Ivanka describes ‘heated’ phone call between Pence and Trump

The House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot presents a pre-produced compilation of key Trump allies recounting a "heated" phone call between former President Trump and former Vice President Pence. #CNN #News


    1. “This is so blatant it’s insane this is still contentious.”

      Only because his supporters are content with his blatant insanity

    2. This is Still up for debate. Goes to show you in America it depends on who and what status you are. Joe Blow would have been convicted by now

    1. @Yellow Boat People Testify in Hearings, dummy- Especially referred to as testimony in front of Congress.

    2. For real, like what does he have to lose? Trumpers already hate him. Realistically, he’ll never be voted into office again.

  1. The smugness of the Trump is just disgusting! The sit around laughing at regular people as they wear shoes that cost more than most people’s rent!

    1. @Bella Bunnell , I’m happy to explain to you anything you don’t understand. I attempt to be succinct with my thoughts but, as to my vocabulary and their meanings, I don’t think you are suggesting you want me to use only certain words, are you?

    2. @Ray Weaver First, let me put aside any notion that I’m championing the previous President. Second, we were all made to understand under the Clinton doctrine that character (personal) had nothing to do with how we grade one on job performance. I think the idea that has been presented is poorly thought out. I will not hinder any man or woman, despite their background in previous jobs, to not be able to seek the highest office in the land. To boil all this down to, “he was a reality show actor”, is both short-sighted and is actually a straw man’s defense. The majority of supporters for Mr. Trump over-look his less-than’s because of job performance. On the other hand, he alienates the other half of America with his antics for a lack of a filter. His previous ‘many’ positions prior to the Presidency have no bearing on the results as a means of assigning the problem with Mr. Trump.

  2. Fancy that…….the Vice President didn’t have the courage to break the law. Trump has never had any trouble asking someone else to break the law on his behalf and then he’ll hang them out to dry.

    1. @Patricia Long hilarious… he knew it was over long before Jan 6.. he just didn’t go along with the BS illusion

    2. As much as there is to say about Pence…. or not say, cause he is like a blank sheet that faded into the background:
      This is one person who believes he is going to speak to the big guy upstairs one day, and he wants to be worthy of that.
      Anything that will weigh on his mind, like overthrowing the government he swore to uphold, will just be a hard No!

    3. He was only courageous with this 1 occasion! He still went along with everything else and didn’t even whisper a word to help prevent any of this! And the people he consulted with didn’t say a word til afterwards!

  3. Many people don’t like to admit they made a mistake. Their cognitive dissonance overpowers their judgment.
    “It’s easier to fool someone, than to convince them that they’re being fooled.” Mark Twain

    1. @Gary Kain since that doesn’t apply to anything I said, I guess you stayed up real late one night, thought it up , and felt you just had to use it no matter what? Lol . trump university grad, I bet, too, huh 🤣?

  4. The hearings are a good thing. The only problem being those Trump chumps out there will never change their minds and that is a very sad thing. An old saying says: You can’t fix stupid. And it’s true.

  5. Holding Trump accountable for his criminal activity must be the final chapter of this story…..otherwise, anyone that holds the Presidency can destroy our* democracy

  6. If Donnie really wants “equal time”, I’m sure the 1/6 committee would be happy to put him under oath and let him perjure himself into oblivion… 🤣

    1. He should get EQUAL TIME as John Hinkley Jr. since the charge is basically the same, ATTEMPTED MURDER of our vice president!

  7. She knows her father has issues. Whether or not she feels she can do anything about it given that’s already affected others, is beyond me.

    1. People of America, please, do everything you can to hold onto your democracy and not let a very disturbed sicko like Trump back in. He he gets back in, your democracy is gone.

    2. ​@joseph raccuia Well wouldn’t really consider them a democracy in the sense of most votes decide.

    3. @N there’s no prototypes for Human Robots made like that here in the Western World. If Elon musk hasn’t created one yet, it ain’t here, check Asia 😆😎

    4. @SG F She was subpoenaed to be interviewed by the committee she didn’t volunteer for anything. She spent 4 years arguing with her father, but make no mistake she never go against him publicly.

  8. How much more evidence does the DOJ need to actually do its job and charge Dump and his GQP cronies with criminal charges?! I’m tired of people trying to defend what Dump and the GQP did by saying that Dump might not have been smart enough to know that what he was doing was a crime. The GQP and its supporters seem to think that calling themselves stupid is a get out of accountability free card!

  9. People still won,t believe he did this and it is a damn shame.When he passes they should not allow his body to lay in state at the capitol building.

  10. Like father, like daughter. IT is trying to save her own skin with future eye on potential political ambitions. Pathetic.

  11. OMG!!! This is worse than I thought…. make this all go away!!!!! It is so horrifying what they did and continue to do to our country. Do they not know what a narcissist is? Are they truly that blind and gullible? It’s truly sad, just sad.

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