CNN international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson reports from Ukraine on Ukrainian military officials saying Russia wants to turn Kherson into a “city of death.” #CNN #News
‘It’s significant’: Putin orders troops to withdraw from Kherson

CNN international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson reports from Ukraine on Ukrainian military officials saying Russia wants to turn Kherson into a “city of death.” #CNN #News
My worst fear is that the Russians are withdrawing so that the moment Ukranian forces retake Kherson that they would use a tactical nuke or Biological weapons to rid themselves of a major part of Ukranian forces. This is just too good to be true. Please to the leadership of Ukraine, please see this as a trap and be careful and safe
It’s the dam at Nova Kakhovka about 20 or so miles up stream of the city of Kherson. That’s a whole hell of a lot of water impounded behind that dam. Yea you can draw down the water some but not all the way down. That dam goes, it will be a huge Tsunami heading down river and wipe out anything in the area. Ukraine has been trying like hell to blow the dam. That’s what makes Russia’s position untenable. Ukraine may be leery to occupy Kherson and the general area with any significant force. Russia could blow the dam too.
God help us if they do use a nuke, putin don’t care he’s dying anyway.
Not everyone is Ammorica, the dirtiest army complex of history
@Elle St, your boy would reinstate the USSR and restore all to previous status, if he could, and he will play every card he can, no matter how loony or criminal.
If you’re in a war and you go on national tv , and tell the enemy exactly what your plans are
That’s probably the most idiotic decision you can do
Or this is staged , probably the later
They can’t be this stupid
So something feels wrong here
You don’t announce your plans or troop movements on national TV for the enemy to watch . That’s ridiculous
So this is a staged Tv production,nothing else
Consider this
Why announce you’re withdrawing on TV , why not just withdraw the troops and equipment
What’s the purpose of announcing it on TV
This feels wrong in so many ways
As admiral ackbar would say “ it’s a trap”
In my believe that TV show was made for the Russian including poo-tin
Like the last time, when Ukraine said they will attack Kherson, the Russians believed them and got suckerpunched in Kharkiv?
Using a map to double down?
They’ve watched too many Bond movies.
It’s not a war, it’s a ” special military operation”
@Wash Redskin ok let’s call it a ” special Military withdrawl “
Forward Ukraine! Kazakhstan is with you! Glory to the heroes! Death to the enemies! Russia on its knees!
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !
Russia rescued you just a few months ago in that attempted coup. You’re pretty ungrateful
Never at any time in the past eight months have the Russians exhibited any kind of subtlety or used imaginative tactics and they’re not about to start now. It really is just a withdrawal because their position is untenable not a bluff to lure the Ukrainians into a trap. Kherson is far too valuable to give up unless they had no other option.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
What tactics? Loot the place clean like scavengers that’s great Russian operation.
It’s the dam at Nova Kakhovka about 20 or so miles up stream of the city of Kherson. That’s a whole hell of a lot of water impounded behind that dam. Yea you can draw down the water some but not all the way down. That dam goes, it will be a huge Tsunami heading down river and wipe out anything in the area. Ukraine has been trying like hell to blow the dam. That’s what makes Russia’s position untenable. Ukraine may be leery to occupy Kherson and the general area with any significant force. Russia could blow the dam too.
Russia is going to land robotic arms in the winter.
@Joe ROGAIN Is that what he is? 5’3? I knew he was short. Hey, if you’re curious, the Russian word for “runt” or “shorty” is коротышка, pronounced “kara-teesh-ka.” Learning can be fun!
Benjamin : Learning Russian doesn’t interest me one iota. I’m brushing up on my Spanish though because soon the snow will fly and I like to spend my winters down South in Mexico, Central America and South America and have never has any desire to visit Putins Russia. How come you speak Ruskie? Are you a Russian ORC tROLL pretending to be Benjamin Harris 1/2 Jewish and other 1/2 American or something?
@Joe ROGAIN Um, I’m just learning Russian as a hobby, and I’m an American. I have some Jewish ethnicity, but most of my family has been in the US since the 1600s. WTF?
here the clip you all was born to see
Benjamin : A Jewish Pilgrim on the MayFlower landing on Plymouth Rock? Who woulda thought? Anyways I’m somewhat suspicious and leery of people on not so social Social Media. Learning Ruskie as a hobby is kinda weird. No? Yes? My hobbies are politics obvious, propaganda, music, travel and dogs. I’m going to leave you with a quote I like and here it is. ‘We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us.” Malcolm X Ps. have a happy Tanks Giving.
Keep the enemy within arms length, don’t allow them to retreat. They want to send nukes after their troops retreat
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !!
No, they don’t.
That would contaminate the only fresh water that reaches Crimea.
They wouldn’t wait for their troops
plus russia will not use nukes fearing American response!!

On Ukrainian news, as of today around 70 000 and up to 100 000 civilians are still left in the city of Kherson. Scary ((((
I’m not American but I’ve always thought America was a great country and never get the credit they deserve sometimes. Standing up for Ukraine and the brutal invasion, the torture, looting, murder, and horrific sexual violence of toddlers, the elderly, and even men have suffered. America has made mistakes but also has done a lot of good in the world and I’m thankful the U.S exists. It’s actually really sad to see people in what was considered the beacon of democracy, vote for election deniers. Russia has even admitted on their state tv they actively interfere. The host on election night even said and boasted “happy interference day”
They want distrust of elections.
As a full blooded American, I just wanted to say thank you, we know America is not perfect but we do try for perfection. America is defined as liberty for us and all of mankind.
Thank you
there are still many of us who recognize injustice
We have an obligation to help ukraine because we told them to give up their nuclear weapons
Many thanks to you, Laura. Chin up, this election we have done far better than I pessimistically thought we would, even with the counting unfinished. There is much damage left to undo, but the promise behind the American Experiment will be fulfilled.
Slawa Ukrainie!
Thank you President Biden best president ever
He had to order them otherwise they would go in smoke. Good Job Ukraine. God bless America for helping Ukraine.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !
America isnt helping ukraine…. only the very few nazis that are here in america are stealing american money and resources and sending it to ukraine and the ukrainian regime is accepting it because they are evil
Since March Russia has only moved backwards and Ukraine has only made gains since the invasion on February 24th. Slowly but surely they are taking their country back!
Keep convincing yourself of that like a good, obedient media junkie.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
And why do you still support right-wing, white supremacist, neonazi militants who use civilians as human shields?
@Ortus Mallum what happened to taking Ukraine in 3 days? What happened to those 200k Russian soldiers sent on February 24th? Why do you need 300k more soldiers if you’re doing so good? It’s only been 9 months and your already resorting to forcing all Russian males to join the military. You’re not even fighting NATO yet and you’re already mobilizing. What’s going to happen when the real weapons start being sent? All we’ve sent are simple artillery and anti tank weapons. 20 HIMARS systems have already destroyed the Russian military

@Day not fighting NATO? You seriously that stupid?
Who armed the Ukrainian nazi militants for 8 years before this?
NATO did.
Yehvan Karas admitted this.
Pitin did think that half tje world would support modern day nazism. Yet here we are giving them $100B in aid….
Seems odd.
It is not a retreat. Orwellian Russians are advancing -5 km/day. At this rate, Russians hope to advance to Moscow by Spring and declare victory.
And who are you in his works?
Very good commentary by Nick Robertson.
The US has “stolen” quite a lot of the UK’s most competent journalists.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
As always.
His whole career dedicated to us
here the clip you all was born to see
I think the sign we should all be looking for is Russian troops withdraw, and Putin declares it total victory to his people. If he doesn’t do that, then it’s just another preparation for something else.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
Much respect to the Ukrainian Armed Forces! They’re some brave and well trained soldiers of modern time!!!
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !!
Completely withdraw from Ukraine, enough is enough. With respects in Jesus Christ name

-Nelson Mandela (1918-2013, Planet Earth)
“Sabemos muy bien que nuestra libertad está incompleta sin la libertad de los palestinos”.
“We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”
It’s a trap, Ukraine faces 2 winters: the natural and apparently the nuclear too !
Respect to Ukraine from Kosovo Albanians and respect to the real brother of Albanians the United States
US was always pro Albanians since the ww1,when europe decided that south Albania will take Greece all european countries say yes only US dosent support it
Ukraine should pass new gun laws to limit large capacity magazines all Ukraine citizens should have no more than 10rnds per mag and a bullet button to slow down the re loading process.. don’t forget to tell putin to fight fairly… also no one in Ukraine should be allowed to possess a weapon without permission from the Russian government…. if it works for oregon it has to work for Ukraine…
Watch out for the Russian navy! I hope the best for Ukraine. It’s horrible what has happened there.
It’s more than possible that Russian would drop tactical Nukes on Ukrainian forces once they enter Kherson or might even blow up the Dam which would be just as bad for Ukrainian troops.