White House adviser Jared Kushner described Black America's issues with inequality and racism as 'complaining' in an interview Monday. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 10/27/2020.
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Jared Kushner Faces Backlash Over Comments Considered Racist | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Jared has such a punchable face.
Doesn’t he!!!!
@Jeffrey Dahmer Russian troll, been trolling everyone’s comment with the same trash . You are outnumbered . So scram
@Jeremy Ramey I forgot about him and his over-sized emoji mug.
@thewayradioshouldbe helton Exactly……….perfect match!
Why does Jared Kushner look like a psychopath? Oh wait because he is one.
@QUID-PRO-QUO JOE_. still a paid gamer troll l sleep great watch out Putin doesn’t suffer fools well and the n,s,a keeping track of russian trolls black cars black out window shady shady men in the shadows watching you
@Jeffrey Dahmer Can I buy holds no political positions.
Ventriloquist dummy

Russia if you’re listening I hope you can find the hunter Biden smoking crack tape that Jeffrey Dahmer’s talking about you’ll be rewarded mightily by our press
He’s what skim milk would look like if it took a humanoid form
*The most corrupt President in U.S History
Donald Trump*
Yes he is
@Kennedy Suggs go away Russian troll
@Aquin Febrisio yes
@Kennedy Suggs You mean, like Bush and Trump??
@maxglide Too subtle for Trump supporters. They will be posting your first line on Facebook without reading all of it.
How much more insult can Americans take from Trump and his band of helpers.
@Cheryl Smith @QUID-PRO-QUO JOE_, should also, another russian bot. All these empty fake russian accounts. lol Watch out for repub fake help from russia.
@Seppiedog66 it’s sad trump supporters are too far back from salvaging. They’re beyond saving there’s no hope for them
They will all pay for everything that they have done I m going to be watching
depends on who you consider to be americans
@michael boultinghouse I mean the one’s not sucking trump, the one’s that don’t stand for trumps lies. True repubs, the one’s that don’t just vote for party. The one’s that don’t like people dyeing from covid-19 just because your orange god wants him to. The one’s that don’t want a dictator like putin running the USA. The non hitler like Americans that can see past party. The one’s that know to capitalize American. ;P lol Or I should say not bots with no content. Picture looks like anders breivik straf
“George Floyd situation”? It was a murder not a situation Jared.
@Tiffany Davis …. There was no asphyxiation, so the knee on the neck was not a contributing factor in his death according to the coroner’s report.
@family lowe As a Catholic Nun once said, Republicans are pro birth not pro life. Once they are born let then die slowly with no health care or blow them up with bombs. All in the name of a righteous God!
@Michael of SC karma will find you soon
@Michael of SC Walk into traffic SAMF
Jared looks like Reinhard Heydrich in a nazi uniform.
Spot on !!!!
@Anony Mouse No one said he was a Nazi. However he sure looks like one.
Nah he looks effeminate. Put a wig on him and he’ll look more like a woman than Ivanka
Also, Jared looks like Richard Spencer’s twin brother and both of these b!tches got a heart full of enemy
@Anony Mouse there were collaborators
in the White House will be ending soon.
@michael boultinghouse I think you are a nut case and need help!
@Earl Meyer i think you need a flak jacket, a kevlar helmet, and should be training at the rife range. your call
@kay tre He is a chump trying to help Trump.
I’m confident Jared will be a bigger felon than his father.
He’s got great teachers in his in-laws
Too late lol
Yep, his father, Charles Kushner In 2005, was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering & spent 14 months in jail. Aren’t they similar acts to what bunker boy has done?
And his father in-law
If you’ve ever watched the movie Omen II, I wouldn’t be surprised if felony was the least of his crimes.
Most of the world’s wealthy are by inheritance, just like Jared.
and the squandering trump
@R P only sheep would trumpet the literal words of a fascist with no idea what you’re actually talking about
This is still true:
Republicans are still sucking:
@M Skallywagg trying to be relatable in order to further screw people over!
Blood money
BS Trump is exactly what people are saying about him
Not to mention, Jared’s father is in prison. The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
@Tyree Wagner Its not because trump had a bad father and he is a bad person that all person with bad parents are bad. This is elementary logic.
I wish this had even been mentioned.
@Chris Yeh
Specially when the tree is rotten .
@Colette Lucas Maybe Trump will finally pick
up a book & read it in the cell next to him?
How anyone can look at these people and see leadership is beyond me.
U aint the only one

Beyond me too!
It’s more important for them to poon libs then it is to move forward as a nation… and trumps their “man”
Never be shocked when a trump supporter says I eat bread with a rock
I say the same thing my man. I don’t even understand how some of these people vote for him and support that dude? Smh.. i feel sorry for those people.
I hate to say this but, I would never let my children around this man, he looks like the guy driving a creeper van trying to give out candy
He’s a guy hiding his true sexuality.
@Thadius Sean your Food stamps are being paid for by millions of black people!
@Queen Of Wands wow I literally just commented the same thing
@Thadius Sean go away Russian troll
There is no “ground swell” the majority of black people will not vote for Trump, he will be lucky if he gets 10%.
@Sparky Sparky yeah Trump is out there, “WAY OUT THERE”.
and the thumbs up is mine. Whatever makes you feel better.
Even CNN seems concerned that Joe Biden is going to have a problem with his son getting $50,000 a month from a corrupt organization.
WATCH: “Biden does have a problem here,” said Ian Bremmer.
@Grandma Nutty well that’s because you’re a sheep with no ability to do research. It’s ok, these comments show you have a lot of company
@Sparky Sparky • I doubt that seriously.
This dude is slow; without his dad, he would be flipping burgers.
He will be the cook in prison
Flipping burgers requires a brain therefore he wouldn’t qualify to do the job, safety standards are required and this bozo would be in permanent burn bandages on his hands.
Or working in a store saying paper or plastic.
@Kenshannon Jeter Hey! My first job was asking paper or plastic! I turned out ok!
Kushner looks and sounds like he should be wearing an SS uniform.
Really,I was thinking Pink Tights.
GD but you hit that one on the head!
I thought maybe a Swastika. He looks like the head of a Nazi German group
He father a nazi collaborator
Not only is he saying some blacks don’t want to better themselves, he’s saying all the black communities are Democratic. Yet Trump still says he and his family are not racists!
@Thadius Sean yes he did say that and was he wrong… I don’t think so!
@Big Boomer oh “the one guy” he just a member of the miltian group “The Oatkeepers” he is racist on his own i check him out on YouTube he a bigot
*that one guy* <=pedophilia alert he an old guy into 13 year old girls
@Billithekat oh so that makes it okay? He literally voted against African American rights. Didn’t he also put a crime bill in affect back in 94 that kept innocent black people locked up in prison???
@C B so you are defending him voting against African American rights???? Sounds pretty racist to me
Spoken like a true elitist. Self absorbed and out of touch. Not surprised even a little bit
The problem is that nobody in this administration has a heart or actually cares about the people living in this country.
Jared and 45 needs to listen to Kanye West when he say that how can you be so heartless.
Bingo. They live in their own world and have no clue what it’s like to interview for jobs, afford groceries, they to source good masks with the best filters or go without good insurance during a pandemic
Exactly! They don’t care about blacks whites or anyone but themselves
Wonder Boy to Black people, “it’s your fault if you don’t have a rich dad and rich father-in-law to hand over everything to you.”
Nah, but it’s always someone else’s fault.