Politico’s Jake Sherman argues that Republicans are not accepting the president’s electoral defeat because Trump will continue to be a major force within their party well after his time in office. Aired on 11/20/2020.
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#JakeSherman #Trump #MSNBC
Jake Sherman Thinks ‘Republicans Are Not Going To Stop Talking About Trump’ Anytime Soon | Deadline
The Republican Party is no longer a political party/movement. It’s a criminal organization
@cassandrask8 but just enough to flush the the lefturd …..
@John Watt john podesta killed Scalia
The tea party invited all the loonies. Rush Limbaugh turned politics into football like sport and they can act like jocks. congress worked with each other before it became a sport.
@HOME TEAM says the trump supporter on CNN, get a life, loser!
@Beth Large I come on to educate the simple minded left
There is only one way that 45* will occupy the Oval Office on January 20, 2021: A COUP! He’s trying for one right before our eyes.
I have to say I didn’t think he would get this far. I thought there would be legal departments that would intervene. I thought the house of representatives would have a say? what do I know!
@Frank S.: There is a waiting period or time for the transition that President Trump is ignoring.
@John Watt, not sure what you mean.
@Frank S. I hope you are sincere. It’s easy to be confused about what is going on because it hasn’t gone on before. President Trump is denying access for a new government and is using presidential powers to try and get rid of votes that aren’t for him. That’s why he doesn’t want the votes of Detroit to count, because the population is 80% Afro-American that he knows won’t vote for his racist politics. What makes it crazy is Trump denying the pandemic at first, then saying it will go away in the summer heat, and now his son tested positive. When you see the northern border of the U.S. being all red with the virus, and across the border in Canada it’s clean, you can truly see the difference in federal leadership.
John Watt, I understand what you are saying. I am sincere also. I can add to this by saying a lot, but I will just end up saying mean things about the particular ones involved.
I am a basic layman and my vocabulary is blunt and to the point and of course, I don’t like anyone who lies! I guess that just about sums it up! right?
Trump and the Republicans are trying to make it so difficult for Biden’s team to get a smooth start. They are making it difficult for the country , but just like 12 years ago when Obama/Biden inherited a bankcrupt America, they worked hard and bring the country back. President Elect Biden will rise up to this occasion victorious, because their faith is with the American people. Trump and the Republicans will be branded as the “deplorables,” of America. People need help, they will not help. It is sad. sad .!!
Sad but so true.
Est Fowler…I totally agree!
I appreciate your optimism.
I hope you’re right about the Biden Administration. It’ll be a tough go at 1st but if folks around the country stress patience for just a bit then things should gradually begin to turn for the better. It won’t happen overnight; you know the ol’ saying ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. But they will work as hard as they can to restore faith in the country again.
Impeached Trump no longer matters
The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.― Malcom X
Bummer for them. I don’t even want to think about him anymore.
EXACTLY we are TIRED of 45.
Me too!
I’m starting to switch off the news.
Just need to wait and see what happens on 30 January 2021.
The rest is just hot air and bluster.
You have to think about Mr Trump until he is gone and is behind bars. Get yourself involved in either your local Democratic Party ,or your Local Republican Party.AT the moment the Republican Party desperately needs honest people to join as soon as possible.
Trump will be ignored starting 1/21, he’s burned everybody, or surely will, and all know it.
He lives in your head and it is marvelous.
No need to worry after 1/21/21 the Democrats will start their USCP foundation
he WILL be ignored because the madmen insurgents blasting away at you antifa traitors will be getting all your attention. just a prediction.
Can burned everybody
@SoldierICEsnake back to English class you unintelligible foreigner
“I’m melting”… The wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz..
This is the movie Rudy should have quoted.
Good point! I can see him flying by in one of the monkey suits.
God, Trump really hijacked & tarnished the party BIG TIME.
@Roman Ward
Roman the pharmacy called! Your refills are ready! You may want to get someone to pick those up for you!
@Roman Ward…Just one little problem with your claim that Dominion voting machines changed votes….there is ZERO evidence it happened. Trump allies have claimed that Dominion products are concentrated in states that went for President-elect Joe Biden, but that’s not true. Those same Dominion voting machines were also used in states Trump won, like Florida, Texas and Utah, but you don’t see Trump claiming anything fraudulent happened in states he won do you?
Dominion Voting Systems was founded in 2003. It started out as a Canadian company and was later incorporated in the United States; it now has offices in Denver and Toronto. The company offers software and hardware for elections, including computer programs to manage databases and election audits, touch-screen voting machines, ballot scanners and ballot printers. There are two other companies that help administer most elections in the country: Election Systems & Software, which is based in Omaha, and Hart InterCivic, based in Austin. All three companies are privately owned.
Sure it’d be possible for a bad actor to manipulate the machines so that the paper that gets printed doesn’t actually reflect a voter’s true selections, and thereby change votes. But cyber security experts and election administrators all agree that there’s no evidence any such actions took place during the 2020 elections.
Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer science professor who is in the middle of reviewing the security of Dominion’s electronic voting system in Georgia said, “Scientists like me have been warning for literally years and years that computer voting machines pose cybersecurity risks, but that is very different from drawing the conclusion that the 2020 election was rigged, which is an absolutely extraordinary claim.
“It’s an industry-wide concern,” Halderman said. “But there’s no logical reason to be singling out one company.”
Halderman also argues that if Republicans were really concerned about election integrity, they would have more seriously considered comprehensive legislation aimed at fixing the problem. Instead, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has consistently blocked it.
@Hot Pocket but you do
gtfoh with that bs, he’s trying to stay out of jail because on January 20,2021 he has alot to answer too or you going to pay for his legal fees
I don’t think so get smart and stop believing in the bs
@Bobby Brown Come back when you can speak in complete sentences and without emojis. Maybe someone will take you serious at that point. Here’s a quick lesson for you: http://www.carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php Next, check out COINTELPRO here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsv2DWczG_Y Check out CIA manipulation of the media here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfGxQdc0Kg8&t=3s Check out the FBI MLK suicide letter here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe5il37e7lU Study Col. Flether Prouty here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ0zLoy9FKM&feature=emb_logo here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSff0pwc1Xc and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2S20IMOiok and then watch at least the last 1/2 of the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SShXDJKG4BA After that, come back here and maybe then we can have an educated chat.
@Lee Harbick FYI Lee: “US FEC chairman declares presidential election illegitimate due to widespread fraud; FBI allegedly investigating”
This is CRAZY Rudy & 45 are loseing it. Such embarrassment
This is a good time for Mitt Romney to drive his political car to the front of the race and replace Trump as the face of the Republican party.
They’ll stop when trump’s full depravity is exposed for everyone to see, and they’ll definitely stop when their full campaign donations are exposed, don’t forget how they changed behavior after their “visit” to Russia a few years back, #releaselindsaysemails
The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.― Malcom X
Hey are looking at his sons laptop or about his cancer charity lol where they gave 0 Grant’s out and 65% of the donations went to payroll lol
@Tyler Scofield Shhhhh, they don’t want to hear about that stuff…..
Trump could say that he is not leaving, he is not conceding.However, according the Twentieth Amendement to the Constitution, the candidate with the most electoral votes
(Biden, 306-Trump, 232) becomes president at 12:00 p.m. on january 20. The current president’s term is therefore over on that day, just before noon. And all of the allegiance of the government, of the military, of the civil service, switches to Joe Biden, the winner of the November 3 election, and Donald Trump will become a private citizen, regardless of anything Donald Trump does. https://youtu.be/24QKYig1prU
Thanking JESUS in advance every day night Biden do JESUS will
And hrs before Biden enters the white house the secret service will physically remove trump out the back door.
No. The front door make him do the walk of shame. One buff marine under each arm yanking him out the door as his toes tippy tappy on the floor right to the paddy wagon in the drive.
Yeh, I still try to fully understand why do the Americans have to go through this. Trump didn’t win the popular vote but won the electoral votes in 2016 and he became the president. He loses both the electoral and popular vote and the entire country has to wait for him to come to term. I’m starting to think he is really rewriting the law and did not have to give much. This means our laws system is not working to protect the country and the Americans like it designed to do so. I hope the other 48% realize they are not as safe as think they are.
I’ve voted for republicans before. Never again. This taught me a lesson.
@John Watt my zoo behavior lol yet u say nothing about people burning places down
I wonder if u could think same thing if they burned ur house down. I doubt it u would get on your knees and beg them not to. That is the difference between us, I will bow to no one.
@Tyler Scofield: I see you took my negative comment like a man. Good for you. Now let’s get back to the zoo.
@Tyler Scofield: If you are saying it was white anarchists, Christian patriots and Trump supporters who were doing the burning and looting, I agree, but you forgot a biggie. To date, only because these are on video, there have been 72 incidents of Trump supporters driving cars into peaceful demonstrators. Trump supporters also pepper spray and shoot paint balls and rubber bullets at peaceful protestors. You don’t know what I have done in my life as a political candidate, standing up to organized crime. Take my sincere advice. If it comes down to being hurt or losing property because someone wants you to just bow down to them, do it, and live to fight another day. I they want you to kiss their ring ask if it’s disinfected first.
@Adelaine Delabin: Here in Canada wellness for all is government taxpayer medicare. Politics is for the betterment of all, or it should be.
@John Watt That is the biggest difference between you and I, i will die before i bow down to a mob, i will prbly lose my life, if i am not armed which I always am, and i am a dead shot, you do not become force recon and not be a dead shot. Ya I have seen Trump supporters running into people but let me tell u its called a road if u are blocking people yelling at them, ya sorry u should be run over. People feel like there are no consequences for your actions. Sorry stupid people in the road…well Darwinism at work hopefully they didnt breed. I know you all will hate my opinion but this whole George Floyd, that guy had robbed a pregnant woman by putting a gun to her belly, only thing cops did wrong was not take him out back and put a bullet in him. That is where this whole thing is going, civil war, so I say we stop talking and get to it, cause the 70 million people like me, wnt believe this rig election and u wnt accept him winning so let’s get to it
They are intentionally deligitimizing American Democracy for financial gain and to pay off Trumps campaign debts.
From “I only hire the best!”
“My lawyer is oozing…”
Trump never said best at what
Republicultists are ok with Putin picking our president, but not with us doing it. Don’t forget that.
Republicans sat silent during Impeachment process, claiming voters should decide Trump’s fate. Once again they’ve reneged on their word. Can’t believe a word from GOP.
I’d forgotten that! Maybe, someone should remind them of their own words…
Trump is not above the Law…Lock him up American
Nothing will ever happen to him.
Dont agree with that guy. How can Trump run again when he goes to prison.
@digiboi wan first off he can’t pardon himself. But no president has ever gone to prison. Not saying they shouldn’t have but they didn’t. Obama armed the Cartel & ISIS didn’t spend one day in prison. So no , Trump won’t go to prison
@Zylok oh he’s going. SDNY has his number.
@Zylok are you stupid or just crazy he has a case that he couldn’t be in because he is the president remember he had his legal manager in jail for the check he gave the woman
how quickly you forgot and tax fraud and bank fraud case he has to deal with so he’s going to jail
@Bobby Brown I didn’t say he shouldn’t go to prison. I said he won’t. But who knows I may be wrong.
But if the loons on the far left want to start a civil war & put Trump in prison. I’m sure the loons on the far right would oblige.
@Zylok how is that going to start a war? When he did the crime so people will go to war over him not paying taxes
that sounds stupid doesn’t it
He is now putting pressure on legislators in swing states. He wants electors that will vote for him.
Trump is just using Rudy as camouflage, nothing else, and Rudy doesn’t know it. Rudy is just noise.