The House January 6 committee issued another round of subpoenas as congressional investigators dig more deeply into illegitimate electors from key swing states that former President Donald Trump lost, who were put forward to try to justify delaying the certification of Joe Biden's victory. The committee issued subpoenas to six individuals, including two members of the Trump campaign and four prominent GOP officials from battleground states, as part of its investigation into the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. #CNN #News
Jan. 6 panel digs into fake elector plot with six more subpoenas

Meanwhile people sit in jail for marijuana “crimes”. If this doesn’t prove our legal system is broken and designed to protect certain people, I don’t know what does.
@Labhra Bog Woman
Russian Troll!
@Geman1512 only a horrible person would vote for a horrible person like dtrump
@Labhra Bog Woman
This “woman” has commented “17 times” on this post, mostly reporting people & harassing them.
This is a good example of a liberal troll trying to get All other opinions removed!
Nothing but a psychotic Troll!!!! (17 & counting..)
Even sex offender is walking around and works as house rep.
@Geman1512 j
Any elected officials who took part in this should be charged and if found guilty, removed from office, forfeit all severance, pensions, and other benefits, and barred from ever holding public office again.
@Jeff Love Sometimes we are more alike than we realize.
And be thrown in general population prison for life or face a military firing squad, their choice.
@GazM what are you whining about?
@Biden Sucks stop with your propaganda films and FAKE NEWS reports. Ahahahahaha where’s the wall? Where’s the money for the wall? Where’s repeal and replace? Where’s the laptop? Q knows too much to be innocent! He’s pizzagate! PizzaGaetz too!
Yeah, just heap that d-ham with the your other nothing burgers

Man glibly prattles on about ‘transparency’ while evading a question. – News at 11. breaking..Did you see this
@Yosh Zlac no yosh looks like spam.
@Jon it usually is.
And the idiots around him cheer.
A lot of underground payments favors and promises from 45 to people who help him to over turn. It’s always something for something.
Libturds have been waiting since 2016…. and waiting… and waiting… and waiting…
Just like yo girl hrc..
Your daddy trump wont be going to jail either hahahahahahahahaha
Yeah but they say he never pays only sucks up everyone around him.
@E Major But they have to stay on his good side because if he decides he doesn’t like them he won’t pardon them. Why don’t they just turn him in? Because too many of them are co-conspirators.
@jr goxy But you choose the Russian sympathizers.
@Be Thoughtful
I didnt vote democrat, sorry hahahahahahajaja
When a Republican accuses you of something, it’s an admission.
@Late Right back at ya
@Mark Well, given the fact that you’re a Trump Cultist and I don’t know you, I couldn’t give a SHT what your opinion is of me, LOL!! You don’t matter to me.

Besides, seeing that you are a Right winger, you have no credibility. So, as you were saying????
@Jesse Villegas Jr Under Trump: 13M barrels of oil production a day
Under Biden: less than 12M barrels of oil production a day, and importing the largest amount of oil from Russia in ELEVEN YEARS
@Mark Who gives a flying FK. I drive a Tesla. Wee will all be getting off fossil fuels. Bad for the environment, bad for our independence. Man, you had to do a lot of research to come up with an insignificant subject. You’re trying too hard, whanno. LOL!!!
Also, you’re deflecting. That’s not even the subject. That’s called, “Whataboutisms”!!! When the cultists can’t defend a subject, you change it. Which is, just about everytime.
@Moore Or Less lol says a cnn viewer

it not news clown it’s propaganda
*Bottom Line:* _If you can’t arrest BILLIONAIRES…. Billionaires can ARREST YOU!_
Charge them so they cannot run for any government office. Our country is going down if they are in office. They are corrupt.
@Beau Goss I’m not a Democrat or a liberal, sorry buddy.
@Chris Magnussen good, vote red across the board
@Beau Goss no.
Yes, yes, we already know that lots of these folks are guilty as sin, so how about we start indicting people…get this show on the road !!!
@Matthew Chick That don’t make any sense !!
@Greg. Akers They rarely do. They also tend to like their own comments.
Hey greggy boi, great news…
Your daddy trump wont be going to jail so you dont have to worry about that anymore hahahahahahajajaja
@Jarry Sciligo It’s like these folks never went to school ? ! They can’t spell, and the way they form sentences is really dumb ! I wonder if they are really Americans …cause they sound like foreigner’s trying to sound American !?
These people should never be allowed to hold any public office ever. Can’t understand how people can believe such Bullshit these people spew.
@Minute Meditations all american media sucks but atleast fox has some truth every once ina great while but CNN is pure hate and gossip and lies like russian collusion , trumps tax fraud and so on…..
@DPG Great, stop coming here and posting then. No one wants to hear how you love Fox, especially when it’s not even classified as anything other than “Entertainment”. Please, Please, Please stay away and go back to your Fox.
@jr goxy Smollet is in prison. Where is the story? When was it again that he tried to overthrow our democracy and stop the peaceful transfer of power? Was he still lying and crying 16 months later?
No. Just the tRumpettes that do that. The best people. Best at being sore losers. Best at whining and crying.
@DPG FAUX News is never truthful. They are an entertainment network and Fucker Carlson is just prattling on with his opinion.
Per decision on slander suit:
arguments of Fox’s lawyers: The “‘general tenor’ of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not ‘stating actual facts’ about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in ‘exaggeration’ and ‘non-literal commentary.’ “
They need to be incarcerated…know one under investigation should be allowed to run and or hold office.
Like the Biden crime family?
It would be very interesting if they called for each of the folks who signed those papers to come in & testify. That would rock their world!!!
@Dan Wright Hillary Clinton has been the whipping boy, I mean gal, for decades. There’s no there there. If there were, she’d have to turn Republican to save her skin.
@Sheldon Bodryn Sheldon then .. there’s no there there. Nothing to even talk about Spying on a sitting president is being brought forth by a special council now. But hey .. perhaps msm can deflect this ! I don’t think they can. ( as this unfolds ). 65 % of DEMOCRATS want Hillary investigated. It’s revealing that you downplay this.
@Sheldon Bodryn Sheldon note media is focusing on Joe Rogan. If they report on Clinton campaign paying for infiltration of president’s servers .. then they are looking at their own pushing for Russia Gate . Their cooked .. wether they stonewall this or not .
@david Bouras And China.
@Dan Wright You seriously need to get back on your meds
Isn’t it fraudulent to sign documents stating you are an official when you are not……
Why aren’t these people, arrested ?
@jr goxy Remember to try dating outside your family so we don’t get more like you.
@degenerati Well of course it would be complicit. Why are to telling me this?
@Tom Walker What you’re saying is all predicated on the the DOJ actively working to investigate and then prosecute these individuals. And apart from those who took an active part in storming the Capitol Building, we’ve seen precious little to indicate that they are feverishly working on identifying those in the top echelons of the conspiratorial cabal.
Garland did give a statement that suggested that the DOJ was going to do so.
But there has been nothing really to show that he means business.
Even some action on taking the House’s recommendation on having Mark Meadow’s charged and prosecuted for Contempt of Congress might help restore some faith in the DOJ.
Michael Cohen went to jail for signing a loan document that he paid back but didn’t use the money for what he signed the document saying he would, seems like signing a fake document to overthrow a free and fair election would be worse…lol
@Tom Walker I agree all day long that its illegal to go above the law and -in this exact case- act without approval of the state election board. Its interesting to me it was done in several states, but I’m curious why its only reported about this side of tampering? Many states instituted drop boxes without approval of the election board. Despite the ideology that it was right to do so, its still just as illegal without approval of the board. Not to mention, how many actions are folks allowed to do in this country without oversight? One needs a license to drive, taxed if commit commerce, license to operate heavy equipment, license to practice law or medicine, certification to be an accountant… might be shorter to list things a person can do without?
Mastriano taking a play from the Trump playbook… instead of answering the question, he redirects the attention away and attacks someone else. Classic logical fallacy (ad hominem) that works convincing the masses, but doesn’t hold up in the court of law or otherwise intellectual debate.
Well done!
@Spaghetti Inadictionary agreed, Ben Shapiro like many politicians use logical fallacies to their advantage. To be fair, all Politicians on all sides are experts at not answering questions in a straightforward manner. Trumps playbook is just more vicious, creating division and hatred. And you have more and more following that playbook since it’s working. Whatever happened to agreeing to disagree, and respecting different viewpoints? Now in addition to personal attacks (ad hominem), there’s bandwagoning and either/or fallacy. “You’re either with us or against us”. Again, the masses fall for it…
@James Park agreed and well put
@James Park I remember GWBush using that phrase: If you’re not for us, you’re against us.
Too much of this combat ready thinking when we need nuance.
Douglas Mastriono seemed pretty confident about his actions, at least in front of his supporters.
Haul his @$$ in front of the Jan 6 Committee so he can explain himself!
I look forward to seeing him parade his alleged transparency under oath in front of the Committee.
That’s right. If he’s so *ing trans parent, why not talk to to the committe???
Planned, coordinated and executed….they broke the law and they should be arrested, charged and prosecuted!!!
Which law exactly, comrade?
@Max E falsified government documents
@Kendrick Lewis That and entering into a conspiracy to overthrow the government via elections fraud. You know, garden variety sedition.
It’s mind boggling how these individuals thought that they could do this and even thought that they could get away with it! These individuals should be found guilty and never be allowed to run for or be in public office ever again!
@Mark and let me help you out, that’s verifiably false. But then again, I dont expect you to understand because well, you support domestic terrorists.
@GotohellQultist Too funny, another “that’s false” from you. Sit down, kid!
@Mark this coming from the guy who cant understand that forgery is illegal. Even more so with federal documents.
Seems like your have a kids umderstanding of laws.
I mean is it the action of admitting that that will make your entire world break down and realize that it was a criminal conspiracy?
@GotohellQultist HOLD UP!!! Too funny!!! What didn’t you understand about my earlier comment asking you to provide actual evidence of these supposed forged documents!!!? You crack me up, Wumao, but you should really get one of your buddies to help you come up with some better material!
@E Major You have the political parties confused.
Lets see how “transparent” Mr. Douglas will be before the committee
I would really appreciate it if people would stop calling him “the president”… the president is Biden.
No president Trump is the true president.
@Matthew Chick Are you a dude or a chick. I think your name is as confused as your are.
Brandon is driving this Country into the dirt .Everyone knows it everyone .
Sincere question here;
What made these people think that there was anything legal or ethical even about this?
I don’t believe they thought that. They have all sold their souls.
c’mon man…I think anyone is a fool if they think that all of a sudden elections started being rigged. It’s been happening for decades, by both sides.
Each signature on those counterfeit documents is an admission of guilt.
There’s no excuse.
So how about hrc allegedly behind a coup attempt in 2016?
@jr goxy Okay racist. Keep spouting BS when you have no defense.
@Michael Morningstar okay racist, provide these supposed counterfeit documents…people with more than two brain cells learned after Russiagate; you seem to be lacking