CNN's Jake Tapper looks at why the economy is arguably one of the most important issues for voters during an election. #jaketapper #CNN #News
Jake Tapper: The economic alarm bells are blaring

CNN's Jake Tapper looks at why the economy is arguably one of the most important issues for voters during an election. #jaketapper #CNN #News
With threat of recession, better to avoid “obstructionists” from Congress and govt…
Last fight
voting hard R
@jasiel morales lol what can they do?
Trump 2024
Waste not, want not. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. JFK. Remember the covid19 worldwide issue? We got through it! We have to stop expecting all good and no bad in life. Let’s pull together as a world and do our part. God is good

Life can be good.. vote Republican
Larry Dummers
And corporate profits going through the roof. Katie Porter got the corporate executive she was interviewing to acknowledge that over half of the cause of our inflation is because of the growth of corporate profits.
I don’t understand why, if a recession risk is worldwide, that if a recession does occur, it will be all a president’s fault. This is a serious question. It seems that if a president was able to but neglected to enact controls or measures that would help struggling Americans, they would be guilty of allowing things to be worse than necessary. But if a recession is worldwide, who could completely prevent it?
@Franklin Not worth giving up the influence in the long run.
@David Drake OK, thats you opinion. But don’t ask what Biden could have done. When that is your position. There was plenty he can do to cut down on inflation. Sanctions are the main driving force of inflation. When you cut supply. Prices go up, demand stays the same.
@David Drake What influence are you gaining by sanctioning? You didn’t hurt anyone but yourself. Russia gets to sell less oil, but makes more in profit. China, india, and opec countries didnt stop buying russian oil. Opec decided to cut production more, letting them and Russia make more profit. While you suffer and they have cheap fuel. So you didn’t actually do anything, besides drive your own cost up. Enjoy your recessions.
recessions are an economic cycle. What I was taught in school was that you are suppose to have them and we try so fucking hard to stop the inevitable and I dont get why. It only worsens the problem.
Yes, economic cycles take place. But the Europeans having to “stock up” for their winter oil needs is an acute issue. A seating US president having to repeatedly “release from SPR” to stabilize oil prices is not ordinarily economic cycles. Some…would describe it has policy failure.
“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify, simplify! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.” -Thoreau
I would never blame Biden for the greedy little piglets of the world. Other things, perhaps, but not the many forms of greed: from wanting too many things or having too many children? Those are self created problems & I have little sympathy for those people.
When someone who wants but little has a hard time making it in this world, then we have problems. I do believe we have problems, largely created by the greedy people of the world.
And I remember back in the ’70s when Harvey milk was shot to death by a Democrat politician and the idiot like a typical Democrat pleaded the twinkie defense. He said oh well it’s not my fault I ate too many Twinkies.
Yeah, Katie Porter described it perfectly !! CORPORATE PROFITS !!
That’s WHY the Economy is Tanked !!
Thank the CEO’s and Large Corps and stop blaming people who can’t do anything about corporate greed…
Yeah lol no
@J W because they do their bidding
Yeah lets not blame Joe Biden. lol
News flash: The U.S. is already in a recession.
technically, no. The Europeans are in a recession. We may follow soon if these energy policies go un-checked.
Things were great under Trump no matter how much you all hate him.
Well, the problem is that the U.S. keeps trying to solve its own problems without looking at the global economy, when there is so much interdependency between economies because of the U.S. dollar’s position. What looks good as a solution may well be a good solution in a more closed economy, but with so much globalization now, that same solution may have the opposite effect.
for most of us, the 2008 recession never went away.
What are you doing, Jake? You were so great just being yourself — measured, intellectual, and completely compelling with the force of your reasoning. Truly one of the best. Why are you trying to imitate these other mindless carnival barker announcers with this loud “attention-getting” style? It doesn’t suit you. You are great as yourself!! Be yourself.
Yeah, this new format is terrible for him. The sound effects thing is absolutely off-putting. Ditch the new shtick Jake!
Bro!!!! I was just commenting on this…I read CNN got new management. He /she needs to fire some people. Start with the writers…
@Joe Bloe They’re all political now. No one is impartial.
@Pierre Clifton agreed
The real, honest way of a getting good economy is through real hard work, through increase of productivity, through new innovation, through finding new engine growth, all these…. Not THROUGH USING YOUR DOMINATION TO EXPLOIT OTHERS AND TO CRUMBLE THE COMPETITORS THROUGH UNFAIR, UNSCRUPULOUS WAYS.
Katie Porter got a corporate executive to admit that corporate profits are the cause for over half of inflation, along with the exploitation of workers.
The getting ahead through hard work, etc., only works, if everyone is honorable, and corporate greed prevents the traditional philosophy from being implemented.
So, get the corporate greed under control and stop the self-congratulations for exploiting workers and the other factors, which are destroying our economy, then the ideals you speak of can return to reality.
If anyone wants to know what good governance is: two things must be fulfilled :a healthy inflation and the bottom of the 10 % of the population is not in poverty line. Just look out for these.
Yes they are so concerned about the recession… slowing the flow of money. So concerned that they will share.
Food prices don’t go up due to government support either
It’s always annoying when rich people (like Jake) act like they’re one of the working class who will suffer because of the war in Ukraine and plain greed of American companies.
Loving Tappers show, nice to see CNN approve a little bit comedic and less serious approach to news
Wages are low. Compared to cost of living, even without housing and education included, they have not increased with inflation.
I was reminded recently, and followed up with researching it again, that the recession actually started at the end of 2019 when the bond curve was already inverted earlier in the year and Trump decided to start trade wars with everybody notably China.
COVID ended up just being a nice cover for why the recession of today was happening and the inflation that’s coming with it. But really, it started back in 2019.