The House select committee investigating the Capitol insurrection presents contradicting video testimony from Ivanka Trump and her former chief of staff, Julie Radford, during their seventh hearing.#january6 #CNN #News
Ivanka’s ex-chief of staff contradicts part of Ivanka’s January 6 testimony

When the feds ask you a question, they already know the answer.
Yes just plead the 5th
The danger is that these hearings are supposed to inform his supporters about how dangerously wrong they were to put their faith in him. The trouble is – they aren’t listening.
@david robinson There is absolutely 0% less hate since Derek Chauvin was imprisoned for killing George Floyd, but there’s a lot less police brutality. The legal system exists when people can’t be taught, so they can be punished instead.
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain. This sums up most Trump supporters.
@Stella Nava I always walk in and Vote in person my entire family does .
7 Votes all Red
Trump can be such drama queen when things don’t go his way…And they said women were too emotional to be president.. Trump’s the biggest Karen!!!
Well Said!!!!
TRUMP’S THE BOLDEST MAN. Who else has the balls to stand UP to this catastrophe, that ignorance helped create.
Trump stand down and stand back we need to close the cell doors.
TRUMP stand UP. We NEED to save America.
LOL yes don’t want to catch his stomach when it slams shut! Ah, why the hell not?!
He invited
He incited
They rioted
He then denied it
Even though he implied it
Now he must be indicted.
He never told anyone to “storm” the capital.
Ivanka Trump having a “chief of staff ” is alone, completely insane
how’s it feeling being the minority?
do you often bargain with the lives of your children?
@Chris R when I’m dealing with people like you I don’t even think about it.
@Snoozerpoo damnnnnn, that’s a very powerful clapback (FACT, to be more accurate), and I love it!!!!! I didn’t realise it at the time, but now, looking back, those campaigns to seek donations from supporters were by far the cheapest and most disgusting act I’ve every witnessed
That’s probably the only accurate statement you’ve made. You don’t think about it is the root of the problem.
We had Boris Johnson . A bit more intelligent. A bit more charismatic. A bit more charm. Equally as corrupt. Equally as immoral. Equally lacking any integrity Equally as liers. We get what we voted for
Boris is a thousand times better than trump.
I didnt/ wouldn’t vote for Trump. Boris Johnson is like Trump….
God help us all! Very thankful the TRUTH is coming out, yet saddened & sickened by the fact we actually had a ‘president’ like this & embarrassed as an American that so much hate, ugliness, deaths came out as a result – hate, bigotry & such were here, but I still hurt for America that it came to forefront bc of a guy in the highest position in US…sick, sad & hope, but still have hope for those who just want to live in peace & pray 4 those who don’t…
HATE, BIGOTRY, SEXUAL prejudice, ETC, ETC, ETC-FROM AN old movie.
I even question weather he will even get a slap on the wrist.
Cheney: Trump ‘is not an impressionable child’ and is responsible for his actions
@KesArt in the latest reincarnation Chucky got changed to a robot type gone wrong which sort of equated to a child…but you’re right…he was never a child…the classics are the classics
Trying to nail that man or his daughter down is like chasing smoke. They are the most proficient and professional flimflam artists of our time.
@Bob Smith those were not democrats.
Be why it even looks to some, like we still have a country.
As an American, if all this doesn’t make your blood boil, NOTHING WILL! The GOP is the most dangerous threat to America today. VOTE BLUE!
This former lifetime Independent voter will again be voting solid BLUE
My blood has been boiling for 6 years! It’s not healthy. How about a huge class action suit for thr physical and psychological trauma?
@Dawid B sounds like scripture, which has no credibility for any purpose. Its just typing. Inadmissible.
Cult members don’t question their cult leader. They let him do the thinking for them, and they obediently follow his orders.
The Trump children didn’t know they were Republicans until their dad decided which party was easier to screw up.
Until he, like most of WE, found out we were ALL, on the wrong side. Come on man
I just can’t understand why former VP Pence hasn’t come out and condemned tRump!
He knows the hands that feed him…he’s getting a lot of money and he’s not messing that up with a man with an elementary school mindset
@Andrew MacLaineHis placards are ready: Mike Pence – Milktoast for President
He wants to be president and will need those voters.
It is simply unfathomable that someone like Trump could get this far with no accountability.
It really deflates and greatly tarnishes America’s image.
The fact that a good chunk of the country still supports trump and his complete madness is truly tragic.
@Peter Peterpeter
Ms Murphy is a prime example of a CIVILIZED official as the representative of the people. She is first generation here from Vietnam and she has conducted and carried herself more sensible and more civilize that these maga roaches law makers that have been in America for more than their 6th generations.
Look at all the Asian, and Vietnamese in particular, that are excelling in American journalism. It should be an inspiration to the rest of us lazy slobs.
JJ, that’s a very low bar when you’re comparing society’s gutter trash to any other rational person, who isn’t gullible or foolish.
Maybe the 6th thingy made her think about what she’d been thru, and awarded her enough intelligence to know the difference.
It is amazing that people think ivanka is the smart one. She is just more quiet than the other two, but every time she has to talk she sounds exactly like someone who would be cast as a stereotypical high school valley girl.
@furiousapplesack so INCREDIBLY fake – but really, the handbag designer fools no-one!
I love Ivanka and everything she does for the World. GREAT GIRL
If Pence died that day, Trump would have 100% been in prison by now. I am glad that Pence was unscathed but the fact that he never condemned Trump (like a man) speaks volumes. Imagine your boss wanting you assassinated and you can’t even call him out on his BS
He’d still slither out of it.

Honestly I wouldn’t bet on that with your justice system as it was & is he would have walked
@Dan Mason are you sure? Because this theocracy is growing in power.
Every single person that I know that voted for trump not only still believes his lies, they out right refuse to watch any of the January 6th hearings.
That’s because the truth hurts! And the puppet master has them brainwashed. Too much Kool-Aid
Poor little babies
@Deborah Freedman NO WAY
They are like Trump, Liars. They are watching.
I don’t remember so many politicians for either party defending Nixon during the Watergate scandal. To see so many Republicans still defending Trump’s actions on January 6th says a lot about the future of this country. This will mark the decline of America as a world power.
I tried watching this.. witch hunt but dozed off after watching and listening ti the babbling.
@RG RGAT I understand, this is meant for adults. Try watching some Paw Patrol…. I’m sure it will keep you entertained.
Really makes you want to move to another country after seeing all this madness