Former foreign affairs ministers John Manley and Peter MacKay discuss NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh's comments on Donald Trump.
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That’s why jagmeet is not the prime minister. Thank goodness for that.
“Like sleeping next to an elephant”
@joey Depalmer Please don’t go down those rabbit holes,
We are better than that as Canadians.
Can you imagine? Like a horror movie where everybody dies.
@Landon Breeden So open minded, your brain fell out.
Jagmeet is very unparliamentary. And, no, I doubt we’ll ever see him as a Prime Minister.
The NDP gets more for CANADAINS holding the balance of power! Don’t you know history?
Oh yeah? I’m interested in hearing what you think of trump then lol?
@Wayne Polk When was the last time NDP ever one an election again?
He whats act like an American he should just go live there.
@Brandon Austria-Llagas Canadians will protest peacefully instead of buring stuff down.
@BWPPower 123 Unless we lose a hockey game. Or win a hockey game.
@BWPPower 123 right. we only burn and loot after important issues like hockey games!
@S McM that’s such a weak and Lame comparison considering when hockey riots happen it’s only for that evening, and contained within a few city blocks.
it doesn’t go on for nine months, with literal executions in the street in front of children.
@BWPPower 123 You’re not actaully from Canada, are you?
He’s not qualified to be a PM. His statements alone show that.
@- He is politically irrelevant.
@Christopher Meisner Your not thinking! JAGMEET SINGH is holding the balance of power!
@Wayne Polk – Gee do you think? Obviously I am aware of that. I stand by my words, beyond the current unfortunate circumstance in which he does hold sway, he is, politically irrelevant and unelectable as anything stretching past what he is now. Thank you.
@Christopher Meisner Then why are you so afraid? How so, you can’t see in to the future can you? Have forgotten about the past! Remember when minority government worked for CANADAINS?
The NDP has never been in power but is never WITHOUT the power of great polices for Canadians, HISTORICALLY!
@Wayne Polk Go back to Soviet Russia. Oh wait…
Mr. O Toole, proves himself a gentleman and a leader! Jagmeet will never be either.
Jagmeet Singh did support the throne speech. That was the right thing to do.
@Landon Thomas was it?
I would have thought so either until Canada elected Trudeau.
why is that ? cuz he is not fit your “image categories as gentleman”?
Foot in mouth Singh! Talking to only his base! Who cares about the country to country relationship!
Yes. Myopic vision.
we hate Trump period. Trump = Epstein and all filth on this planet.
USA can go to hell with the Satan at the resolute desk.
@TPC TreesPottingchic
Mission Impossible they will self-destruct don’t bother wearing masks folks you’re okay Trump will save you?
just follow the Pied Piper candidate right over the cliff.
Jughead Singh needs kicked out of government NOW before he gets Canada into problums with the USA and other countries
@J Parish 25% of the sickness, but only 4% of the population.
@Wayne Polk It’s crazy…
@Ki Bhee
Well there are idiots in every country.
@Donald rene Decarie
Oh that’s funny! Trump is a burden on the public not an asset
@Judy Ives only if your a liberal. Or democrat
Singh has nothing to lose as he is a nothing leader of a pathetic party!
Waaaaa! He said the bad thing me no like!
Singh’s comments mean nothing just like his position means nothing!
Only if you don’t know anything!
@Adeline Tyler Right now on this? More CANADAIN agree with JAGMEET SINGH than you!
@Wayne Polk Then they are delusional!
@Wayne Polk How do you know?
Singh is a nobody, will soon be booted out
Oh, Jagmeet. What were you thinking? Not statesman-like. Very bad form.
He is politically irrelevant.
@Christopher Meisner
Your historically ignorant!
Don’t you know what the balance of power is?
would you prefer he were more “statesmen like” as your boy Donald
Nothing to do with the Americans. Derp.
The NDP need to call for him to step down and resign himself as leader of the party
Singh is hardly a leader. I doubt either Biden or Trump have ever heard of him.
Nothing more than a doorstop, holding the door open for the Liberals
The door to Blackfaced buffoon PRIMEMINISTER redemption? Remember when minority government worked for CANADAINS?
This coalition government could last for years, or not.
Do you guys ever stop whinning?
Ex ministers be crazy unobjective
Trudeau is cringeworthy.
Well at least he is honest
Singh is a clown. Nobody takes him seriously anymore.
More CANADAIN agree JAGMEET is right! So your nobody.
@Wayne Polk Stop smoking meth.
Jagmeet Singh’s NDP should be kept as far away from power as possible.
Trudeau should fire himself
Would you imagine how relieved Canadians would be. lol