Top public health officials at the Center for Disease Control say Americans should prepare for the spread of the coronavirus in communities across the United States. “It’s not so much a question of if this will happen any more, but rather more a question of exactly when," CDC official says. Aired on 2/25/2020.
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'It's Not If, It's When': CDC Warns Spread Of Coronavirus In U.S. Is Inevitable | Katy Tur | MSNBC
There are 7 people in Iowa being monitored now.
@Dr. Thomas Rasberry First, who said ANYTHING about Russia being responsible?
Second, you have a doctor in front of your name, is it wise for anyone responsible for 370 million lives to suggest something as foolish as warm weather curing an infectious disease?
I’m going to jump out there and presume you’ll say some form of “no” and then ask Wtf does that kind of foolish, dangerous illogic have to do with my politics?
best recommended mask
This is what we need.. the media isn’t telling us this. Let’s keep each other/state informed on here. I ain’t going to Iowa
Relief Jesus are you sure?
@omi god nope…
154,023 cases
24,589 deaths
16% Mortality.
Someone probably died for letting these numbers slip out.
This world is Plague Inc. in casual mode
Hopefully every Democrat dies of Corona
James Harden this man knows
literally when this whole thing started this game was all i could think of lmao
People in space are watching a real life game of Plague Inc Brutal Mode.
Congratulations america!!!!!!!
Whites treated us Asians as viruses but you guys are the same!!!Let’s get along bro!
This virus is going to make a box office hit at the theaters
Sounds like the Game .. the devision
If most of us aren’t dead by then
Congratulations america!!!!!!!
Whites treated us Asians as viruses but you guys are the same!!!Let’s get along bro!
Dr Anthony sounds like he really needs to cough……I’m uncomfortable now
Iran health minister goes on TV to say Iran is not underreported cases and everything is fine, while doing so is visibly sick with something, and then the day after he announces he’s been diagnosed with coronavirus.
The virus can travel on sound waves. If you heard him you can all ready be infected
That voice made me clear my throat.
Congratulations america!!!!!!!
Whites treated us Asians as viruses but you guys are the same!!!Let’s get along bro!
I don’t want my parents and my grandmother to get sick.
@Spammer Rage GOOD TUNES
best recommended mask
Well its probably everywhere by now since we didnt stop air travel
@sylv Dont blame China anymore, they have already done good enough, at least they tried their best to keep 99% within China, while 2009 H1N1 virus outbreak and the state did nothing then spread to every country and killed 180000 people in the end!!
@Larry Scary it hasn’t even hit America in a big way…yet. Your comment will only be meaningful if it’s still true in 6 months.
Congratulations america!!!!!!!
Whites treated us Asians as viruses but you guys are the same!!!Let’s get along bro!
The dude literally sounds like he has coronavirus during this interview…
Ben J. Hamele yep
jagir lol
Just like the Iranian deputy health minister. Video of him mopping his brow looking sick while telling an audience there is nothing to worry about and now……he’s tested positive .Nobody at the press conference wearing masks, no telling how many he passed it on to.
PSA: when it hits here, please don’t horde all the food. Some of y’all can’t even cook.
B M lol
Congratulations america!!!!!!!
Whites treated us Asians as viruses but you guys are the same!!!Let’s get along bro!
@Canadian Gold Saver You forgot the vitamin tablets….for your “side dish”.
Ya sausage! 
@Your Toto The medical professionals who died in China were exposed during the early period before quarantine procedures were in place. Indeed, they were exposed repeatedly, daily, for prolonged periods even before they started using the most effective masks for medics (N95). They are not representative of the general population. But they may become representative of the medical profession population in countries that continue to fail to implement a proper scientific quarantine protocols with contact, suspected and/or confirmed cases. This goes for America, where California is locking the lowest risk level citizens out of a quarantine building and leaving both them and medical professionals in limbo. As well as countries in Europe that are refusing to take it seriously. But more critically in lesser privileged countries if the exposed population exceeds the medical professions human and equipment resources. Or indeed, if they fail to have sufficient protective barriers for all staff in all districts across the entire country.
There goes my life long dream career of being a “free hugs” giver in the streets of Wuhan by the year 2020.
I feel your pain. My pointy copper hats are selling surprisingly badly with all the thunderstorms recently.
Here is where health care for all matters. Like in China and other Countries where all are treated for free. The government did not act on time. US does not has the capability of building a hospital in 10 days. All we can do is to cooperate and do what we have to do. Panicking won’t solve the issue. if we all cooperate we will be helping ourself. In 1918 the pandemic that began in Kansas was so deadly that no one could recover. With the coronavirus people are recovering. Humans no matter from where react the same way. Viruses don’t discriminate people do. The 1918 pandemic killed from 50 million to 100 million people and infected 500 million. US ignored a warning from a Drs concern about this flue( like the one from China) and it spread drastically globally including to Africa and other poor Countries. In America People wore being shot by police if they refused to ware masks or didn’t not cooperate. Basically wore very cruel out of fear to its own people. It’s humanity. People start to behave like animals. And that is understood. China has done tremendous effort. Yes many virus start from South Asia. But many other viruses can start in any continent. This link is for educational purposes only. If you are nervous please don’t watch. Its an example that no matter where one comes from humans behave the same. It’s very drustic video watch the link below at your discretion. This won’t happen today since the coronavirus is treatable meaning many recover. We need to stop pointing fingers. And pray
Somebody else did obviously
Mr. Eighty you still can
I’d like to hear Bill Burr’s take on this.
Cough cough oh yea me too cksucka *joey voice*
It’s amazing that the interviewer was shocked at the estimate for creating a vaccine. I am no doctor but I think Dr. Facci was giving the best case scenario.
@kathrynck your stupid
The global vaccines industry is dominated by big players such as Pfizer, MSD, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Sanofi, and Johnson & Johnson.
Worldwide sales of vaccines totalled $54bn last year, and have almost doubled since 2014, according to data analysts Statista.
The drug czars will want the vaccine to market quicker than that. Gotta make that paper whether the vaccine is safe or not. Why is 1 year an acceptable time to test this vaccine? You wouldn’t get any long term studies that way. How is that even possible?
Yeah she needs a reality check. That was unprofessional reaction on her part! He is a doctor. That is how long it usually takes. I think the Ebola vaccination took about 5 years
“Social distancing”
Only gamers will survive this.
@ProksenosPapias hahahhaa
SteverRob closing down schools? Yessir
I Made An Antisocial Club, But Nobody Ever Comes.
“We just need to make sure nobody knows until everyone knows”- Contagion
!! For me it is, Extensive Emphysema Stage 4 copd!
Congratulations america!!!!!!!
Whites treated us Asians as viruses but you guys are the same!!!Let’s get along bro!
Eyes of Darkness by dean koontz predicted coronavirus in 1981, Look into it
best recommended mask
Can we expect to see Rush volunteering to help out at a hospital since this virus is just a common cold?
Congratulations america!!!!!!!
Whites treated us Asians as viruses but you guys are the same!!!Let’s get along bro!
We can only hope!
The Chinese doctor warned the world.RIP a true hero. We have been stocking up for 8 weeks.
@LeckMichImArsch I’m a history frick and learn the whole history of viruses. And unfortunately humans are capable eat each other from starvation. Human nature is very complicated. Thanks for the information. The problem is here all we can do is education to realive panic. They should set up special lines so people can talk to some body I talked to my pchychologist ealready. The more we know the better. I’m doing my best to stay rational and making my own plans, but learning how to reduce the chances. And cooperate with the authorities no matter how tough it might become. We are lucky that this coronavirus does not mean a 100% death. I am exercising lots of tea with honey and lemon. Basically created a plan to deal with the issue to the best of my ability. I knew the virus would spread here. And have been preparing for a while.
mind fullness praying to a non existent entity is going to do nothing.
Remember when we all thought 2020 was going to be our year? 2019 please come back we miss you
@Some Person No new daily lies….No moronic vulgar insults…. No reminder of my pathetic insurance… What kind of human likes and supports that? It won’t be a flood that comes and washes it all away. Hopefully it won’t be a virus either.
I remember being a young man pre 9/11.
3:37 quickly trying to fix her face when she realized the feed was on her. Lol I don’t think I’ve seen an anchor “break character” so obviously
There’s no fixing that face
Maybe with a 2×4!
We should be fine.
*Laughs nervously*
“Not if but when…” To say this is ominous warning would be an understatement. Remember how Trump and his enablers cut the budget at the CDC and also cut key health/illness reporting statistics? Yup, another inspired Trump decision that we all will have to pay a price for!!!! Yet his glassy eyed Kool Aid swigging Fox News quoting supporters keep saying “Trump’s done all these great things…” like some tinfoil hat wearing cult. Wake up – we should have been ready for this long ago! Trump’s horrible decisions/policies (redacted by Fox News) outweigh and out number his good decisions. This is yet another significant example of a bad Trump decision that people will die from.
Jack Slingluff
I’m no fan of Trump, but if Trump supporters do not realize how bad this can get, especially since he’s not giving he CDC a lot of money, I worry for them. I’m not saying they can’t agree with trump, but at least I hope they see this
It’s SAR’s all over again, and it was gone before a vaccine could be created. This will end the same way, mark my words.