January 6 committee’s final report suggests barring Trump from holding office

The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection has released its final report, a comprehensive overview of the bipartisan panel’s findings on how former President Donald Trump and his allies sought to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
The 845-page report – based on 1,000-plus interviews, documents collected including emails, texts, phone records and a year and a half of investigation – includes allegations that Trump “oversaw” the legally dubious effort to put forward fake slates of electors in seven states he lost, arguing that the evidence shows he actively worked to “transmit false Electoral College ballots to Congress and the National Archives” despite concerns among his lawyers that doing so could be unlawful. #january6 #CNN #News


  1. Remember, EXpResident Trump DID promise to “Drain The Swamp!”
    Well, it looks like he’s doing a pretty good job of it………..

  2. “January 6 committee’s final report suggests barring (disgraced TRE45ON) Trump from holding office” so let’s “Convince It Forward” and Laus DEO

    1. @Pat Johnson this place is crawling with idiots. Resist the urge to converse with them. If the mounting evidence of Trump’s nefarious behavior and the firehouse of lies spewed from his piehole haven’t clued them in, nothing short of an intervention will help.

    2. @Bruce Slater Democrats are Winners…
      Remember that big red wave thingy before the Midterm Elections? How’d that work out for you people?

    3. @Harold Lol. You leftists will lie about anything! I feel sorry for you. Let me know when you’ve learned what a woman is. Something tells me you don’t spend a lot of time around them.

    4. that is real funny the committee asking law enforcement to doo something about the violent extremist when the committee was not willing to enforce its powers against these conspirators . added to that the law enforcement community have many who are in on this approval of the trump movement

    1. @Greg Tennessee Trump does not hate Mexicans. Liberals are just good at perpetuating that narrative. BTW, Mexicans hate the cartel, drug dealers, sex traffickers and human smugglers. So what did Trump say that allows you to think that he hates Mexicans?

    2. @Pedro The Mexican Liberals weren’t raided by the FBI.
      Trump hates Mexicans.
      Liberals weren’t storming our Capitol in a failed attempt to overthrow our Government.
      Trump hates Mexicans.
      By the way,Thank you for paying for trumps Wall!!!
      Trump hates Hispanics and Mexico. Trump sees you as a drug cartel.

    3. @Pedro The Mexican do you pray to trump on your knees?? Do you worship him?
      Four Criminal Referrals.
      January 6
      Mar A Lago
      Tax frauds and evasion.
      More to come…

    4. @Greg Tennessee Nope. I thoroughly enjoy looking into the middle of this echo-chamber to watch the libtards (like you) float around in their own delusional rhetoric. It’s better than most of the stuff on HBO! 🤣

  3. Interesting. Just stopping by to watch some US media and read comments. Are you people that desperate to start a civil war in tandem with a global nuclear war? I know the US Democratic Party as well as a substantial part of the Republican Party consider war the all-time favorite American pasttime but there are consequences that should maybe be considered first for both possibilities. Just saying.

  4. Cannot wait for Gym Gordan subpoenas folks and they literally argue in court “Gum Gordan didn’t comply with the ones he got! Why should we?”

    1. What you don’t understand is that the Jan 6th committee is Not A duly constituted committee , meaning that it is actually illegal , you’re just too ignorant to understand that. It would be like having YOUR day in court and being told that you have no right to a defence attorney …. THAT would be a deprivation of your constitutional rights , can you understand that?? The only reason the J6 committee exist is simply because the Democrats have control , meaning a “majority” , you see , when you have been denied a proper education in all things “civic” you don’t know the difference , you can’t legally perjure yourself in front of the J6 committee because it is not “legal ” in the first place. Numb nuts.

    2. @everyone’s entitled to my opinion why can’t you nerdy and that he’s gonna ask for subpoenas and he’s going to get what he gave! And no honey! The Committee is not Illegal. You just don’t like the answers they got because it drives home that all Nazi roads lead to the Republican Party. Sucks to be you.

    3. Barr Donald Trump from holding any office again why because what trump did jan 6 th 21 yr ihe has to barred from office

  5. Imagine if we took this time to fig out important things….immigration root causes or stopping crime in cities

    Sometimes we must go against the flow
    Questioning what our shepherd’s may say.
    For they are not God, only human
    And for their integrity, we pray.

    With honor we obtain uprightness
    And by love and compliance we gain grace.
    Integrity gives us proper goals
    Improving the standard of our race.

    There’s no better teacher in life
    Like the trials which come our way.
    Integrity strengthens our minds
    As we pray what to do and say.

    Fame is what we steal or take
    Integrity is what we give.
    To this truth we must awake
    So we might begin to live.

    Every generation has its champions
    Who come along to save the day.
    Every generation has its daemons
    Who lead the lost astray.

    Politicians who wish to be praised by history
    Must earn their integrity by living the truth.
    Any who continue to mislead and deceive
    Must be shunned by the voter at the booth.

    By Tom Zart
    Most Published Poet On The Web
    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!
    Google = George Bush Tom Zart

  7. The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common – they dont alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views. -Doctor Who

    1. So they released Trump’s taxes in full and no surprise, Democrats found nothing again. These are sick, sick people.

    2. @TNT1138

      Why do you have to be like that? Both left and right have very valid points. It’s the extremes of either which creates an issue. Of course social media publicizes the extremes and splits the message, targeting the worst misinformation to the other side. It’s bizarre that people like you, don’t see that both left and right are being thrown under the bus. There’s no real conflict between the majority and working together is so much more effective than just vilifying others. But people only get their own point of view shovelled back to them instead of having to see the reality of the facts.

    3. @Avabeth McGhee It bothers those right of center to be unfairly treated, shouldn’t it?

      Enjoying our governments shift to tyrannical behavior because it is oppressing your political opponents today is like laughing at someone being eaten by sharks while you are swimming in the same area. .

  8. Gee that came out from nowhere. A committee that had no power whose only goal was political has come to a conclusion.

  9. I’ve never agreed with anything so much in my life! Why should we trust him not to betray his oath when he’s already shown that he’s willing and able to do that and then some, simply to stroke his own ego and shield himself from consequences?

    1. Zzzzzzzzz, hair on fire whinny democrat. How about Dems 6 year hate circus 24/7, shameful. Guess you all are afraid he’ll run again and show Dems up with his good policies.

    2. Show me one politician that tells nothing but the truth and actually works in the best interest of the people, especially those that are part of this committee.

  10. I just finished reading the first 65 pages of the report and this committee left no stone unturned thus far.
    Amazing investigation

    1. Watch…vax duds cant answer questions…makes em look dumb..
      Will you deny your vaccinated??
      The vax dud is not allowed to face his shame….vax dud says what and talks about grammer….your grammer is bad vax dud…say it back…repeat vax dud…repeat…say what…cmon. say it

  11. I’ve never seen a group of individuals work so hard to go after an individual and make sure he can’t be president again. I wonder what he has on them?

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