Jamaica’s Covid-19 Cases Surpasses 23,000 – March 2 2021

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Jamaica's Covid-19 Cases Surpasses 23,000 | TVJ News


  1. People can’t hear them must feel. Poor Dr Tufton tired to talk theses people not hearing them say “if fowl ca hear shee him will hear Pam get a big lick so are these people

    1. Tufton was caught braking curfew 12 midnight on beach in savlamar with friends, you all some dam hypocrite

    2. @Antonio Baret u is the Dam hypocrite. Because of uno stupidness every where caronavirus is trending down except ja. Tufton a min. of health u don’t kn if he was on govt. business if em was out late. uno blame every body for all the guns, killings, thiefing, that is going on in ja what uno need fe do is blame uno dam selves r shut up.

    3. @A Williams Jamaica Government just fulfilling Gates and Fuchi mandate, a lie dem a tell bout Covid going up.

  2. The question I keep asking about this situation nice young lady lost her life because she is not the governor general daughter if it was the governor general daughter she would be alive today

  3. The child didn’t have to die the doctor is wicked and if she caught trouble for putting up an oxygen tank before that also needs to be addressed since they know space is limited. I see during the dengue period I went to Cornwall Regional and people were in chains with IV hooked up until they were discharged in A and E. The doctor don’t know carma will remember her address

    1. The mother said its asthma attack and they are saying covid this is why i don’t believe that all the cases they’re saying is covid,is really covid.
      Since covid is like nobody not having regular flu again.smh

    2. It wasn’t covid that killed the 17 year old girl she was asmathic,The mother said it herself that she knows that the hospital gonna say it’s covid 19 kill her after what they did.. Lol Jamaica hospital a try blame it pan covid now after dem know a dem wrong…

    3. @Tecia Brown The mother of the child said the girl was weezing before she rushed her to the hospital so it can’t be covid dat killed her.

  4. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK .I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL.GOD BLESS YOU ALL🙏

  5. Like I said teacher must get money big money the governor general get big pay so why the teacher then can get big pay

  6. So, So sad, this is an uncalled for death, when I heard the news that because of no bed this young lady have lost her life I was very upset because I am also a Asthma patient and I know that she didn’t need a bed, she only needed a Nebulizer and a chair, she didn’t need a bed. This is very sad 😡😡

    1. But I get to understand from her moms interview they eventually said they did not have any oxygen the mother said if that was the issue they would have gone elsewhere that medical professional should loose her license so sad I feel it

  7. don’t know the circumstances of the death of the teen however what is noted in Jamaica if you don’t know someone or have a popular face or last name of status you don’t get good health care at hospitals. It’s sad to say but it’s the truth. Personally my mom got good health care at said hospital in question but how many persons do. Stop stereotyping people especially during this pandemic and treat everyone fairly.

  8. My sincere condolences to the Mom and her family for the loss of her daughter.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  9. That so sad. Why the hospital didn’t help the girl. That true. Nursing, Dr, and the government doesn’t know how to help people. My condolences to u mother

  10. The housing price in Jamaica is so high can everyone afford it. I am not leaving my nice bed to come on holiday to go in a hotel to isolated. Sorry I will wait to see that going on first 😅.

  11. Listening to the news in Jamaica made me realize one thing, it’s a bunch of incompetent individuals running the country.

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