Japan's Emperor Naruhito has officially proclaimed his enthronement, in a ritual-bound, centuries-old ceremony attended by more than a hundred dignitaries from around the world. #CNN #News
Japan’s new emperor formally takes the throne

Japan's Emperor Naruhito has officially proclaimed his enthronement, in a ritual-bound, centuries-old ceremony attended by more than a hundred dignitaries from around the world. #CNN #News
Can’t wait to read his tweets
Heh. The emperor’s tweets. They aren’t beautiful and genius tweets. They never will be. I would know. I’ve seen his tweets and they aren’t close to as perfect and genius as mine. Magnificent tweets. Mine are bigger, too.
lmao. Love this comment so much
build the wall.
Long Live the Emperor
He has no real power; it’s just fancy clothes and a symbolic title.
@Dylan Murphy so what? We know that already but we still wish him good health and long life.
Threvi Vacal That is the “so what”.
It’s all a show whereas in the past it had real practical meaning; the emperor was worshipped as a god.
Fascinating, another interesting culture with ancient customs and rituals. I enjoyed this glimpse into another part of the world.
It’s a lot better looking than American politics just now.
@6341190574 even what? even korean obderve the time? lol in ur mutant maggot azz dream, my korean friends said they hope japanese emperor get crushed by a tank, u dumbass deluded nippon dwarf keep ba asskkkk ing loud u little clown
@xinyiquan666 Perhaps, but China has rid itself of its ancient customs and rituals in favor of technocratic autocracy, a surveillance state and social credit scores. Perhaps you prefer that. Others prefer holding on to what you have lost.
@xinyiquan666 sure man. like attracts like lol
@peterww True brother. They have been killing own culture and so are they.
Maybe that is why he is such an agressive man. Maybe he doesn’t know true ancint Han culture. Also thier history been killed, they don’t know their history. We have to understand they are pity and poor in spirit.
windy and rain stop just b4 ceremony started and rainbow appeared, it was beautiful
Love u
@ᕙ love u 2
Now there’s a sign!
Wow he looked so happy! Blessings
Also looked like a benevolent human being!
Just a celebrity and cultural symbol, like Queen of England, or?
@Mind Freshener True, she does technically have that power, but when has she EVER fired the prime minister?
@acesonfire Really? QE II is the longest reigning monarch in the world at 67 years and counting. She will NEVER abdicate. Even people who may want a British republic again know how deeply connected she is to the history of that country and a large part of the English speaking world through the commonwealth of 53 nations.
The role of the Japanese emperor varies with time. In ancient times, it served as a military leader and emperor. In the Middle Ages, the power of the soldier “Samurai” became stronger, and “Shogun” who served the Emperor took political power against the backdrop of military power. The Emperor became a symbol of Japan and a spiritual pillar of the Japanese.
Mind Freshener on her own authority? Isn’t her role just for formality and all these decisions about appointing and firing prime minister s are usually done by other people who only advise her what to do?
Land of rising sun
where happiness rises with,
Long live the empire.
moon you mean and sad and shame in history
Nice haiku! Did you come up with that yourself?
Is this a haiku? Nice
@Kirsten Dirken yes alone in small villages the young go to the city.
from the land of the sun mexico long live japan.
I love Japan. It’s a beautiful country. Banzai!
don’t say that word
@robuxpls680 Park how come?
@Kiflaam Don’t worry. He already went to mental hospital. Hope He come back with sane condition.
Congratulations to the new emperor of Japan.
Thank you
thank you so much!! 有難うございます
Reminds me of Last Samurai… movie always gets me in tears

We sent Moscow Mitch’s embattled wife? The one that’s been caught feeding contracts to doners of her husband’s re-election fund? That Transportation Sec?…….
oh my god. Of course that’s who she is. Of COURSE it was Mitch McCriminal’s wife.
We only send the best because we are the best just ask our best president
It makes me feel curious that the ritual was only few miles away from my house… completely different atmosphere there
This ritual teaches the significance of silence. Japanese people are silent. I hope new Japanese generations learn from Japanese ancestors.
Tennōheika Banzai!
I lived there from 1994 to 2001….A second home. A wonderful people, a wonderful country! Long live the Emperor! May Japan and the world be issued in a blessing of peace and prosperity for this new ERA.
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@TarantulaCandy exactly, no competition and lots of hot girls
@Andrew YT Asians girls aren’t as Hot as Latinas or European girls though…..FACTS
I thought we had grown up and didn’t worship humans. Emperor? Plz
hi guys, thank you for your celebrations to our new emperor. Amaterasu bless you.
Long live
May peace last forever in East Asia, may Japan and China be true friends and good neighbors from now on, Congrats from China
Fake Chinese .
it is not
Chinese government always seek to destroy Japan and govern whole Asia. So there will never be friendship between China and Japan.
@uknrfc Can you give us at least one historical example? Not counting Yuan dynasty. I can name at least three attempts of Japan doing the opposite though.
Banzai = “10 thousand years” of long life.
@Alec nolastname It was used as a battle cry, but in the meaning of “[may the emperor live for] 10000 years”. Basically, same as e.g. “For Sparta!”, giving a higher meaning to potentially (or actually) throwing your life away.
from japan
Japanese “Banzai Call” is used to express joy. When politicians are elected in elections, athletes win, or when large-scale construction is completed, there are times when the “Banzai call” occurs with a heightened feeling.
Banzai writing 万歳 as Japanese.万 means ten thousand,歳 means age.
As a japanese,I didn’t be concious about that,but that is exactly that meaning
OMG they look so still, they look like statues. Amazing. I can’t sit still thru one lecture, I’m doing something wrong
Fun Fact: The emperor’s only child and daughter and pretty much very women in the monarchy can not be come emperor