James Clyburn says he does not support defunding the police

Democratic South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn tells CNN's Jake Tapper that he does not support calls to defund the police, saying instead to restructure law enforcement.

#CNN #News


  1. Today they love what they see
    People killing one another
    They fear the day of unity
    The day our people come together

    1. Defund police by the number of votes in an area. If 80% of the people don’t want police, move 80% of the police to the areas where people want the police.

    2. j p idk I’m Mexican I only know a couple of black ppl. My community is mostly Hispanic and white some black some Asian. I’m just speaking now my experience.

    3. Let’s be real guys. Police reform is a start but are low income communities need help as long as there’s gangs and drugs in are communities they will never be safe from criminals or police

    1. @Jerome t Green 99.9999% of police officers aren’t qualified to be dog catchers, much less qualified to be armed.

    2. @Jerome t Green A picture is worth a thousand words. No other explaination needed unless you are looking to justify murder!!!! Let, me guess, you are a white young male NRA member, envangelical Christian?

    3. @S Medrano If it makes you feel any better most white republicans i know really like hispanics, the non gang affiliated ones, due to having good work ethics and family values.

  2. Mr. Clyburn: the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.

    1. We know we need to do these things???? 46 yr Joe, 32 yr Pelosi nothing done. The insanity is keeping these folks in office . Mr. Clyburn lead it and get it done.

    2. No one is supporting doing the same. Reform is good. Abolishment is insanity. We will be taking a step backwards into insanity. Watch how quickly the power vacuum gets filled with the mob and crime rises. You all think it’s just that easy and people will somehow start being nice when police are gone? That’s insanity.

    3. @p p Exactly something a democrat says when called out and no they’re not the same. I’ve lived in multiple states and there’s a lot of differences which is why I now live in a state who’s motto is my mantra.

    1. ky store Republican states take in more welfare!!!! Look at Texas and California.
      Texas – Amazing standard of living and good infrastructure.
      California: Tent cities and million dollar suburban homes

    1. @IlluminatiMLG That’s a ludicrous statement. You’re taking what’s happening in a 6 block portion of one liberal city and applying it nationally. That’s ridiculous. Sensationalization is a tool of those who don’t have credibility to their argument.

      Show me a single clip, just one, of a politician calling for “burning down neighborhoods”

      People like you, your obsolete thoughts and ideologies, are the reason we’re in this mess. Your forked tongues have been flapping for far too long, and now it’s biting you in the behind with your own venom.

      You have awoken the sleeping elephant and now begins the trampling. The time to reform everything has arrived. Get with the program or get out of the way, or you will be trampled.

    2. @Jay Free Oh stop. This is a psyop start to finish by the real rulers of the world and they don’t answer to politicians, quite the opposite. This is the “reaction” part of: Problem,Reaction, Solution. When we get to the “Solution” it won’t be good for the peasants, it never is. The real rulers have elephant guns for your witless elephant. You’ll see.

    3. @Taun Taun’s Mr. President No it does not. It means stopping police from exercising their authority outside of the scope of their job and shrinking that scope to only include things that are necessary to involve them.

  3. This tool lost me with all his demands. Sorry, when cop says comply comply. That’s what other human beings do all the time.

    1. rakninja being detained doesn’t mean you’re guilty of a crime. If you are not breaking the law, then you shouldn’t feel the need to resist arrest.

    2. Didn’t George Floyd “comply”? Just stfup. Racist. Shooting someone in his back? Someone that didn’t have a gun?

    3. Yes compliance with law enforcement is a good idea. If you feel your in the right take it to court and sue or go to trial. Cop will have to show up to defend him or herself. You don’t end up dead and might get a little cash depending on the situation.

  4. You don’t want to get rid of police!? WHAT!? That’s crazy!”
    -Pretty much every liberal on the internet

    1. ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ says:

      You clearly dont understand the meaning of defund the police. It means to reform the police. Also I guess Republicans defunding schools, health insurance, and others things is perfectly alright

    1. Jay Blaze he wasn’t “stopped”, they were called to the Wendy’s because he passed out drunk in the drive thru lane of the Wendy’s. Other customers had to go around him in order to order there food. The police officer got there knocked on his window numerous times and had to finally shake him to get him to wake up. The officers were more than polite and respectful to him the entire time. When he was told he was under arrest he started fighting the officers and stole one of the weapon (takers). I’m not saying if it was justified or unjustified, just stating the facts of the case.

    2. @Big Earl play stupid games win stupid prizes. Once he decided to resist, fight, and use a weapon against a police officer I’m not going to care how the officer responds to his actions.

    3. It is sad the guy is dead but how stupid could one person be. Why did he attack? Why did he run? If he hit you and you had a fun you would shoot him. You may think you would not shoot but you would.

    4. @Jay Blaze No he wasn’t stopped to sleep. He was clearly driving in the drive-thru line with his car on at Wendy’s to get food. The guy stopped the drive-thru line because he was so drunk he fell unconscious several times holding up the line. That’s why they called the police. That’s like if you’re drunk unconscious at a traffic light with your car running claiming, “But officer I was sleeping off my drunkenness at this stop light.” HE WAS DRIVING IN THE DRIVE-THRU AND ADMITTED DRIVING DRUNK TO THE WENDY’S. GUILTY!!!

  5. He feel sleep his car drunk. So what would happen if he drove and kill some on the road. He was drunk if you cought take responsibility for your actions.

    1. @NotMe Us he tackled and punched a cop before stealing his service taser. He was a threat to normal innocent people following the laws not passed out drunk in the drive thru of a wendy’s

    2. He turned around while running to point the taser at the officer so technically his back wasn’t turned.

    3. russsgirl he new he didn’t have a gun but that’s not the point. He almost shot him with the taser

    4. 247617 that’s literally what happened. Watch the full video when the cop wakes him up in the drive thru line

    1. That won’t satisfy them, they won’t stop until they are able to break laws without any police stopping them.

    2. @Mr. Vic that makes no sense because police are responsible for too much and they shouldn’t handle more than violent crimes . They don’t need military weapons or the majority of budgets with barely having been trained or any school. Their extra money needs to be put in health and communities to combat the reasons people commit crimes from the beginning instead of continuing to add fire to fire.

      I’m guessing you’re an old white person that’s lived too long to think critically

    3. @92laird “I’m guessing you’re an old white person that’s live too long to think critically” Wow that’s racist, I’m talking about the people who think they don’t need any police. I’m fine with not giving police a tank but I’m talking about people in Seattle not wanting police or laws.

  6. I’ll bet every single person in the Chaz have called the police when they’ve been robbed

    1. 92laird so your idea is to have other police to do the rest of the job… sooo more police or they will be called something else.

    2. If every single person in chaz has been robbed, apparently the police weren’t doing a very good job.

    1. They are standing up for black rights, i get it. Just put on your masks and try to stay away from each other.

    2. They called Patriots protesting to open up the country terrorists but when these animals burn down their city, they are heros.

  7. He forgot to mention the part where the young black man pointed the taser he stole from the police officer.

    1. Juju Kim and also people who carry a gun and could be incapacitated causing the person who tased them to be able to grab their gun.

    2. More caucasians die with police officers so you can’t sit there and complain about something that you do not know the feeling of.

    3. @Taun Taun’s Mr. President
      When you don’t care about human life it makes sense that you see it as an opportunity to take one instead of falling back.

  8. Had no weapon? He wrestled the cop, stole his taser, and then aimed it at him. Smh great journalism.

    Defund CNN

    1. @drewtastic22 So if a man breaks into your house with a taser and you have a gun your not going to shoot him? Yeah exactly.

    2. @Nat Turner Police get pepper sprayed, and tased in order to join the force, they have training some people are just bad people.

    3. @russsgirl I just saw the body cam video. He fell asleep in the drive through. He appears to have been drunk. They had searched him, and he was unarmed. When the officers went to cuff him, he resisted, and they tased him while he was on the ground. He got up after being tased and grabbed that officers taser, so one shot had been fired from that taser. The other officer upholstered his taser and fired at the suspect. While running away, it looks like the suspect turned a fired the taser which only had one charge left in it, and missed badly. So at that point, the taser was useless. Even if he had hit the officer, today’s bullet proof vest are built to defeat tasers. So after the taser was fired, you can hear three shots being fired. Most tasers don’t have a range that goes past ten feet.

  9. If half the country literally can’t possibly understand that this was a totally reasonable outcome, then we’re doomed. The comments on these videos give me some hope, though.

  10. “Mommy, mommy… Teacher says, every time CNN misreports a news story, a new Trump supporter is born…”

    1. I had a teacher who spewed sjw and liberal nonsense, I had no idea why she choose to tell a class full of mostly conservative children that but I now hate her for that.

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