Michael Schmidt, Washington correspondent for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about the considerable evidence prosecutors in the Joel Greenberg case appear to be amassing, as demonstrated in the sizable plea agreement Greenberg has accepted.
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They’re in trouble now.
The others need to be named.
The “Others” are crapping in their pants.
They will. At the federal level, they make sure their case is airtight before they make an arrest.
@Damone Damone is that why Trumpy boy wears diapers?
OH yeah they will..
They can’t relise names of people not yet charged…
This is why the former guy failed on his attempt to say that Biden is being investigated
Let the self destruction of the GQP begin!
Continue, you mean?
Oh honey, that can of worms was opened the day the Republican Party made this vile, disgusting man the leader of their party! This is the beginning of the END of the Republican Party! It’s become nothing but a circus sideshow!
GOP has been self destructing for a while. Four years of a consigliore rather than an Attorney General has emboldened them to be cavalier. Marjory Taylor Green loves the headlines, but reporters just turned up the information that she and her husband have declared “homestead exemptions’ on BOTH of their houses. That’s illegal.
Hey Matt…pack your bags buddy. It’s almost time to go away for awhile. LOL!!!
His dadddly should ve played that song by Donnie Osmond Go away little girl It said Im not suppose to be alone with you Matt looks line Donnie Osmond Lol
The only bags he’ll have..are under his eyes!! Late nights with bubba!!
You cannot shame or embarrass those work NO scruples, morals or decency!!!
But I am praying that Stone is caught up in this too!
Breaking News. The Fake Fox News, the Murdoch Family, The Roger Allies Foundation, and the popular tabloid hosts of Fox News- Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Laura Ingraham, and former Lou Dobbs have Established Go-Gaetz-Me page to help support sexual discrimination in the workplace exploitation of underage women. Lachlan Murdoch was quoted in the New York Post saying “At Fox Media/Fox New we have a long-standing tradition of supporting anything that discriminates and exploits women. I Only Wish Matt Gaetz the Best, Cheers”.
Now that Trump can’t give out pardons…

Greenberg flips on Gaetz.
Gaetz flips on Stone.
Stone flips on Trump.
@Suzy Q we dont know exactly what crimes stone was pardoned for. he may well be in the clear here.
@Dottie Ignozzi Touché. We’ll just have to wait and see how things go.
HE IS! the guy was selling access to the president, selling pardons! you can’t do that bs because its actually illegal!
Odd that the Q cult hasn’t called for him to resign. I mean, this is what they’ve all been looking for, right??

Q cult people are hypocrites, phonies, and non-existent all at the same time.
@David Hank lol
@Open borders Dementia Joe inflation was so suppressed from covid that it was expected for it to go up. Even before that, the lack of inflation was a problem. No inflation is bad for the economy. People tend to wait to make major purchases, whereas inflation incentivises people to purchase things before the cost goes up. Take an economics class.
This is too GOOD! Can’t wait for MORE!
The House Judiciary Committee is charged with overseeing the administration of justice within the federal courts, administrative agencies and FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITIES.
This is a huge CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Matt Gaetz should be removed from the Judiciary Committee immediately until the investigation has been completed.
@West House You don’t see the inherent conflict of interest here, really?
@West House it’s actually not overreach.. that’s like saying if the justice department was investigating Bill Barr when he was AG that he should’ve stayed on the job… that’s a clear conflict on interest.
@Bianca Culpo im refering to the authority they claim the committee has. Im not arguing a conflict of interest.
@Marie-Flo Reddy democracy dude. The first hit is free. Then they sell it by the gram.
We all know where this is headed.
Humpty Trumpty’s have a great fall.

and all the fool’s horses, and all the fool’s men, couldn’t put Trumpty back in office again :-))
It’s all over but the crying, well that and his daddy trying to buy his way outta another legal fix.
Gaetz and many buddies ,De Santos ,Don jr,I wonder if their names will come up ,,,, wouldn’t that be great
These 2 put new meaning to politicians kissing babies
Am I the only one who thinks they might also be able to nail Stone for conspiracy after the fact?
Beauty, eh? Trump’s pardon… gone to waste. And it never woulda’, coulda’ happened if Stone had been serving his sentence at the time. Unfortunately, we don’t know if Stone did something out of character and actually reported the contact.
They got some really good coke down there in Florida.. and real Extacsy as well..

Well now. Orange is the new Gaetz.
To what end will any rational or reasonable GOP member remain ignorant of how rotten their party is?
Michael Schmidt is all over this — no one is mentioning Stone, but surely he must be one of the “other persons”
Sickening as it all is… must say, I’m feeling a bit giddy that justice will be coming soon for these named and unnamed despicable humans.

I had to ask God for forgiveness for jumping for joy that people like Gatez qnd others will not escape their karma…
Based on the little I know, I imagine that God, gods and Karma would understand and accept-your and my positive expressions of relief for justice…

I have been hoping for 5 years to see any of these openly corrupt and evil people find the justice they have been seeking.
If this is real: I could not be happier.