Contributor to The Grio Jason Johnson and president of the National Action Network Reverend Al Sharpton discuss the renewed momentum around police reform and the urgency to take action. Aired on 04/23/2021.
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#GrioJasonJohnson #ReverendAlSharpton #MSNBC
Jason Johnson On Police Reform: ‘We Can’t Lose This Moment’ | Deadline | MSNBC
We need young black and minorities write down the police reform policies and check mate the politicians and make them obey it .
Were you the runt of the litter?
Tucker Carlson: “Is it ok if I run a segment defending Chauvin?”
Fox: “Why would we stop you now?”
Tucker: “See, I know I couldn’t fool you. Love this place!”
Tucker’s great. All the fake news hate him cos he tears them apart. Fact!
Watches Tucker’s show to reinforce his white supremacist ideas.
@Chaos scam
No one cares about that Two bit dirtbag fentanyl Floyd… that’s so yesterday.. and even then no one cared
Hate watching & doom scrolling. Who needs video games. Yeesh!
“We must believe in a future when color of skin is no more significant than color of hair”. – Sam Harris
Race is a human social construct. We made it. We can unmake by not giving it oxygen. Nothing is sadder than humans who view others (and themselves) via the distorted lens of race.
What poor people of all races want, is to blame other races for their poverty, and hardship in life.
I always get Al Sharpton mixed up with Don King.
Bingo! take their Policing license. Let them find a job flipping burgers.
Great comments and true.
Individuals who might qualify for law-enforcement would qualify for a variety of other professions that does not require shift work. Individual could make much more money in another profession with less danger. We all face the situation now that jurisdictions are having to lower their standards in order to fill police ranks and we are getting people who should not wear her uniform or carry a gun now being police officers. It’s going to get very scary out there the next time you were pulled over.
And Lebron James profits off of the slaves in China
This is not a problem we can legislate our way out of. How we treat each other is a manifestation of our internal beliefs, values and moral compass. You can enact all the laws you want- it is not going to prevent people from acting out on the emotions they feel in the moment. Think about it- every state has laws against murder. Have the murder rates gone down? No. Thousands of people are murdered every year in the United States. Gun laws? Very strict in Illinois. But yet Chicago is one of the most violent cities in America. Examples go on and on, the point is the same. This is not a problem with legislation. It’s a problem with culture and society and how people are raised.
You can’t reform the entire police departments in this country. Somebody give this guy a sandwich to keep him quiet already.
There needs to be federal change to policing
All of humanity needs to reform, the world we live in is one of utter chaos filled with constant death and endless suffering.
Random traffic stops should be abolished. How many times have we seen random traffic stops escalate to the point where somebody is injured or killed? The police who are the armed agents of government should not be tax collectors. We know for a fact that motor vehicles are necessary for modern living. Your license tags are expired rather than the rest of the driver and told the vehicle the police should notify people from the DMV and they should go meet with the driver or register ownEr The police who are the armed agents of government should not be tax collectors. We know for a fact of motor vehicles are necessary for modern living. Your license tags are expired rather than the rest of the driver and told the vehicle the police should notify people from the DMV and they should go meet with the Registered owner and arrange for payment of taxes.
Random traffic stop you’re only be permitted in felony situation’s.
jesus are you stupid
A 16 year old shot by police is a child but a 16 year old voting is an adult. These are confusing times.
The Police are not coded under the Uniform Commercial Code in the Uniform Laws Annotated: Masters Edition like me, which means I can tell a police officer they can not touch their firearm and they don’t. Coded Black Man
Yes take their license permanently
Hold badge wearers at the highest accountability level possible! Transparency body an dash cams
Spot on Jason, run for the Senate Sir, and I’ll Raise the first Million
Why does jason johnson shaved this way ? Come on man, this line up does not work.
Sorry Jason Johnson. Ppl still remember what you did to Bernie & your misfit black girls statement. Few care any longer if you’re right, esp. about something hard to be wrong about.