CNN's Jake Tapper discusses the lack of proof behind Trump's justification for killing a top Iranian official, Qasem Soleimani. #CNN #News
Jake Tapper calls out Trump’s smear

CNN's Jake Tapper discusses the lack of proof behind Trump's justification for killing a top Iranian official, Qasem Soleimani. #CNN #News
Does anyone in “power” recognize just how dangerous, on EVERY level, all of this crap is?! There is enough hate and war as it is without encouraging and creating more of it! Damn! Quit adding to it!
Seems like Mr. Blakers is a Russian troll…
Straighten out ur pantys crybaby
Straighten out your panties !
@JK F1 PS: CNN SUCKS!!! The gooc think is that the treads are evening out…it’s no longer all one sided. … the crazies are being challenged and they have no idea how to debate.. they’ve been exposed… as they should be, for having a collective lack of common sense.
@Steve Scally your comment betrays a poor educational background or complete lack thereof… LoL
darlings.. the GOP is “DEAD”.. behold leaders of the “NEW FASCIST’S”..
Imagine calling GOP fascists while you support:

Banning opposing ideas
Restrictions on free speech
Using violence to stop speakers you disagree with
Promoting identity politics
Promoting cancel culture
Stupidity is strong with this one
Dana and you other children. Study 1930s germany. See the paralells to the rise of the fascist nazis and the democratic party of today now under control by fascists. I am a historian degreed and lectured and expertise in our founders and constitution. You are in serious need of education on the subject. Do so please.
@Smiliee970 come to dallas little one and try it on me. Dealy plaza. You pick the time and date. I’ll show you how i servived nam. Seriously.
@allex gibbs by not being a tone def liberal. Having values is a sin to the neo left
The Jew hating Dems have more in common the fascists.
A Cheetos stain come to life is in the Oval Office
The bank owes me a million dollars, I have no proof it’s just I believe it probably does
@purple layne what war? The CNN wants war, TRUMP doesn’t period
@Doug Shaw Iran didn’t eirher! It was Saudi Arabians…but arent those trump’s pals? You shouldn’t be calling anyone a moron
Remember, Bill Barr said it’s okay to lie to law enforcement if they hurt your feelings. So of course,Trump took that to mean he could lie the country into a war.
I believe I’m Jeff Bezos. Do I get to run Amazon now?
Are Americans starting to become aware who the real enemy of the US is?
Lorraine Myers Aman to that.
@Donna Willams That’s cute.
@Rick Karsan 45 is going to blow u away and your to slow to know
@Martian Minute U
Debra Cottrill LOLOLOLOLOL… much insanity. So much foolishness. So much mindless crap being spewed. And like Barry said, so much wrong with what you said. And all easily refutable if you would seek some knowledge outside your bubble.
mtlbstrd then refute away. That’s a typical repub comeback. All bs, no proof.
Sandra Barrie again, so wrong. Typical leftist comeback tho…
fact is, I don’t NEED to refute your fallacious claims; the truth is available to you. You just need to extricate your head from your…uh, bubble. But you won’t, because you don’t want to find the truth. What you what is confirmation of your bias. Have you ever, just once, asked yourself why it is the news that you get from MSM lines up so neatly with what the Democrat party says? I did, and I started to look for truth, and found it. It led to me walking away from the left.
BTW: do some checking outside MSM, you’ll see that it’s not just the rich getting richer. Wages are going up, the percentage of people in poverty has dropped. And, oh yeah, workers are seeing 3% minimum increase in overall wages. For the first time in a long time, it’s not the supervisors and management seeing the increases, it’s the workers. But go ahead, keep buying the bull they’re feeding you, stay a mushroom if you like.
@Debra Cottrill =someone taught to blame everyone else for her shortcomings #loserville
There is definitely no intelligence involved in his decisions.
@Anthony S2K04 ah such a brilliant retort from a Trump cultist! So typical of your ilk! But perhaps one day you will see the error of your ways support a human, any human, because Trump is not!
@Anthony S2K04 actually I’m totally content in the knowledge that Trump is a walking pile of orange anal excrement!
It’s been almost two weeks and Iran avoided killing Americans. How can liberals still argue the decision hasn’t done exactly what trump intended?
@William Burgess
One mustn’t necessarily be “so smart” to run for high office or to obtain an appointed cabinet position, as evidenced by the bumbling crew steering this ship into as many icebergs as might remain in the melting arctic.
The president is a drooling imbecile and his cabinet are cretins.
Dump this Sinister “Imminent Threat” Into a DUMPSTER.
@Martian Minute how many of trump’s “best people” are either in prison or about to be??
I’M going wait for an answer to both my questions.
@Lopici come on, with those big beautiful black eyes of Uns looking up at you smiling while your crossing the DMZ with him, you never know, maybe _you’d_ fall in love with him too.

He is doing his best to reason with a madman here guys, turns out, it’s looking like catching flies with honey rather than with vinegar, really might just work. Calm your TDS long enough to be logical about this. You never gave Trump a fair shot to begin with and yet he risks death crossing the DMZ for _all_ of us Americans.
Martian Minute you won the prize for the most gaslit moron!
Okay, Putin has a past far deeper and worse AS does “Kims’ Korea “ so, will he be taking them out too?
don’t forget ‘bone saw’ mbs.
Are they attacking Americans and training terrorists to take american lives?
Both Russia and NK most certainly attack the US, but not with terrorists and death, but with theft. Neither country cares much at all for dead Americans but both need alot of money, a parasite that kills it’s host winds up dead itself.
No he’s going to try to Out do them with kill his own 2020 VOTE BLUE
@FranciKatherine Melton-Jones you are literally saying we should’ve ignored the American killed by Iran because we haven’t attacked Russia and North Korea. Sad
Yeah Trump will be taking Putin and Kim out….. to dinner to celebrate at the dictators ball.
It was all for ratings. In his sick reality TV show
You get your news from CNN,

And your concerned about reality television.
“corporate lobbyist” A fancy name for a political bribery expert!
The imminent threat is his impeachment and everyone knows it.
Lol technically that’s neither imminent (it occurred a few weeks ago) nor a threat (since its a politically partisan side show with no chance of passing), all that might happen is Trump to become the first president ever to be impeached but not charged.
The only thing democrats get out of this is to say Trump had been impeached, which means as much as saying someone found innocent of a crime was once charged with one.
That may rile up some of the lefts base but to people in the center it’s just a desperate attempt to throw shade at trump while hoping Americans are too stupid too actually know what impeachment means.
It’s making the left behave far too arrogantly.
@mtlbstrd Nope. Trump is guilty of every crime I mentioned and more. I suppose you never heard of his extensive criminal history of fraud. Or the cases the SDNY is prosecuting him on. Doesn’t matter, you can’t stop his demise. He can’t even cheat in this time. He’s doomed and we’ll make sure he suffers for his crimes. Go back to Fox with your desperate asses. Trump won’t live passed 2020. He’s a target from all angles. Doomed.

you democrats are fucking clueless.
@Brian Walsh kick rocks you imbecille

When anyone says “Almost” it means they have no proof, they are making it up…
@Den V. trump is impeached to the end of time it is not fake, putin visited iran and trump stood down from iranian aggression soon after, there is a transcript that says “i’d like you to do us a favor”
@Ford Bronco trump bragging about falling in love with and receiving beautiful letters from Nth Korean communist dictator…
Trump taking word of Russian dictator Putin over his own intelligence agencies…
I don’t dare about “imminence”. The guy was a terrorist and I’m glad he’s dead.
@anne-marie Andrews “do us a favor” meaning United States! But of course if you are a left wing Dem , you would translate that into something against Trump but then again ANYTHING Trump does his haters blindly think it must be bad just ask CNN!
“Yea he has blood on his hands but” …
The “bigger strategy” relates to impeachment … the draft dodger is now trying to be an impeachment dodger!
He has already been IMPEACHED.
Next step is his trial in the Senate and hopefully a conviction and removal from office!
@cosmic voyager keep dreaming pansy

Bill managed to dodge the draft; but he failed at dodging impeachment.
“He believed there probably could’ve been.” -Esper, in regards to Trump’s thought process
Soleimani is a hezbola leader, hezbola is a terrorist org. Terrorist org are and should be always treated as an imminent danger
I like
How jake called him out at the end for being a defense lobbyist at the end.
They’re not even trying to hide their crimes anymore
That’s right the world knows how dumb Democrats are now and understand why we don’t want your input
Exactly MIKE !!!!
The Democrats have been breaking laws & protocol for 3 yrs. & they know, we all know. Just like CNN lying about the Covington Catholic boys. CNN did it on purpose & with a smile. I bet they’re not smiling so much now. After losing a $275 million law suit.
Lemon it gets better let trump into yiur life. You have CNN addiction. Say no to CNN a mind js a terrible thing to waste
dont we remember his past statement regarding obama starting a war with iran to get reelected,
There’s an imminent threat alright and he’s still in the WH!
Soleimani is like sadam, both are terrorist leaders(soleimani is part of hezbola). Now would you agree that sadam is a imminent danger to anyone around him? Cuz i fuking would, same applies to soleimani