Hiroshi Mikitani, the CEO of Rakuten, tells CNN exclusively that it's a "suicide mission" to be hosting the Tokyo Olympics this year – the opening ceremony for which is set for July 23.
#CNN #News #CNNi
Hiroshi Mikitani, the CEO of Rakuten, tells CNN exclusively that it's a "suicide mission" to be hosting the Tokyo Olympics this year – the opening ceremony for which is set for July 23.
#CNN #News #CNNi
apply wearing a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands with soap / handsanitizer, do not crowd, limit mobility and faith, safe, immune with that we will win from covid 19 pray to Allah / Jesus / Dewa so that covid 19 goes thank you
*DemocRAT president Roosevelt signed an executive order forcing Japanese-Americans into internment camps during WWII.*
My left and right ear greatly enjoyed this interview, individually
@JimmyJones IsGay bad bot
@JimmyJones IsGay That is nothing compared to dropping two nukes on Japan.
@JimmyJones IsGay the same people who bring up all the stuff “democrats” did decades or centuries ago, are the same ones who say “Black people need to get over slavery.” Spare me the tribalism.
Your left and right ears are very smart
R I P to those people who died in CORONA May their SOUL in PEACE

And to everything else that has killed family members or friends. Rip to their souls.
*DemocRAT president Roosevelt signed an executive order forcing Japanese-Americans into internment camps during WWII.*
It has dark side when workers died by overwork and ingored warnings on fukushima
*DemocRAT president Roosevelt signed an executive order forcing Japanese-Americans into internment camps during WWII.*
I wish everyone that has a vested interest in attending, and especially the athletes that train so long and hard, a safe, happy and productive games if they occur as scheduled.
*DemocRAT president Roosevelt signed an executive order forcing Japanese-Americans into internment camps during WWII.*
@JimmyJones IsGay you are troll
@Aparna Rajesh no it actually did happen tbh, but we do have racial icons like Lyndon B Johnson who was also a racist but in trumps logic did a lot for the black communitie like when he ended segeration
It happened but what’s the point of bringing that up now?
What does that have to do with the Olympics?
Wondering if the decision to proceed, against all reason, was made at a level we the world’s plebs have no access to, and is intended to Foster herd immunity at all costs. The cost, in this case, could amount to at least a billion plebian lives worldwide, and would no doubt be seen as acceptable by those who could make such a decision.
Did any of you guys hear the response of the Rakuten chief?
*DemocRAT president Roosevelt signed an executive order forcing Japanese-Americans into internment camps during WWII.*
With olympic game organizers ordering condoms by the thousands for athletes and staff, expecting them to social distance during games certainly appears unrealistic. Delaying the games by another year to have both summer and winter games a couple of months apart in 2022 definitely looks like the wiser thing to do.
Postpone it until its more safe and the fans can actually attend the events….
That’s what you get when the sound mixer is a drunk DJ
Sound mixer needs to do a partial soft blend between left and the right to make that sound right and natural. I’m on the tablet so I couldn’t even notice it till you mentioned it and I had to turn my tablet sideways.
covid test to enter the olpymic sqaure ?
Well, I don’t think this is a suicide mission, I think this lies fear-mongering
These olympics could be japan worst natural disaster…., and they’ve had a few
Bill Maher had to miss filming an episode for the first time in years this weekend because he has Covid-19 and can transmit it to his staff even though he is vaccinated.
But he is fine.
@It’s BeYoND mE Yes. He can still give it to his staff who can give it to others however. That’s why we all need to be vaccinated before we stop wearing masks inside.
I know. I just saying that he is fine though.
He makes so much damn sense! I mean crystalove clear! Non ambiguous very clear! Barely a inconvince “pitch meeting”
Postpone until next year!
%. Having the Olympics could be a big mistake!!
I had always wished Tokyo would not be selected for 2020. Most Tokyoites had been against hosting the Olympiad 2020. It was a HUGE mistake.