Democratic strategist James Carville and conservative commentator Bill Kristol discuss the state of the Trump campaign going into November, and they also game out possible scenarios Trump could attempt to compromise the 2020 elections. Aired on 7/2/2020.
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James Carville: Significant Chance That Trump Doesn't Run | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump should quit and take refuge in Russia. He is already indicted in New York court and is facing jail time.
Ask the U.N. or another international body to come in and monitor our elections for fairness. We forced that for other nations and now we have the suspect democracy. Then ask the International court in human rights to look at our treatment of refugees, indigenous nations who were left out during Covid and our ongoing oppression of African Americans.
Would like to hear more about that!
The one who needs to jail in NY is cuomo for murder
Rosemary Bushell – pass the buck much? Trump and Fox are great at never accepting responsibility.
Slovenia would be a better choice… They would bleed him dry over there and spit on his grave… (Or maybe that is just Melania?)
All that money to throw around and I can’t get this pothole fixed on my street…
We need to hold his enablers in the GOP senate who did nothing to stop him accountable. NEVER FORGET.
“Party over country” in action. What a DISGRACE
@J Els says who? Says you. You ain’t nobody. You must be confused about the Houe of Representatives and the Speaker of the House Nancy Polosi and her minion of eight. They took a knee and paid tribute to blm for a full eight minutes then had to get help to get up. I figured it was to much Ice Cream. She is fond of $12 a pint ice cream. But the point is that blm is an international as well as a domestic terror organization. They will be indicted and Nancy will be implicated for colluding with the enemy. So Trump has the Senate and Nancy has blm. I wonder which is the enemy?
Have you ever been checked for Downs ?? You should go as soon as you can , mouth breather
@Tim Podhorn Dems are not scared of BLM.That is an outright LIE!
America2020 and vote all
in November.
I love Carvilles choice of words when he refers to Trump.
” people are coming together to extract this menace from the body politic”
There’s just something about that phrase that makes me smile.
James is poetic and speak in flowery language. BUT, crudely translated: People are purging themselves of this thug sucking parasite.
What concerns me are the people who fervently believe in him.
@Ir333 I was thinking more of extracting a tumor, and not a parasite….but I think parasite is a better metaphor, lol
I had to laugh when Joe said, “who would be that stupid?” Pick me, pick me, I know, I know!
Loved Mika’s response
Timothy Kozlowski what does stuoud mean? Never mind there is no such word
Timothy Kozlowski yes we know Trump is a disaster.
would it be bunker baby?
I love the poorly educated
Even if Trump doesn’t run the Republicans have lost all their credibility and trust.
Dream On!
You must have been a huge disappointment to your father . How many face piercings do you have ? Blue hair ?
@Michael G @Michael G Let me guess, you have a pierced septum with a dog bone, rainbow mohawk, nine piercings each ear. Plus both arms, and neck, are fully inked.
The Republican Senators have been absolute cowards.I do have respect for Mitt.
TrumpOut2020 Restore America2020 

No way is he dropping out. Focus on allowing everyone to vote. This will be 2016 on steroids. God help us!
It’s not just trumpski that must be crushed, the whole republican party, moscow mitch, bootlick lindsay airhead Jordan. they must go too.
Yea, is desperately trying to find a way out now that his fate is obvious but your second point is correct… Everybody has to vote or the Republicans will not be completely destroyed as a national force…
TrumpOut2020 And the entire Red Swamp.

The big question is if Biden will make it to November. He definitely has something, health wise, going on. His thought are completely scattered- he can’t seem to stay focused.
The Psycho should not be permitted to use executive power.
Hide the nuclear football!!!
@autumn rain That’s exactly what I would like to know!
America2020 and vote all
in November.
where were all these guys 4 years ago?! they wanted their tax cuts and conservative judges. if trump was even 1/3 less trumpy, they would be fine with him.
I was just thinking how gorgeous his kitchen was when she said that!!
Me too. Is that pecky wood cypress on the ceiling?
If he runs, he will lose. When he loses, he goes to jail and then all the investigations start again. This time, McConnell, Guiliani, Graham, Barr and many others will be charged as well.
I can only dream…that would fill my little heart with unrelenting joy!
Oh man, to see Guilliani behind bars, and have to give up all the money he made off 9/11.
James Carville: Trump will magically disappear and corporations will save democracy.
Ikr? I just about fell on the floor

“Magically disappear”, just like Covid 19.
Seriously, I heard that, in the fall, as the weather gets cooler, Trump will magically disappear.
Yes he will eventually go away, but a lot of Americans will unfortunately die before this orange virus ends.
Yeah, but those are the 40% who show up at the polls and vote for their orange god.
In difference to the remaining 60% who voted every which way.. If this happens again in November we will have to deal with his nonsense for not just another 4 years, but we also risk having a Drumpf family dynasty that would make the Bush and Kennedy family’s pale in comparison.
Please get out and vote!

James Carville feels like an old friend, it’s neat to see his house.
I bet it smells like gumbo in that kitchen.
Geaux Tigers!!
and maybe a shot of bourbon.
I love me some James Carville

As Albert Einstein once said: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.”
“… and I’m not sure about the universe”.
I don’t think he actually did say it though.
He didn’t say that. Misattributed quote. And on a literal level I disagree: 1) nothing about humans can be infinite 2) why could the capacity for human knowledge or intelligence not be infinite as well?
@Progressive Humanist well your capacity for understanding a joke certainly isn’t infinite.
Yea, he was a master of the obvious, for sure…
Carville never met a narcissist before? Zero chance the man drops out of the race.
And corporations are gonna take a stand for fair and free elections? LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
*Trump couldn’t have done any of this without the endorsement of ‘Fox’, the Network that feeds ‘Republican Rage’. I advise folks: go two whole weeks without tuning in and see how relaxed, peaceful & less angry at the world you’ll feel.*
*#ComplicitMurdochs** profiteering on hate & division, it’s their speciality
And the enabling GOP lawmakers including Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz..
Fox = Russia. – Bonnie Robinson
Manufacturing outrage. Faux News.
“Let my people vote!” Well said!
We need to press these corporations now!
Let my people vote…..never as the majority, but thank God for the electoral college. It’s wake up time, the Donald.
America2020 vote all
in November.Drain the entire Red Swamp!
Prophetically, Bunkerboy said that even when people ask him to stop “winning” (in the wrong direction), he will not stop. Over 2.8 million Covid-19 cases with over 131K deaths, he is still in denial.
Is basement boy Biden upstairs yet?
He needs to go. USA, you need to band together and let him know. “Dump Trump” signs everywhere.
That is an excellent phrase should be placed every where Dump Trump I like that