Jan. 6 committee: What we know about the panel targeting Trump aides | JUST THE FAQS

What is the Jan 6th commission and why it's so important for the future of US government?

House investigators are subpoenaing aides that were part of former President Donald Trump's inner circle. Here's what we know.

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Jan. 6 committee: What we know about the panel targeting Trump aides | JUST THE FAQS


    1. We republicans want DICTATOR trump. We republicans want MORE trump LIES, CRIMINALITY, TERRORISM, DIVISION, and RACISM

  1. At the rate things are going with this administration, multiply this event by 50. Then the amount of attendees by…….???

    1. We republicans want DICTATOR trump. We republicans want MORE trump LIES, CRIMINALITY, TERRORISM, DIVISION, and RACISM

  2. Life is uncertain, slanderers destroy, and relationships fall broken. It’s deep in our hearts we yearn for security, only God can provide this. God loves the world, He gave His Son Jesus (unto death for our sins), whoever believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life. John3:16 Please repent of your sin and believe today. Dont be left behind. Love Y’all

    1. Witch which is which? For a witch hunt you need pretty sparse to no evidence, here they have countless hours of big foot on film. Sorry bud go home, your treasonous.

    2. @Ryan Wilson You have film of Trump’s aides coordinating an insurrection? You should get that to Adam Schiff immediately! 🤡

  3. Are Pelosi’s communications and security leadership communications included in this? If not, this is total bull$hit.

  4. Conclusión to trump actions, Simple: All his criminal activities is to stay out of jail. That’s why his desperate and fighting to cheat he’s way back to presidency. Definitely causing a whole lot of problems

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