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We the people of Jamaica do not consent. We are not lab rats
You see the amount a government people one place not keeping social distance
Thats so true ! thanks for staying tuned.
Because they know say Covid a fraud hoax biggest fraud on mankind

That is Jamaican story sorry you people you should not wait till it reach there
That roadway always have sewage problem it’s nothing new Port Antonio health department sir could you read something else time and time again I always call them the Port Antonio health department and I ask them one question why harbor Street Williams Street have that sting all I told what you want me to do about it could you skip that item of news because the people at the Port Antonio health department are just getting taxpayer money to waste time and I believe the auditor general should pay them a visit
The water commission I dislike each and every one of them who work at the water commission
No one need to alert the Port Antonio health department they all bungle up in that liquor circle what you try to tell me them no seat them do not have nose to smelldo not try to fold the people of Jamaica please
Thanks for staying tuned to our station.
the people at the Port Antonio health department should be the first one and the scene to use their mouth to clog it up I really don’t care
The JUTC buses are so big, with lots of seat. I believe when the seat capacity is full, no one should stand over you. Covid or no covid
I absolutely agree, once all the seats are taken no one should be standing
Lord come yah! If yuh nuh busy
I Like watching Tvj News Every Day.
Thanks for staying to TVJ.
oh how i prayed for the pep be push to another month. i can better prepare my son for the exam.
every hospital need improvement. still want to know when will cornwall Regional Hospital will be fix. the problem is not Falmouth but cornwall Regional Hospital.
It would really be nice if the government focused on upgrading the hospitals islandwide. Thanks for stay tuned to TVJ.
But that a new job to do , in America grease truck go around to businesses and jaw grease and charge them , these are some way job created and money make for the city, NWC alone can’t do it .
This need more than a month because alot of our jamaican children did not ave internet at home rdrop off site for school work some do even have phone to do work
Well they have to open school first online learning does not work for poor kids who have no device or access to Internet they can’t afford
And sume of place mashup and Brockton around town don
TVJ News Department, why are you discriminating against some discussion programmes on Power 106. You generally give sound bits from one of their morning programmes but totally disregard two other popular ones, no matter who they might be interviewing and how newsworthy it maybe.
Good job officers, lock anybody that hiding these criminals and give them same amount of prison time like the criminal…these are the same people always come out a bawl when dem man or dem son get slap Weh bout innocent kmt
Jamaica is going to go down in this pandemic because they don’t even have Disposable gloves so poor people mus catch it and full up hospital
Build more area fi the dead body dem