Janelle Monáe PSA | Plan Your Vote | Universal Films

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Janelle Monáe PSA | Plan Your Vote | Universal Films



    1. @redneck_how-lee If you’re talking about me,please pay me as I’m sure bots don’t post for free 😆 . I’m simply telling you what’s out there. What you choose to do with it is up to you. Of course the real issue is that the news has largely been censored so people’s choices have been made for them,which is never a good thing, irrespective of your political allegiances.

    2. @Kelvin Walker no “op” refers to original poster which in this case has/is verbatim copied and pasted from a similar account which I provide evidence of with the link.

  1. Imagine signing a Covid-19 waiver to attend Donald Trump’s Corona rally. Just to hear about how Covid-19 is a hoax.

    Can’t fix stupid but the hats make it easier to identify.

    1. your a disgrace to America.. do us a favour and sow your mouth closed you pitiful radical leftist zombie!

    2. @terry dever a has been that was pres for 4 yrs and likely for another 4… what does that say about you? Rather pathetic.

    1. @Nelson Gonzales You do know rally sizes are partisan folks who have already made up their minds right? Very few voters ever attend an actual political rally.

    2. @The Purple Owl not according to the polls. 20% of attendees are Dems. Around 14% were able to but didn’t vote in the last election and around 7% have never voted. His base has only grown.

    1. @Bran Evans that’s not what that means. You can’t figure that out yet you want to make decisions about national leadership? Yikes.

  2. Vote it’s your civic duty! If you vote by mail be carful with your signature! Also follow all directions for the mail process! Better yet drop it off yourself at your local Elections Board office!

    1. No doubt! I don’t know anyone who dashes off to attend a ‘political rally’. That’s why there’s a market for a thing called ‘rent-a-crowd’. Somebody’s campaign spent so much money on them, they’re now broke!

  3. Please don’t mail your ballots at this point! Drop them off at an official ballot box to ensure USPS delays don’t obstruct your vote from being counted.

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