For the first time, the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot got to hear from a member of the Trump family. Jared Kushner voluntarily spent six hours before the committee on March 31. CNN's Jim Acosta speaks with committee member Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) about Kushner's appearance. #CNN #News
Jan. 6 committee member describes Kushner’s demeanor during 6-hour session

It’s way past time this conman and his family of grifters Be permanently put in our rearview mirrors. Never, in the history of our country, has there ever been a first family like this one. What an embarrassment for our people, our country.
According to the polling and the numbers, bobo the potato joe is the 3rd worst president we’ve ever had… who’s the embarrassment??
By not indicting Meadows, Garland himself is actually defying the will of Congress.
He should do his job or step aside.
@B. T. C’monnnnn Mannnnnnn! Garland and the swamp hate you more than they hate trump. Take that 7th booster and keep voting Dem.
@Jorgen dahl get the 8th booster NPC.
@JJ Gragas…yeah thank you captain condescendingly because we only think what cnn tells us to think, what a smug …You want to know who convinced me trump was a bad person? trump!!!
Stop. Have you been paying attention to EVERYthing that has been and is being done? Seriously. All the things you all whine about not being done are being done.
This is a Congressional Select Committee. They neither charge, prosecute or go to trial. They are not a criminal Committee, they are a hearing Committee, a fact finding Committee which is their Congressional duties.
@Donna Cox ikr
@Donna Cox The comment is directed to the DOJ AG & federal prosecutors NOT congress.
‘He answered questions if he remembered’ says it all. Americans you are being treated as fools
@DPG In Civil Court there are consequences for pleading the 5th. Regardless, the public can view it any way they choose
Using lawyerly evasion. No different than a coached witness qualifying a statement by saying “to the best of my recollection” or “if I remember right” that way if on witbess contradicts the testifying witness by some small degree, there is no perjury charge.
The trump crime family needs to all be put in prison.
@Troy Cote As Klaus Schwab smiles you will own nothing and be happy.
How can you tell what kursher’s demeanor was considering he’s a mannequin?
@Lana Wachowski your drive thru customers are becoming impatient.
@33 None Did you just assume my occupation!?😡
@Jody you’re gullible easily manipulated 🤷
No word on whether or not he left a trail of slime after slithering out of the session.
@Lucas Soares ok
He did….we all know it.
Merrick Garland should at least charge all those who have been supeoned to the 6th committee and didn’t show.
At the very least. Cheers 🇺🇸🇨🇦
@Jason Wright Make Boss proud
If he remembered what happened,is a euphanism for; he was skilled at not providing any relevant information.
Memory loss is very convenient when you’re on the witness stand. The quote is “I don’t recall”.
The hearings should have been public from day 1. Democracy dies in darkness.
Just like the coverage of the Maxwell trial. And Jessie Smollett trial and Bill Cosby trial.
Public hearings will be in the next few months. Supposed to be May but looks like a bit later.
@Denis Lessard how?
A request to testify before a congressional committee isn’t an invitation to an afternoon tea. Anyone who refuses to cooperate should be allowed to contemplate it in jail.
@Brandon Shirey He testified, he just didn’t hand over documents, but eventually did hand them over.
You’re so right about that. If we refused to respond to a subpoena, we’d be in contempt of court the next day!
It’s called CYA for both he and his wife. There’s ulterior motives behind his cooperation.
Like telling the committee to stuff it.
Maybe Jared and his wife do not want to go to prison.
@Elevation Moto ya think?
Are we going to get an “official statement” from Trump now about Jared and what a terrible person he is, and how Trump’s “heard of him” but doesn’t really know him? Maybe he’ll describe Jared as just another “disgruntled ex-employee”?
Trump “he’s not my type”
@Ec Brown ikr
I am sick and tired of everyone identifying Ivanka as the president’s daughter when discussing her appearance before the Committee. SHE WAS A SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT. She has no right because she’s his daughter to evade an appearance. Elections have consequences, but so does NEPOTISM. Trump appointed her, she accepted and she must be accountable!
ABSOLUTELY! She isn’t in trouble because she is Trump’s daughter, but because she was his senior adviser, precisely as you said. So, she is accountable like everybody else would be taking this position.
@Pete Mitchell keep going…?
She was inexperienced, unfit, complete wrong, just to take advantage for made the contact for her business.
Well at least they weren’t referring to her as one of Trump’s children like they usually do. She’s not a child and is responsible for everything she does like all adults.
PS — time for Congress to use the power of inherent contempt. They have that Constitutional power; they should use it
I’m pretty sure he answered every question with ‘to the best of my knowledge’ or ‘I don’t recall.’
Let’s get the show on the road already. Either they’re going to be held to the same laws the rest of us are bound by or they’re not.
“If he remembered the answer”
So, in other words he didn’t say sh*t
Smugly….this guy is actual proof of someone who was never slapped enough….
Every politician doesn’t need to be 143 years old to stay in office