Former Democratic Senate candidate from South Carolina, Jaime Harrison, announces on Morning Joe he is launching the new 'Dirt Road' PAC to bolster Democratic candidates in rural areas. Aired on 11/24/2020.
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#JaimeHarrison #DemocraticCandidates #MSNBC
Jaime Harrison Launches New PAC To Help Dems | Morning Joe | MSNBC
In this election America defeated Vladimir putin.
@Alicia Abundic What makes me pretty?
@The ‘Debate Me!’ Channel

You crying. That is what makes you a little pretty boy. Grow up.
And we helped China to what ever they can take from us. Great job.
A Divided south. Doesnt seem smart, but stacy Abrams found bodies to vote on 2019 and 2020. Goodluck Georgia welcone to heartbreak hotel… Dominion executive: Trump is not going to win, I made f###king sure of that.
He should really launch a recount in his election against Graham…we all heard what he was trying to do for stump…
@Robert Muckle if dems dont get a backbone during Biden’s run we will keep ending up with trump like ppl in our white house
You mean CLUMP

@Sean Breen Who confirmed it? If it had been confirmed, don’t you think this channel would have reported on it? This sounds like the bogus claims Trump is making.
Did you miss that he might be the next chair of the DNC? Sounds like he wants to move on.
Thank God Putin’s employee got fired!
Putins’ apprentice, he’s fired.
@Baby Teano Now putin wants his loans paid in full.
Ya I’d rather have open borders, no police, no guns, no rights and pay more taxes. There was election fraud 4 years ago, but now its secure. Then there’s the Putin conspiracies. Democrats are weirdos. Neither the last 4 years nor this election will ever change that.
Reps love big government and their theocratic dictators.
@Devin McNeill You sound like Fox News!
Great move – stay engaged with voters long after elections
… That rural road may only see 31 cars a month. Y waste time being democratic. Funny cuz fames Harrison my3st have gone back to Corn Pops house
@Well1AintLion Work on your punchlines b4 exposing us to them. just sayin”
He deserves it and I still think Lindsey cheated…cuz he proved himself to be a cheater. He needa go into west va get them back to democrats
I agree Lindsey cheated no doubt in my mind, I’m a Californian and I donated to Jaime because I believe in him, mind you I’m a single income household but Harrison won me over and I put my money where my mouth is.
Is there any proof he cheated? Or is this just like Trump’s bogus claims of fraud. You can’t wish something true.
People in South Carolina have already admitted Jamie Harrison really won the election but Lindsey Graham had votes thrown away
@Nico van Gelder we are allowed to waste time just like t****
@Chloe Key because that was always normal way of doing business in the south. Good old boy network
Yup Lindsey Gram throw them away that Lindsey is a snake
He should order a recount
@CherBear I swear to god, if the Republican Party was not the EVIL, RACIST Party that they are, I would be one of them, because I ADMIRE their STRENGTH, NO MATTER HOW WRONG THEY ARE! Yet the Democrats become their Rugs, whereby the Republican Party WALKS ALL OVER THEM, ANYTIME they FEEL LIKE IT, and the DNC, LAY DOWN and TAKE IT! It’s WHY we have MANY Independents, because we are FED UP with BOTH CORP OWNED parties!
All dirt roads in South Carolina lead to Lindsey Graham.
Literally.. …Lynsey’s dirt road is running down the side of Rudy’s face

All dirt roads lead to Lindsey’s log cabin.
That was Trumps strategy … focus attention on him so that all the stolen GOP elections wouldn’t be contested by the Democrats. There was cheating going on, just wasn’t the Dems.
@John Nordby south Carolina and Maine too imo..
Rule #1 of narc abuse
Nah, there were a lot of split tickets. People wanted to get rid of Trump, but didn’t want Democratic control. Don’t blame cheating, blame the stupid riots that scared people.
Socialism must burn like fertilizer. Funny how an immigrating policy too Georgia will change the Narrative for the democratic party. Or is it Dominion Systems. Both those seat go red keep Georgia “that way” 2020
@Deborah Freedman sounds like you have a preferred narrative
Don’t give up Sir Harrison.
Your heart is in this please never change your going places!
this new pac must focus on Georgia to get the vote out to vote the corrupt republicans senators out of office!!!!
Did you listen to the interview?
Stacey Abrams got Georgia! He’s talking about the future Democrats. She has boots on the ground knocking on doors for Ossoff & Rev. Warnock!
@Bulls Eye I listened to some of it. The fact remains all democratic leaders must be all hands on deck to combat the republican corruption.
God bless Jamie Harrison! I pray
to God daily that our country comes to terms with our history of and systemic racism that still exists. We must love and care for our fellow human beings and make right the disgusting injustices that still haunt so many others.
So. Socialism…
South Carolina must have been out of their minds to vote for Lying Lindsey Graham AGAIN over gentleman Jaime Harrison. WTF!
@Steve Harding We used to have that in schools. I went to a public school in rural California, in the 1970s, and we had to take a couple civics classes in high school. When did this practice stop?
@ZAKK 123 Is there proof of election fraud? I’m very skeptical of electronic voting machines (EVMs), but there has to be hard evidence to make a claim of fraud.
@Deborah Freedman Hi Deborah, is that right? Even so, I think it should be more than just a couple of classes and go well beyond just basic civics. Democracy is fragile, as we have seen during this election and the last 4 years in particular. It’s absolutely essential that every eligible citizen vote, and that they make informed votes on policy NOT personality. The US system of democracy and the electoral process needs serious reform in a whole bunch of areas.
I’ve been working on a list of important issues. I’ll post it to you, and you can copy and paste, or do what you like with it. Hopefully, it will stimulate some intelligent conversation.
We need to do as legend journalist Chris Hedges suggests and become politically active, by organizing and mobilizing in peaceful, non-violent protest and civil disobedience like the French have done with the Yellow Vest Movement (Mouvement des gilets jaunes).
Many thanks for your reply, keep up the good fight and ‘May the Force be with You’.
@Stevies Oracle Readings Sad thing is scientifically speaking there’s no such thing as race, only the human race. No matter what color our skin, we all came out of Africa. Nearly 1.8 billion people on planet Earth, and our DNA is almost identical. I’m with Morgan Freeman on the issue of not calling people by the color of their skin, because it just psychologically reinforces a difference that is in reality superficial. He’s quoted as saying ‘I’m going to stop calling you a white man, and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man’. I’m not suggesting this is all that’s needed, but using color just feeds the beast. If we need to refer to ethnicity, it should be respectful, using terms like Afro-American, African, Indigenous or Native American, Latin American, Asian, Middle-Eastern, and Caucasian or European. But in reality, we are all the same, it’s just historically based propaganda and prejudice and narrow-mindedness that keeps this nonsense alive. We can do better, all of us.
Lyndsey Graham stole that election just as Kemp did against Stacey Abrams. He’s smart, hit them where it hurts, organize and come back taking the whole State.
That is so true. Kentucky is extremely corrupt I have little doubt that the people counting the ballots tossed 90 percent of the democratic ballots away. There’s no way to recount in a state as corrupt as Kentucky because you would be putting the crooks in charge of their own investigation.
Kemp stole the election in 2018, primarily by closing down polling places in black neighborhoods. I’ve not heard of that in Kentucky. Why wasn’t it on the news, like Kemp’s shenanigans were in 2018?
Dirt roads are Sc problems.
Agreed every reb cheats!
Graham should be investigated for interfering with the election.
DEMS must continue to register and educate voters to vote and compel others to register. This is 365 work.
Make sure all voters coming of age get registered.
I convinced a friend to register & vote and they did for Biden/Harris
Right… Dominion Systems and Smartmatic are false narratives Republicans put out. How you guys gonna take Georgia if its turning blue..
General Sherman be proud.
Abrams and Harrison are both intellects who know what the word “pragmatism” is.
Graham stole his seat that’s a fact!
I think he got away on a dirt road.. Question how many rural dirt roads are in the south… Infrastructure isnt the answer. Maybe next year Sc, James Harrison is busy living in the past
Jaime needs to have an investigation launched into the SC senate election.
How about we investigate the DNC. Or is Quid Pro Quo out the headlines.
I love his energy,it’s not always about winning,you can fall and regain all the energy needed for your renewal.