Julia Jackson, whose son Jacob Blake was shot by police as he tried to enter a SUV, called for healing and condemned violent protests during a news conference, saying "violence doesn't reflect my son."
#CNN #News
Julia Jackson, whose son Jacob Blake was shot by police as he tried to enter a SUV, called for healing and condemned violent protests during a news conference, saying "violence doesn't reflect my son."
#CNN #News
When is CNN going to air the second video.
@ZeroMass Yes!!!!
Here it is folks. You’re welcome. If you listen CLOSELY you can hear Donna Lemmon head tell them “shut her off”
I cant find it anymore they took it down
@Drake’s Blackface of course they would do that.
CNN doesn’t really care because promoting and supporting violence means more money for them.
CNN is financed 100% by George Soros & Chinese interests. This channel is breaking apart America.
Except for the fact that he had an active arrest warrant for a violent crime. But hey, wouldnt want facts getting in the way or anything….
@Giant Cheeto yeah, warrant for sexually assaulting a 14-yr old girl damn well shoot on sight!
@Giant Cheeto Nope – there is a process for that – an officer tells you to stop and cuff up – and you either comply – or you get shot.
@Parthiv Rajesh If it was YOUR 14 yr old daughter I bet you wouldn’t be mocking.
Or ……….. maybe not – in today’s world.
https://youtu.be/xyawlwvr050 , brutally and racist of police b
@bouf tv try one more time in english…half wit…
CNN Your silence to report the thuggery of riots is violence.
@Giant Cheeto yes having a deadly weapon and disobeying orders while having priors of violent crime is plenty for shooting, also why was he reaching for his knife if he wasn’t gonna stab anyone, was he going to chop onions? slice tomatoes?
there are more issues to report that are more important like Hurricane Laura. next
@Scott Gordon Lmao Nice try trying to ignore reality, expendable sheep. Natural disasters are less important and disastrous because they are natural disasters, Meanwhile looting and burning protest super-spreaders are happening frequently.
Say his name..
https://youtu.be/xyawlwvr050 , brutally and racist of police b
His criminal record says otherwise.
Democrats also love Kyle Rittenhouse. Food for thought.
Captain DiTrag Republicans love Jerry Fallwell Jr. food for thought.
@Captain DiTrag Kyle praise Donald Trump and the last time i check trump is Republican. Food for thought
Food for thought…
The players on both sides of this game got what they deserved. Blake, the cop who shot him, Rittenhouse, the two idiots he killed, ALL deserve each other and none get any sympathy from me. Covid really needs to step it’s game up.
Jacob Blake had a warrant out for sexual assault. Now he is a hero in the black community. That tells you a lot about those people.
Boycott cnn the most untrusted source in news.
news? you mean entertainment?

no step on SNEK! 

He had a knife.
They did.
He had a warrant out for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.
@scoolzdevries I’m just as respectful but will demand to know why I’m being pulled over when I don’t know. I’ve never had a gun pulled on me by a cop.
@ggall001 I’m really quite lucky I didn’t end up with a bullet in my back that night. Was a total misunderstanding that me and my buddy were pulled over. They just had to determine that we weren’t the guys they were looking for. When they told me to get out of the passenger side with their bullhorn, I got out. Then they told me to put my hands up, which I did. Then they said to walk towards them to the sound of their voice. As I started walking backwards towards them, I started putting my hands back down, just out of habit They SCREAMED at me to put my hands back up and I did immediately. Then they cuffed me and put me in the cop car.
Anyway, that was my brush with the law and my story about almost getting shot. Crazy night. But when it was all said and done, all was well.
@scoolzdevries OK good for u. U r lucky. Others who did the same were not so lucky! That’s all I’m saying. Be well my friend
@ggall001 thank you. You too.
Snake !! Snakeeeeeee….
CNN has done so much damage to our country for the past 4 years for advocating and promoting hate, division and violence
She called out cnn low key, saying that we should always wait for all the facts from reliable sources https://youtu.be/8ufSn2b9glw
@jon doe CNN completely omitted crucial details that changed the narrative to make it seem like he was an innocent victim who did nothing wrong. Let me ask you this, at what point did CNN report to you that police were called and he has a warrant for his arrest as a sexual predator?
at what point did CNN report that blake wrestled off a few cops, ignored their orders, resisted a taser, and went for a weapon he admitted having?
Because of their omission of the truth, they have mobilized riots to continue causing destruction and division in the community because of the lies CNN spewed. Do you realize rioters intend to carry acts of destruction because they actually believe this distorted news?
@jon doe CNN completely controls the narrative of the country. If they tell you whote people are racist then most people believe it. If they tell you jacob blake did nothing wrong then people believe it. If they tell you trump worked with russia then most people believe it. They are brainwashing people and the producers have been caught on video admitting it
jon doe
Jacob Blake had a warrant out for sexual assault. Now he is a hero in the black community. That tells you a lot about those people.
I hope you actually mean Trump instead of CNN
Comedy news network:
that’s not what his rap sheet says. Dat boi all bout da violence.
I mean his mother is not just gonna talk bad about his son. And usually when someone dies people focus on the positive. No ones death is a celebration. Btw i hate the media and blm is questionable.
StormX Andy so Kyle Rittenhouse deserved the same he killed 2 people and wounded another.
@Lisa Henry I can tell that your probably really mad when you typed this how do u know if I even knew about that incident.
His “rap sheet?” You mean the one that shows a traffic ticket and a pending set of domestic violence allegations (no convictions?) You mean that one? PS, the “gun charge” was dismissed in 2015 at the request of the prosecutor in that case and was subsequently expunged.
Steve G where are people seeing his record? Where did you find it?
I feel terrible for the mother, she is coming from a genuine place and has more class than any of the spin doctors at CNN.
MOST Americans have No interest whatsoever in hearing someone claim that CNN has spin doctors unless you call out the station that *Started* the existence of ‘Opinion’ anchors: Fox Fake News. It was Because of Fox that the term ‘fake news’ started in the 1st place.
@Alona most Americans believe this without being told it’s fake news. Interesting how you presumably tied CNN to that phrase and deflected to Fox; I don’t watch Fox for the same reasons of spin. I do my do diligence of reading and remaining objective regardless of my subjectivity.
So again, that lady is genuine. CNN is not.
@Sincuenta Centavo – CNN is the most respected tv news source in America for good reason. And spin-doctoring & fake news are 1st cousins. Propaganda is any media that exists to promote one political party & demonize the other. MSNBC is the Democratic propaganda & Fox is the Republican. MSNBC is a response to Fox. CNN is just Journalism.
@Alona journalism is dead at CNN. This not an opinion but fact. Let me list the ways.
Donna Brazile gave Hillary the answers to her questions. Fox has her now which is shameful.
They have refused to admit that the russia probe is full of errors, beginning with the origins on the FISA warrant.
Slanderer the catholic school kid….Multi million dollar law suit which he won!
Paid out Don Lemons sexual harrassment case.
Had a general talk about weapons that he himself could not even use!!!
Just two days ago had a picture of peaceful protest while the place was burning down!!!
I can keep going but you get the point.
When are u guys gonna post when his parents didn’t bash trump and even apologized for missing his phone call to them???
Olu akinwale People need to understand that President Trump is not a politician. He is an outsider, a businessman & a leader who don’t talk bullshit like all the Washington politicians. Yes, I don’t like some of the things he said but I like his policies. He stood up for America, he stood up to China for many years of manipulated our trades, the CCP Virus that kills hundreds of thousands & WHO. He exposed many corrupted Washington politicians who sold our country for their own wealth & powers many decades ago. Which many of the previous administrations failed to do. I’d rather support someone who don’t talk sweet bullshit like Obama and many of previous administrations. What this country need right now is someone who is not a pussies (Biden had his chance with Obama but failed to do what Trump did) to lead America back to greatness & as a world leader.
I don’t agree with some of
the way he talks but that doesn’t mean that I hate and don’t support him. What matters are his actions and he don’t bullshit around like many of the previous administrations. President Trump reminded me of President Reagan in the 80’s. People who cares about the America and have common sense will support him.
comment the link please
Trump shouldn’t waste his time on them.
@Olu akinwale If you are so sure it’s true, please cite racist actions, racist legislature or racist proposals.
Olu akinwale
His poor mom raised a rapist. I wonder how much of her feels ashamed of her son. As a mom, Can you imagine raising a child that harms other women. It’s too bad he survived. Would have been 1 less scumbag on this earth
Im waiting on CNN to air Don Lemons segment with Jacob’s mother.. lol. They cant show the world that this woman supports Trump, right??
Sadly not!!!! He was shocked at her comments. I have great respect for the president!!!
If you want to see it, search YT for David Harris, Jr., go to his main page and search his videos.
CNN does not like black women like her, that uses common sense.
@Airbnb Expert Exactly, Airbnb. Well said!
@Ramon McGee Quit while you’re behind, ray.
@Airbnb Expert Your community made a sexual predator President of the United States. You honestly don’t want to go there.
@EMS A circle jerk is not a successful point and counterpoint. You’re both wrong.
@EMS I won the argument long ago. They are still trying to figure out how to split a logical hair.
Good to see this lady blaming BLM and the rioters. Respect and condolences for her.
come on I wanna see lemonhead get his narrative shut down
https://youtu.be/8ufSn2b9glw he didn’t know how to react
They’ve already lost this election. Trump 2020 we will all be at the polls to vote and we have cut off there ballot cheating scams and will be watching
Lemmon has way to much sugar in his tank to stand up for what’s right
@Baddaddy – how has the ballot cheating been stopped? Just curious.
In the other interview that CNN won’t post she expressed respect for trump and disgust for BLM.
Don Lemon.exe has stopped working.
@Greg B alright man
@Snuffy Smif https://youtu.be/8ufSn2b9glw
Watch and learn. His mother wimped out after this interview cuz of pressure and most likely threats
@Greg B
Oh you’re still here. And you still didn’t say anything about the spike in shootings we’re getting in NYC thanks to the the police cuts you’ve advocated for, and the 1 year old child that died in a shooting after the cuts.
Anything to say to the 80% of polled african americans that actually don’t want police cuts, and would actually like more cops?
@ennoidyam WELL STATED !! GOD BLESS !
Where’s the MeToo Movement calling out this piece of sh!t!! Good job.
Waiting for CNN to post Don Lemon’s interview with Jacob Blake’s parents. Oh wait, I bet they wont because it doesnt fit their narrative.
So now that Blake is paralyzed from the Waist down I’m sure he won’t have another sexual assault charge anytime soon.
@chris buckingham those kids are in a MUCH better place I can assure you. I have no doubt that God is in control. I also pray mercy on your soul. Oh and he’s my psychiatrist also. Best money I’ve never spent, when ALL my healings are Heaven sent!

@Tony Watts that could be your problem. Too much TV.
God, if given the chance, can heal even the deepest wounds. If she let him, the vain thoughts that flood your head, wouldn’t even cross her mind. I didn’t ask for your attention, I asked him to send me “someone”, and as you can clearly see, he sent me a few. Whoohoo! 

@TheMelRoseCab How do you know she’s not bothered by her disfigurement you malignant tumor on society?
Where’s the MeToo Movement calling out this piece of sh!t!!
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@Mike Sorude You don’t need to think
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When this guy comes out and says “Yeah, I was in the wrong. I shouldn’t have done what I did” heads will EXPLODE!
AND he did already from his hosp bed..hahahahaha.