The House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol will treat its upcoming hearing as a closing argument ahead of the November midterms, which will seek to hammer home that former President Donald Trump remains a clear and present danger to democracy, particularly in the context of the upcoming 2024 presidential election, multiple sources tell CNN. #CNN #News
Jan. 6 panel to argue Trump remains a ‘clear and present danger’

The Democrat biased committee is still a thing? Why?
So when will it be time for the Republican side to prove them wrong. They want show the people who speak up just the ones they can pay off
If they are going to present new video they should show Ray Epps video on Jan. 5 where he says we need to go into the white house.
@Ursula Soames Yeah, the word “trump” should be reduced a singular, grotesque meaning, and banned as a name.
@Leevy OP = original post. I’ll paste it here:
“If they are going to present new video they should show Ray Epps video on Jan. 5 where he says we need to go into the white house.”
Tell me if you see Capitol or white house.
That’s an allegation that’s in need of facts
Yeah he is a big danger for the democrat party
Hey everybody don’t forget to hit that
!…I know its easy to forget, and frankly less fun without the overwhelming negative numbers being displayed…but let’s all let the whole CNN team, and the J6 Committee, how much we appreciate their objective reporting and insights…
Cool. When are we going to investigate the ones who said protests “need to get more confrontational and more aggressive”. But you know, that hurt you not them, so they dont care.
No finger pointing, name calling, fear mongering or gaslighting will prevent us going to the polls. The voice of the silent majority will be heard in November. Remember the opinion polls cannot vote but YOU can.
@Turtle Proof?
Its like a spouse accusing you of cheating when they have been cheating the whole time.
@Rhiannon Bittle LOL!! Yeah, whatever. Judgemental much? Guess I’ll see you there.
I am very curious if the RNC is going to limit who the DNC appoints to the next Jan. 6 committee. I would hate to see them steep that low.
@Rhiannon Bittle .. so, I take it you’re a Christian? ..
A lot of Russian trolls on this thread. The fact that Donald continues to whine and scream that he’s being treated unfairly; any other person would be in prison already. Two tier justice system in America. Accountability is required.
@Cathy Fred Lame, you communists don’t get it.
@Cathy Fred <<- - - DemocRAT troll bot
@Cathy Fred Vote Blue????? BAhahahah
Kinzinger needed a cleanup after teary-eyed proformance.
crocodile tears from today from Kinzinger
Only tears are from the families loved ones of the tortured victimized January 6th political prisoners.
Why don’t they subpoena Trump & other cabinet members to give a deposition. Ask the questions during the attempt to smash the constitution what were you doing, what leadership did you show, how do you justify your action or omissions to upholding your oaths to the constitution.
They want to speak up because they don’t wanna go to jail
Tire of all the opinion content regardless of who’s releasing it. How about breaking Trump off for the crime(s) he’s committed and be done with it all. Tired of people releasing books instead of them doing the jobs they were hired to do. Anyone who took the time to read Trumps resume would ever hire him to manage a “7-11”. An every day person would already be serving a sentence in prison already.
Just looking at these people , and their understanding of what Life is made available to you , to do , makes me shiver
To my bones.
lol why you mad ?
It’s so pathetically sad that this panel would have to argue the obvious. Buuuut, this is the world we live in today. The right-doers have to prove their morality and the wrong-doers get the benefit of the doubt even when there is no doubt. Someone, anyone tell me what day became bizzaro day and everything became inverse to what I remember as true and correct.
The thing to remember about these hearing is the historic documenting will never go away …
it will if our government is abolished
The only thing to remember about this political theatre is it’s the only thing the dems have.