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6:55 Excess Passengers? The issue with that is, Jamaicans allow themselves to be stacked up in public transfers. Taxi operators shows no cares for passengers because most individuals who uses public transfers doesn’t care themselves.
Whenever the ones who cares may protest, the careless take sides with the taxi drivers against the concern citizens.
Until the government legislation a means to mulct those passengers along with the taxi operators this issue will live on. Flu season or not!
MR TUFTON and his SON have breached the disaster risk management act ,There was no investigation or any charges laid against any of the two , this is only for local people but not for government officials.
The laws has always been framed to curtail the poorer classes or the less privileged. There is no one to oversee that these powers are abused and so the people will suffer.
I think there should be a mandate for mask in Jamaica because the people of Jamaica stick break in there ears
Curfew breach