The January 6 select committee is considering action against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' wife, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, over texts she sent to then President Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. CNN national security reporter Zachary Cohen reports. #CNN #News
January 6 committee conisders action on Ginni Thomas texts

How lovely to be at a point where they are “considering” it.
@M Hall <<--- is a known russian account. Just one of the many. #TrollsSuk #DivideAmericans
@M Hall You might need to get back on your medication.
@I Care people like you make it so easy to make fun of you
@Gary Katzenmaier Your failed attempt at division to spread your Communist agenda is the oldest trick in the Communist playbook.
@I Care Take much drugs?
Of course she did and now clarence thomas is caught being dishonest.
@A King Right, I’m sure Clarence still dreams about Anita Hill when he’s “with” the white woman!! YUCK!!!
He just got caught
keep dreaming… LOL
@Rodney R. Murphy Sure… keep dreaming… LOL, you’re a sheep
BLM remember?
This will put the supreme court to the test. Can we trust that they are impartial?
Senator Whitehouse was giving us information about bad actors and power! Hmmmm
Maybe the ” Best Friend ” is the same guy as Hunter Bidens ” THE BIG GUY that gets 10% of all the dirty money from Ukraine when Sleepy joe was vice president.
Charles – OMG – you have NEVER paid attention to the Supreme Court in you life. SC judges are NOT I repeat NOT impartial. WHY WHY WHY do senators and Presidents spend so much time trying to get people on the court that LEAN the parties way. ANSWER that. It is because their bias will possibly help their party. Any problems understanding that.
I think Mitch McConnell and tRump made that perfectly clear. No.
Hell No!
Remove any names involved here, and party affiliations, and ask people if a sitting Supreme Court justice should recuse himself under these circumstances, and the answer straight across the board would be a resounding YES.
@S. Z. what insurrection? Did we get invaded by a foreign nation? Did someone air drop 10 thousand troops in the Captiol? Oh wait it was a bunch of dads and moms?…..right
@Joe Mama Let say the husband of future Judge Brown was an anti-gun activist and an NRA case made it to the Supreme court. You would be the 1st one to ask her to recuse herself. Let say she did not recuse herself and was the only one to vote against the NRA … obviously you would be saying something else!
Nobody cares what Ginni thinks. She can be Q or part of any cult. The fact that she could influence her “best friend” SCOTUS judge brings another variable in the picture. We all know you get it … well I hope you get it.
@Martin Goyette why? Its 6 to 3 it doesnt matter
@Martin Goyette

@Joe Mama Humm…Interesting that you can’t counter my point. Maybe this is going a little too fast for you. It’s ok, we’re all getting used to talking to slow Trump supporters.
I’ll just conclude that you would be ok with future Judge Brown being the only one ruling against the NRA while her husband would be an anti-gun activist. Is it even possible that you missed the fact that Thomas was the only one voting against the release of the WH 1/6 logs? Maybe you are that slow…
Recusing himself from upcoming rulings isn’t enough (although he absolutely should). Clarence Thomas needs to resign or be impeached 100%. He has crossed the line by not recusing himself from a case involving his wife already. Having Clarence Thomas remain on the supreme court tarnishes the court to the point of illegitimacy.
@William Franz well she can’t define what a woman is, so how does she know?
@Metoo3232 I would if I could. Even while he was ‘in power’ I would’ve been fired for publicly supporting him. That’s a true mark of fascism imo
@KAP Trucking
It’s still not the same.
If there were evidence that other SCOTUS spouses were actively pursuing sedition by cajoling the top man in the presidential staff to act unlawfully, they too should be investigated.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever of misconduct, or is this just the typical Qignon whataboutism BS?
@P1RandyMarsh Who says she can’t define. Haven’t you heard opinions are like assholes?” Everybody can define it. You just blab. Exactly like blabbing about how easy it is. In the absence of legal context it is meaningless blather inapplicable to a judges function.
It seems clear our founders never foresaw the types of scoundrels who would be elevated to the court or other key government positions…our society and government has lost it’s integrity and it will take decades to regain, if ever based on our current trajectory.
@Sydney Robinson I don’t know if I would call our Founding Fathers scoundrels.
There were many wrongs they tolerated, I fully admit.
However, many horrors happened in the past that were societal norms at the time.
We can’t restore the dead to life, and we can’t really use artificial means to balance the books retroactively.
@Nicholas Parker that’s not how this country works
. If you love your country despite its failings, you fight to change the country. Should we tell mediocre whites that they should leave if they don’t like the changing demographics.
@srgreeniii They didn’t create a democracy, they created an apartheid oligarchy where only rich white male landowners had a vote and where some are above the law, that’s what it has to do with things.
We need to change our system and laws to be the actual democracy we pretend that it is.
Democracy doesn’t run on the honor system it requires laws and that nobody be above the law, that is not the system we have.
@FredDelta We have got to do better than that as we owe our future generations to pass down to them a free Republic based on Democracy.
@Nicholas Parker remember the old 60s bumper sticker. “AMERICA, Love It Or Leave It” ?
Using the term “best friend” is basically using a code name, using it to obscure who she’s talking about show’s her intent to cover up that it’s her husband. It shows intent to deceive.
@Chris Bammer or the person begging Mark to commit conspiracy against the US, interfere in the legal and lawful swearing in of Pres. BIDEN. Then had her husband try to cover it up by voting to hide the texts. Yup, both of them should be under investigation as co-conspirators.
It takes a Biden voter to find a conspiracy in the words best friend. LETS GO BANDON !!
@charlesvan13 Yet Russia is on it’s heels in the invasion and Putin may be “put out to pasture” because Biden’s response is working.
I don’t understand how we have laws that nobody knows who is supposed to enforce them. Could they maybe designate who enforces them in the law? What is the point of having them if no one can enforce them? Is this a gaslighting move for the American people?
Hello Judy how are you doing today.
@Kelly Thomas Hello Kelly how are you doing today.
With this much evidence people have been found guilty of less. Play those tapes in court of them calling one another my BFF. Thomas being the lone dissention. Text messages. I say LOCK HER UP. Remove Thomas from the bench NOW. He can no longer serve as a creditable Justice.
The rank hypocrisy will forever be recorded as exactly that.
@Owen Chang <<--- another baby troll account. #RussiansSuk
@Owen Chang ok boomer
Hello Ian how are you doing today.
@MastaKush427 keep dreaming… LOL
@Duane Hall keep dreaming… LOL
This committee has to be the biggest talking shop in American history With an AG like Garland who is afraid to come to any decision absolutely nothing will come of these hearings
Clarence is afraid of Ginni. 1) He knew all about her activities and close relationship with the White House. 2) He didn’t recuse from the case where he knew she was directly involved. 3) He was the lone dissent to keep the evidence of Ginni’s involvement secret. He didn’t have the spine to tell her, “Ginni I’m going to recuse. There’s nothing I can do about the decision. The other Justices are in lock step”. So there he sat. He couldn’t vote with his fellow justices so he threw himself under in a display of utter submission to Ginni.
Yes you nailed it clarence thomas has no interest in “sleeping on the couch”
He was in on the treason as well. He is just as bad as she is. They are best friends no doubt they think alike. Now that we see how bat sh*t crazy she is we know he is as well. I always knew he was a terrible choice for a supreme court justice. I mean how could any black man be a Republican especially back in the day when he was appointed. It’s like a black man joining the KKK or the chickens voting for Col. Sanders. Something is wrong with him.
SCOTUS families can do this and gets away with it? How low of a standard.
Damned right they can. Have you EVER heard freedom of speech. It applies to more than just democrats. Read a book or get your head out of CNN’s backside.
@Andrew Pinson I see, the power of Freedom of speech to overthrow US election.
@Lymon Nguyen And I see you cannot see.
@Andrew Pinson well your brainwashed is more damaging than my eye sight.
Just like the “best friend” mention, there’re so many “coincidences” about this. Does anybody else find it “coincidental” that she mentions releasing the kraken, and then Sidney Powell later says the same exact thing? They definitely talk…
@george butler I never asked you to change an opinion only offered a a bit of information !
Just using Racism because she is white, free speech and most of America knows the massive fraud in the 2020 elections, not just Trump, to get to the finest SC justice ever, what to do? hit the family, truly the 1/6 committee is not just racist but they are traitors, and treason is death by execution, the Marxist left wants all the Conservatives gone, but lies and using corrupted power will meet its day of Justice, Thomas will not resign nor be impeached, they did this and trumped up the charges (Meaningless) to Trump, many people will be indicted for Treason on the left and RINOS also, but hey sheep!, it will be a trial by Military Judges in Military Tribunals, Woodard is a corrupted Mossad puppet, and yes Trump should continue to overturn the 2020 election with the most fraud in history.
@Ninja 77 whataboutawhataboutawhataboutawhataboutawhataboutawhatabouta
The lone dissent of perfectly codified law is the give away that even a child can easily see through. In retrospect I believe ALL of Thomas’ opinions were politically motivated. IMPEACH NOW!!!
@Cruella 424 Your bot response was great.
I guess if not sleeping pills then booze is the same thing, you drink every night Cruella? I’ll bet you do.
@dukeofthedance Yet at this time in our United States of American history we have a chance to keep our Republic and our Democracy #VotenBlueIn22
@James Kenyon We do my friend, I am on everyone’s side with a shred of common sense but it’s all so close to being gone that I’m really not sure if it’s not too late. Like the clock marched past midnight and can’t go back. I was for Bernie. I am for America; even those who don’t have any clue what it even means to be one. Not talking about you, but you know who I mean.
@Marshall J, I never understood how he got to be in supreme court. I recall watching the proceedings that went on forever that summer about cheating. As a younger kid, I couldn’t help but think “so… a guy who cheats on wife, and therefore can’t be trusted even with most sacred of obligations.. they’re going to appoint an evil liar and adulturer to supreme court for life? WHO DOES THAT??”
To this day I still don’t get it. Sure people make mistakes, I sure do but I’ve never wanted to be judge of all of america either to pass laws that we all hope last for thousands of years (if we don’t collapse long before then). For life? As kid it made me think of Hitler or Stalin but 9 instead of 1.
Get the piece of garbage out. Clean up the mess so people can learn to be happy again instead of in constant fear – attacking each other over silly youtube posts or to whether you used your turn signal or not at the last light and if the guy behind you is mad enough to yank you out and break your neck just for that alone.
It’s divided our country since we can’t trust anybody in the white house or supreme court anymore. It’s wrapped up too tight with who wants to control it – FOR LIFE.
@Andrew Pinson Well put.
They should definitely haul that guy in and question him about what he knew
It does beg the question: was Chief Justice John G. Roberts aware of Justice Thomas’s wife views and activities. If yes, why did he not insist on Justice Thomas recusing himself? If no, this demonstrates a worrying level of ignorance about his justices.
No ignorance here a well coordinated action
Co- conspiracy is mounting as is the potential for accountability through RICO.
Now, if we only had a proactive AG, like Glen Kirschner. How willing is DOJ to see justice done, to undo what Clark was willing to do, additionally what McConnell and Barr did? Bragg? Massive fail. Garland? If at all, assuredly slower than molasses. Have anyone hold people accountable? Even Pelosi is blatantly using insider trading and lying about simple things , like why she endorses who she does, the corrupt corporate schill, from observed actions.
Roberts is tainting the court making it pathetic and partisan, just another swamp in DC
Just using Racism because she is white, free speech and most of America knows the massive fraud in the 2020 elections, not just Trump, to get to the finest SC justice ever, what to do? hit the family, truly the 1/6 committee is not just racist but they are traitors, and treason is death by execution, the Marxist left wants all the Conservatives gone, but lies and using corrupted power will meet its day of Justice, Thomas will not resign nor be impeached, they did this and trumped up the charges (Meaningless) to Trump, many people will be indicted for Treason on the left and RINOS also, but hey sheep!, it will be a trial by Military Judges in Military Tribunals, Woodard is a corrupted Mossad puppet, and yes Trump should continue to overturn the 2020 election with the most fraud in history.
It’s all an act? Lol
She should be charged with Seditious Conspiracy. And, he should resign from the Supreme Court. But we all know that will never happen.
And it shouldn’t. Propaganda, tabloids and fascism don’t rule this nation no matter how much ‘progressives’ want it to
It won’t happen unless we demand it. Flood your legislators with phone messages, texts, faxes, snail mail, etc to demand action. Then, get your signs & walking shoes on, bc it’s time to fill the streets, until we’re heard.
No one is above the law
@sky boohoo. focus on how inflation is screwing everything up, and this current president.
@Nicholas Parker Do you even understand what treason is? The MAGA Trumpers who stormed the capital building on January 6th they should be charged with Treason along with Donald J Trump. Lock him up.
@bikingal She even rented busses for the Jan 6th MAGA rioters.
We need eight year term limits for all government workers including Supreme Court justices, people in the House and Senate.
They feel they are above the law because they can’t be removed from office.
Nobody in this country gets “lifetime” employment with its security, pay and benefits except SCOTUS justices. This is obnoxious and offensive to ordinary working Americans.
When Justice Thomas knew those texts were going to be released, he had a sudden “flu” attack and was nowhere to be found. I think he was so stressed to that fact that his heart couldn’t take the strain nor reality of the connection of his dissenting vote to those texts. Reminds me of the Martha Mitchell scenario with her husband John Mitchell, the then Attorney General in the Nixon WH.
@Rob Carp I remember that with the Mitchell’s!