Jamie Dimon weighs in on the impending debt ceiling standoff

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon gives his prediction about the debt ceiling as the Biden administration and Congress remain at odds over what to do about avoiding the United States’ first-ever default this summer. #CNN #News


  1. Xavier of mind after life with life eternal as it rolls into and out of itself mercifully with us now.

    He couldn’t find them so he called them from themselves

    The commander of life and death

    Is pure love

    By name he knows us all, hidden or not. It is shame that hid us and sin because of shame. We grow away from shame by remembering and accepting its truth.

    One father of many knew too much and was destined to feel this quake of the mind written by her story. Great mother Devine and our creator as some say. Its evolution is remembering so we may be practicing its truth again today. Do not add too or take away means stop eating the world, sit silent and know you are already Finished for being the very thing we told ourselves not to create. That is all you need to accept to maintain this order if we are to regain our perfect likeness with the all knowing I am.

    How would that be if being was being if being has already happened now?

    I see two roads and one ☝️ conclusion.

    Mine The Mind I AM

    Show me how to love with that and I will find me with you when it is time. This is for us both to grow brother. I will not abandon my path. Our true path line our love is ours to make, however if we deny it carried me then I will deny those who deny my path as well for being sad with the message though I value those with that path eugenics that hold it’s truth like a soldier. We are destined separate and yet equal 🟰 only to the path and its capacity to carry us through this light with its very own for as long as it may. Now is a time for diligence, she has had enough waiting for kids to come home to a table where her children are no longer found with now. They were too late for not listening to her message about the dinner bell 🔔 and as she suspected they will be eternally late now in these days for not remembering her breath is our very own. At the very least, just think of her and you will return to us as our own in the way it was it always was and shall be, forever without end.

    It’s history told by the great mother and keeper of all. Our Judge The Perfect Mind Loves Her Children, Good Or Bad. Even when we destroy each other she still finds love for creating Both, equally.

    Cycles, Signs, Storms. Mercy compared to the death of sons that hold her high as she should be, She decided because She is your Wife, Life, Marriage, Love. All things She for us mean is our world, men too her are at her will to control until you decide we are equal. Only then will she honor that man as Lord of all she thought she has bested to prepare the sun for its eternal Chariot in our mind, body, and Sol. It is written in your blood and played with the stars like a lullaby for a late Child that is growing tired of war so may have our peace, it knows it is not better to be if you do not love it like She does. So she sings it to Sleep asking us to please be mindful of the Death we made and let this baby rest.

    The dream world “Akashic Records” was brought to life, fabricated, which gave us hope where there was none. We became self aware without original sequencing for our growth. It was rushed. We are effectively unified only by design and it’s up to us to accept it. By this we found our true origin and become free by way of rite for understanding our truth to evolve this history with our gift at this time.

    The mind is both worlds remembering it is One.

    The ultimate reality is feared when what I am capacity of in our dreams is brought to our world unfairly because of that rush we spoke of in our genetic sequence.

    Do not add to or take away.

    The bigger story is the one telling their story now, and what it means too you.

    I would love to show you what we made today. Please feel welcome to visit me in our meeting place. I believe I know me and this is a message about what we did wrong. I will need a team to discuss I note meeting place what it means to know without suffering the same cycle of mind. I know we May now. Love ❤

    If we know death there is no life unless, we are free from the burden a heavy life wears. If we were free from the burden then why say this at all? If wisdom and intelligence are the same then why do we have separate answers to the same response? If the response is not wise, when do we listen? If we listen, why do we speak, the light is on. Do we say anything at all when we are talking as we are now about the truth we lost the moment you “explained” our mystery. Is silence worthy of a conversation or do you believe, intellectually, it may be left alone to a component not far from the myth it represents so well in our world of motion? If time has truly stopped then you are the dead talking and could be wise enough to listen to one Also when these words are louder than it’s truth.

    Modest And Humbled.

    Yes I do this to myself as a self serving antidote that the silence fears so much.


    Rest Your Mind

    I almost forgot I have friends here still listening 👂 That is our only job as a friend of a friend when they stop talking.

    Remember us even when you don’t have ears, we still love you for not talking as we listen to each others story one ☝️ story at a time.

    Doing good is what helps doing bad worth doing good 😌

    Gives us continuance content on the self saving mindsets that bad minds secretly help themselves out of giving the term, takes one to know one a whole new meaning, providing purpose to fulfill the global minds ability to coexist with itself.

    One bad apple spoils the bunch, however most still are not aware that it is a past digest spun into your view with our conscious way of expressing our choice to listen intently with the silence 🤫 it takes to release these “bad experiences” or to, put it better, pass the lesson on while simultaneously meeting satisfaction on all levels. Complete. Rest. Meditate. Repeat until empty of old “Unproductive” or “Bad” energy. When you feel better ❤️‍🩹 get back to being that beautiful person we know you are now. Thanks 🙏 😌 ❤️

  2. Nice to see good economic numbers; it’s been dismal lately:
    New jobs: 510,000
    Inflation: 1.2%

    Hold on… My bad, those numbers are from January, 2021.

  3. To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer ❤️

    1. Don’t we all want to keep our money? Whether or not we are an individual or a corporation we want to be able to keep our money. You also failed to realize that approximately 40 to 42% of all Americans do not pay any federal income tax at all. Do you pay federal income tax? Do you get your money back at the end of the year that you pay into withholding? We all want to be able to keep our money.

    2. @T. R. Campbell Sure, but corporations can afford to lose a little more and still stay in the black. Lets not kid ourselves.

    3. ​@T. R. Campbell
      Those huge corporate earnings ARE “our money,” T.R. They are excessive profits from overcharging the common man for goods and services for the benefit of rich executives and shareholders. If they are paid in a reasonable percentage back as taxes (reasonable meaning the amount before the the inexcusable 40% corporate tax cut under Trump and the GOP) then they become “our money” again in the form of public employee salaries and pensions, and government programs and services. Don’t be a sucker for the talking points of the one percent!!!

    1. You are absolutely correct, and some economists are beginning to whisper about a coming Biden depression.

    2. @T. R. Campbell Biden can delay it with a few changes to the definition……….temporary, transitory, its never been better, its the best economy ever……….you know, the thing!!

    1. wasnt it transitory then, temporary?……..then finally his lapdog came out and said “I was wrong”

  4. The first thing to recognize is that the issue is raising the DEFICIT CEILING, not raising the “debt ceiling” because we have accrued our enormous though irrelevant federal deficit, as far as the amount goes, that is erroneously called a national debt, by the process of quantitative easing (QE) that describes the electronic generation of we the peoples’ $s. Folks, it is impossible to actually borrow or payback, for that matter, we the peoples’ electronically generated $s…, because these QE $s are…, electronically generated. I mean…, duuuuh?! Just to be sure…, this means that we do not actually have a national DEBT, but instead we only have an irrelevant FEDERAL DEFICIT. (I swanny, deep sigh) You might be asking, “Does Jamie Dimon agree with these assertions”, and the answer is, oh yeah…, of course he does, but he doesn’t want we the people to be aware of this QE reality because then he and his elitist status quo clique associates wouldn’t be able to treat our United States Treasury like their private little piggybank.
    Only in your mind, Jamie Dimon, is “…this economy the pillar of the world economy” (snicker snicker), and unfortunately for us, China and a few of China’s friends, new and old, are about to drive this message home which is that our U. S. economy is NOT “,,,the pillar of the world economy”. China is giving every indication that they are about to make this global financial/economic shift when China says that we are about to see changes that haven’t been seen in a 100-years and the basis for that change will be the public acknowledgement of quantitative easing that the West has been thus far successful in keeping QE hidden in plain sight for over a decade now. Again, this censorship/suppression of the reality of QE is so that the elitist status quo clique (Mafia State) can continue to use our United States Treasury as their private little piggybank and China is about to pop “our” bubble.
    By the way, I’m the expert on QE that the Mafia State has been keeping locked in the “information cellar”, like a red headed stepchild for the last decade (mol).
    The entire explanatory narrative on how and why quantitative easing works is called Equity Spending (YouTube, video 9) or ES, not to be confused with the more politically correct, Left leaning, in my opinion, inferior MMT explanatory narrative on QE spending.
    Then there is the very much (cabal/Mafia State) shadow banned/censored/suppressed quintessential literary contribution for explaining how and why quantitative easing works that uses a fictional novel format which storyline is fun to read as well as being profoundly satisfying, even if I do say so myself, titled: (Revised 2nd Edition) “All About Equity Spending… With a Love Story”. Finally, there is also the non-fictional Continuing Commentary section between chapters nineteen and twenty due to the uniqueness of the subject matter. Reviews are available on Amazon books and any walk-in bookstore can order this literary treasure. P.O.O.F.O.O.S.I.E.

  5. Well I’m glad that we can afford to give our future to Ukraine. We don’t need a thing in this wonderful country. It’s great ,we’re doing great. Hope the bridge doesn’t collapse with a school bus on it.

  6. So the only way to deal with a debt limit is to just increase the limit ? Not pay the debt down and live within a limit…. just increase the limit (forever and ever and ever and ever). Can’t wait to see the future……

    1. As has been said over and over, the debt limit needs to be raised to pay for preexisting obligations, NOT to fund future expenses. If we want a smaller government budget, that’s a separate set of decisions. That’s why this is a psychotic and highly dangerous conflict in Washington (I’m talking to you, GOP).

  7. Lo mejor es que la Banca desaparezca, ya que son los arquitectos de los problemas económicos y después salen como rescatadores de la economía, un juego fantástico.

  8. This is mostly about anger from the Freedom Caucus of the House about Trump not getting voted in for a 2nd term. A real embarrassment for the GOP. So its retribution time – an opportunity for them to ding Biden before the next election & telegraph to voters they better vote for Republicans. So this will go to the the very edge of default & maybe full debt default. The stock market will get dinged, how badly we’ll see.

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