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”One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”
Another country somewhere is another country’s garbage disposal.
Unbelievable lol
Ya it’s unbelievable how Trudeau gets away again with his screw ups
@John Crosbey How did Trudeau screw up?
@John Crosbey This is solely on Beijing Biden my friend.
@John Crosbey
You are probably gonna blame Trudeau for even having nightmares
whoever paid should call the one who got paid! Very simple
always read the fine print.
Going forward so we are prepared for further crisis Canada really needs to become more self sufficient so we are not at the mercy of other countries
@Eyeswide Open I totally agreed buddy. This is just absurd
We’ll be so broke and in debt after this virus blows over, there’ll be no way they set anything up unless govt borrows more money again
Well said
I agree with you. Canadians also need to buy more Made in Canada(When it’s possible of course)
Not under this flaky government.
Canadian’s tax payers paid for a product and they didn’t get it? something doesn’t make sense here. We should ask for money back.

We don’t need the money, we need the vaccines.
@Cody Dalipi its the states… if they could make a profit on it… hmmmmm…. the fact they are not should tell you a little…. drop assumptions….
We’re so screwed
Isn’t astrazeneca approved for 55 to 65 yr old only?
Oh my I’ve only got another month – lol
and who would want something that causes more severe side effects? Take your vitamin “D” and zinc – how about that?
That’s this week. In some places. They’ll change their minds if we get more of them. Like last winter, Health Canada told everybody that masks were BAD (because of their criminal negligence not maintaining an inventory). Then we got some masks and they became mandatory
55+ and up.
They changed their minds about it 3 times in one month during March.
Changes all the time.
P A T H E T I C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
… but Canada has the “best” procurement portfolio in the world!?!?
therefore, don’t trust the government
Honestly, our journalists/anchors do not ask hard questions.
One persons trash is another persons treasure.
Guess the bromance isn’t all that sock boy thought it was.
This sounds like a time for a drama teacher
In 2 weeks this AV vax will be banned in many more countries.
Actually the European Medical Agency has recommended for all ages at this time because the risk is miniscule.
ALWAYS someone else’s fault right? Hmmmmmm…..
We don’t want that one. Is not approved there but approved here?
They want double the number of shots they gave up from moderns or phzer
The States can continue sitting on them