The Washington Post political reporter Amber Phillips speaks about former defence secretary Jim Mattis' accusations against Donald Trump.
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Dividing americans between ‘dumbs’ and ‘bigots’!
@Data JY ignorant
Your statement is divisive
Shut up.
wanna be friends?
Nobody wants to be your friend.
Finally! A Republican grew conscience. Took bloody long enough.
Never thought that I’d live to see the day…
Enjoy the show!
Nothing can stop what is coming!
Great Reporting Thanks
Trump has been “trying” to groom the military brass since “winning” the election. Hopefully the currant brass sees things the same way as General Mattis.
They don’t Mattis was a dinosaur 20 years ago
@blue note Esper publicly disagreed with trump about deployment of troops for that and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs hasnt contradicted him ..
Trump won through dividing society.
It was split in two long before he was elected
It was divided before he came along and he was able to exploit that divide
If only he gave useless speeches like Trudeau, that would solve everything.
Trump does give lots of useless speeches tho
Trump not doing anything is better than him doing anything
Coming from a guy named MAD DOG

His name was Chaos until Trump named him mad dog. If Trump calls you crazy that probably means your same
@Justin Marion Wrong. Been “mad dog” since 04 apparently
@zoots15 either way he’s a weirdo…
Mathis well known war criminal!!
Most American soldiers are war criminals tho
Justin Marion so is Trump.
Another unbiased news report paid for bu Mr. Trudeau. Mean while truth is democrats bail out rioters and pay for their defense
in court….
Biden campaign staff members individually made donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a nonprofit that pays bail for low-income individuals. ( Politico fact checking )
I can’t wait until they start executing Trump supporters!
Lol, like when Betty Devos paid for those liberate the state protests. Have a seat clown.
@Justin Marion guns>bricks
Gonna have to do better than what you have been
Stupid mantis,
Riots with vandalism, looting, stealing, using fire, equal to terrorists.
Am I wrong?
To kill terrorists of course use army.
I think everyone needs to lower their expectations of trump,he’s doing the best he can considering his brain is the size of a’s a wonder he can talk at all let alone tell the truth
can’t lower expectations if you don’t have any to begin with.
Trump 2020
How did he divide Americans when everyone is standing together at this very moment protesting?
Mattis was fired by two presidents a republican and a democrat….who cares what he says
Stokley he resigned under Trump. He wasn’t NOT fired!