 % error Factor going Both Ways in the Poll Prediction , So The Polls Were Correct , A LANDSLIDE For HRC

    1. Correct! After January fundraising releases, Warren campaign celebrated they’d hit 1 million donors while Bernie’s campaign says “over 1.5 million”. How can this guy lie about a difference of half a million people? lol It’s not even close

    2. @Will Overkill As of this morning Bernie’s campaign has over 7 million donations according to Faiz. Warren probably has less than half that

    3. @jreds I saw that! I would agree, since Warren has quite a few donors but not a lot of money left I would assume the number of donations is far less than Bernie, but I can’t find that info on a quick search

  4. MSNBC = Status Quo, Corporate BIAS Media, 1%!
    Jason Johnson WHAT HAVE YOU Predicted CORRECTLY? You carry water for the Oligarchs? A Brother with NO SOUL!

    1. CNN and MSNBC are the only ones would want status quo, and then they are surprised when they completely wrongfully predict voting.
      I think they changed their favourite candidate everyday the last two months :-).

    2. Thats not why. Any topics pertaining to african americans will have russian bots manipulating the record. In 2016 80% of the faceback ads from Russia were meant to persuade the black vote.

    3. David – how did Bernie Sanders run the VA into the ground, precisely? If you’re going to say the 1 Senator who chaired the Veterans Affairs Committee is responsible for everything that happens with the agency that committee overseas, then I’m sure you’ll place plenty of blame on Johnny Isakson, who was chair of that committee for 2.5x as long as Sanders was. . .

      Or the spread feet in the airport bathroom ghost of Larry Craig. Always hilarious how the corporate media love to blame Sanders for everything he didn’t do, even though he was one guy out of 535 for the last 29 years.

    1. He’s not claiming to. He’s reporting on the FACT that among AA voters Biden is way down, Bloomberg is way up and the others are unchanged and he’s providing a likely reason for why that is happening.

    2. Funny how this guy seems to talk for EVERY black person on the planet and knows how they think. …And they call Trump a bigot.

    3. @Moniker He is tho. He got so triggered when Nina Turner pointed out the fact that Bloomberg is technically an oligarch, he tried to turn it around to Bernie and failed.

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