Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss Rudy Giuliani's presser yesterday, COVID relief, and President Trump's refusal to concede. Sen. Durbin says "It's time for the Republicans in leadership in the Senate & the House to really initiate an intervention with this president and to say to him for the good of the nation, you have to acknowledge the obvious, you lost this election, now let's move on." Aired on 11/20/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#President #Leadership #MSNBC
It's Time For GOP Leadership To 'Initiate An Intervention With This President' | Andrea Mitchell
The garbage will be removed from the white house in January regardless.
The damaged done to our political process, integrity is insurmountable. Every single Republican who stuck with Trump needs to be severely punished!!!
@Tiger Lilly awe is somebody having a temper tantrum….You must believe what I believe or you will be “severely punished” Tiger Lilly get a job and stop being so self entitled.
@Jung skeptiker2017 The United States is a Republic, not a democracy.
@Whole Food Plant Based Mama ANTIFA is part of the far liberal left. Antifa’s doctrine is the same as your above mentioned fascists If you don’t believe what Liberals believe then we will force you to your knees by means of violence.
@Choo-Choo Sims Not
“America’s Mayor” is now nothing more than a bag man in the Donny Blowhole Disorganized Crime Family.
@Kilgore Trout an accurate observation. The real question, is WHY?
What would you do if you owed the russians 10 billion dollars?
He never was anything to speak of.
American mayor is nothing more than the biggest joke a laughing stack garbage is incredible how a human being get so low he can have money but money dont change tha fat on what he have turn himself in to
@Rapacious Interloper I’d hope that would be his best scenario.
TREASON against humanity and the American people should be punishable by death or life in imprisonment.
@michael boultinghouse The founding fathers undoubtedly represented a diverse group of individuals with lots of interests. They conceived and wrote the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, which go way beyond any interest to avoid paying taxes. Incidentally, of 56 signers of the D of I, only eight were foreign-born. None profited by signing the document.
I’m confused about your reference to a “Marxist dictatorship” and an “illegitimate puppet.”
@Steve Johnson Here are some ideas to balance the egregious tactics of politicians you support: 1. There needs to be a DEMOCRATIC MILITIA with public presence throughout the country.
2. There need to be REAL THREATS against the administration by the U.S. MILITARY.
3. There need to be CHARGES OF TREASON against, and ARRESTS of, all GOP supporters of the coup.
4. There needs to be PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY of all politicians who support the coup.
5. Congress and the Cabinet need to invoke the 25th AMENDMENT as a matter of public record, at least.
6. The NYT, Washington Post, Reuters, BBC, The Wall Street Journal, et al. need to publish bios of all politicians directly involved in the attempted coup. Headlines: “ANTI-DEMOCRACY SEDITIONISTS”
7. Foreign leaders should sign a pact supporting the new Biden/Harris administration and DENOUNCING the Trump coup.
8. Democrats should leave their fairy tale and law books behind and join in the street fight.
@Another POV maybe its because you’re a simpleton and a dullard?
@Joshua Ike yeah he is very upset that they are outta here.
@Jimi’s Ghost just a shade of brown? You should’ve stayed in the sun longer you then would’ve woke up and smell the truth about DEMOCRACY & THE RULE OF LAW…THE LAW OF THE LAND!!!!!!!
Emily Murphy has blood on her hands. We need a proper transition
She should be held responsible for those deaths.
It’s a shame that she can’t get charged for her part in this.
She should be held accountable.
She will pay
She had a chance of staying employed , if she did her job properly.
After this… her employment options must quite limited… especially with a willingness to break the law.
Drag the wannabe dictator out of the people’s house. He got fired.
Something needs to be done quickly in the right manner.
@Michelle Toni it’s safe to assume that Biden and his team ARE doing things. It’s just not public information. Biden and Congress are strategically planning right now about how to get Bone Spurs dragged out in handcuffs. They want it more than we do. You think they’re just sitting around while this trump freak is clearly trying to subvert the Democrat win?
I approve this message as well.
he needs to be removed. He’s trying to start a war. He has access to the nuclear codes, there’s no telling what he’ll do to stay in the WHITE HOUSE. Never concerned about the people, only GOLFING and MONEY
I guess he thought all those RALLIES were gonna get him elected. Seems to me there were more people not at his rallies than were.
Unfortunately everyone in the GOP is afraid of Trumps tweets, his followers react to lies like red meat
. Republicans are placing career over country.
It goes beyond fear of tRump. Many actually believe that obstruction is the way to go. They’re just getting a jump on what they will be doing starting January 20, 2021.
–> LOVE69.PL
Given the s**t his base is pulling, it’s not their CAREERS, it’s their LIVES and the LIVES of their families. That’s what this has come to. Tha GOP has created a MURDEROUS WAR CRIMINAL. The war is on AMERICA.
I couldn’t imagine living in fear of the low-IQ orange turd and his even dumber cult made up of the dregs of humanity. The GOP are weak and spineless.
@d z

The GOP has lost what little credibility they had left.
@Mike Marrone if there is one, dollars to donuts a MAGA moron starts it!
It’s a real pity that people voted again for this criminally incompetent! And there are a lot of deranged racists thugs in America, Proud Boys neo Nazi Kkk too many to mention, the Police in America and the FBI are not doing their duty by arresting those individuals! America. The far west still stuck in the past !
The sad part is that the Republican base is decomposing together with them.
They never had any to begin with
It was time 12 days ago…now we see president actively interfere with electoral college…
It is acrime
The White House is the American people’s house. Not the lying coward’s.
@David Brown You will have an honest government soon. But it will not be what you think. Brace yourself.
@michael boultinghouse China and do not pay the tariff, the consumer does. Otherwise known as the American Consumer.
@Matt Pary Dream ON!
@Emerson Biggens fear mongering doesn’t work with me. It’s how you people control your own base and lead them around by the nose.
@Nav’s Channel E.O.13848 signed under national emergency by President Trump September 12, 2018 sanctions against foreign interference in U.S.election.
The only ones willing to speak up are the one that trump has no blackmail on.
or maybe killary has had a talk to the creature.
@OAL OAL I’m pretty sure all that info came from Vlad
Exactly what I have been thinking!
@Robin Nilsson

@Bronson I will not be surprised
Treason. This is not simply “scorched earth” policy, this is treason.
@KataGan This would put the EC in jeopardy as a function of democracy. If someone can be elected president while losing both the popular and EC vote then we have a dictatorship. That’s what IMPOTUS Trump wants.
@icin4d But this is what he is attempting to do. If the state legislators refuse to do it then we will be safe but I am not sure it is illegal.
@KataGan No, it is not illegal. But it might be illegal for a president to influence an elector for their favor.
The White House is the American people’s house. Not the lying coward’s.
@icin4d He has gotten away with so much and now this… if the DOJ doesn’t prosecute him then our justice system is just pathetic.
People, including his base. Wake up..this guy not noe nor ever cared
Time to stop babying these bozos who are committing criminal interference with USA elections laws.
“Pathetic” is a perfect description..a disgrace of a presidential legacy
The republicans will not do and “intervention” – they have NO INTEGRITY OR HONOR.
–> LOVE69.PL
They have no backbone.
@Andrew John they do not care!!
It’s unbelievable that while Trump is trying the pull off a huge con, the majority of republican leaders are silent about this. The decency of the republican party leadership in this charade, is on display. While Trump continues to mislead republican voters with the illussion that he won, they sit back and allow their constituents to soak up Trumps fraudulent claims. Its pathetic enough that the current presidency is occupied by a con-man, even more pathetic for republican leaders to let it go on.
cry baby Trump is scared he is in a position he cannot but his way out of , the prospect of ending up in jail
He bragged incessantly at his super spreader rallies. Now that’s he’s losing all lawsuits and the presidency. He has to stir up trouble to save face.
The GOP is a criminal organization like trump. They’d never go against der fuhrer.
The Trump administration needs time to hide or destroy evidence of wrong doing and blatant systemic incompetence.
Your point exactly.
Agreed but they can’t hide the incompetence… on full view.
The worst thing is Guiliani’s head is melting on top of it all.
Looks like someone crapped on his head.
trump is a perfect example of Everything that’s wrong with America.
and 70 million of your fellow Americans voted again for him