Retired Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson breaks down the capabilities of the Iranian-made drones being used by the Russian military to attack Ukraine and why he thinks the attacks won’t be successful. #CNN #News
‘It’s not going to work’: Retired general on Putin’s ‘kamikaze’ drone attacks

When trying to break the enemy’s spirit to fight. Best to not to kill friends and family. That just makes them fight harder.
@User User but Russia is fighting to 30 countries dont forget that all right?
@peace of mind No , Russia is fighting one country , Ukraine which is being supplied by other countries . If Russia was fighting 30 countries with all of those 30 countries manpower and all of their equipment this war would have been over months ago
@John Brower First, Crimea, then Donbass, and from February 24, all of Ukraine was supposed to be considered part of Russia. Then the Baltic countries Estonia Lithuania Latvia. The next victims of the resurgent empire would be the Warsaw Pact countries. Ryabkov, on the other hand, spoke clearly about NATO. “Get your belongings and get out of the 1997 borders.” And referendums under the barrels of machine guns are worthless. There are territorial claims, let Russia appeal to an international court, and not unleash wars as in the Middle Ages.
@Justin Dwayne Plenos Bakhmut has not been taken by Russia , you need a better source of information other than the Russian ministry
Tell that to the Donbas hypocrite
Ukraine hits a tank convoy.
Russia hits a house.
Ukraine hits a ship.
Russia hits a house.
Ukraine hits an airfield.
Russia hits a house.
Ukraine hits a vital bridge.
Russia hits a house.
It’s no wonder why Russia is losing.
@Htate sil wasn’t Russia defeated in Afghanistan in just 8 years? And weren’t the Taliban using AK47s that Russia supplied? How convenient that you forgot those FACTS!
@Kamaru Usman is p4p king according to Russian media they have only lost 1,500 soldiers…if you believe Russian media I have a bridge in Brooklyn you would be interested in buying…😆😅😂🤣
@Jet Li Did Iraq invade Kuwait or not? Duh!!!
It seems to me that looking forward as to the evolution of offensive and defensive weapons and how they counter each other, there has to be a strong proactive continuous training program for Ukrainian soldiers so they are battle ready when the threat appears. It’s probably being done but not spoken about. Just saying.
They key to Ukraine’s success is their ability to absorb and apply knowledge cause in a short time they were able to westernized their military system which proves to be the go to during a modern warfare, if other countries would even want to contend with US Army they have to copy the US Army system and minimize their corruption to the minimum or else they’ll just end up like russia.
@THOR The Ukrainian police force are using hand guns , rifles and shotguns to take them down, A shot gun is only good for about 100 meters, after the pellets spread make the pellets ineffective and start losing speed at about 150 meters, I used to be target shooter.
If you could pack an area of effect round on self propelled shotgun ammo with timing package package 20 meters of the target, that would be really effective,
If you take out a kamikazee drone you need to take out its explosive package not its engine or wings.
Best defence apart from snipers( Barret M- 95 AM) with 3 spotters on roof is this
It is… and they are learning at a quick pace thanks to the stress that they are under. Period. Just saying
Absolutely agree. Stand up proud to the evil forces of the dark empire. Even their own people stand up and flee best they can.
Putting US contractors on the ground in UKR would further anger the Russians amid the already chaotic situation there;nevertheless General Anderson assertions are accurate and objective to the farthest point😎
C-RAM only has a range of around a thousand meters, you could never place enough of them on the ground to be effective. Maybe for some sensitive targets you want to protect…
I don’t agree with u totally but it would be a big help along with the different range ones they have now. A system to shoot down ones that ones that get through the long range defense.
It’s between 1.5 to 5.5 km, not 1km. It depends on the target. A dumb target, like a drone or artillery shell that isn’t going to change its course, it can engage from a longer distance than, say a fighter jet that will dodge and weave to evade incoming fire.
Could be put around critical structures.
The retired general is excellent! Bring him back!
Better him than some hot chick wearing a tight dress, I can never follow when woman talk
@Dan Rook 😂❤
@Gilberto Kamche don’t worry, we don’t need russia to survive!
Retired Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson shows outstanding confidence in the Ukrainian forces and their ability to make the most of the weapons that are made available to them. That confidence is infectious and can be seen, with equal measure, in the demeanor of virtually all the Ukrainian combatants who I recall seeing & hearing in these news reports:
Their optimism and determination are truly amazing.
Glory to the Heroes. Slava Ukraini.
Half of the gear are for sale in Black Market. They sell to Serbia that sells to Rússia
America babysat the Russian army for three decades Ukrain Defeats Russian troop Daily for eight months and NEEDS “American Contractors”? WTF Retired Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson “colonial Wars General”
This war has almost turned me into a war hawk but when the aggressor only understands force, how else do you stop him? Russia keeps escalating more and more up to point of threatening nukes, while US constantly sets its own red lines for itself. I agree with the general that we need to send this power message with US contractors.
Sending well wishes to the people of Ukraine, they have fought hard and they are to be admired
Excellent point to strongly encourage ramping up the Ukrainian air defense with C-RAM systems Also, voiced support for the recruitment of contractors to repair and maintain other equipment such as HIMARs. Logistical support becomes critical the longer this conflict continues.
Glad to hear someone who understands the stakes.
Man, I’ve been saying this entire conflict that Ukraine could use the C-RAM. Glad someone with a bigger voice also has that idea.
Don’t start riding on his coat-tails. I never Once, heard you say that.
For real.
C-RAM is only good for defending something like a base, building or ship, it has nowhere near the range to protect a city. You would need hundreds just to cover Kyiv.
Apparently either you do not know what thermite is or you’ve never seen it in action as Russia just like the US uses this bomb, or maybe you’ve never heard of a vacuum bomb which Russia has used in the past couple of weeks, totally legal maybe you should look it up!
As a tax paying American, former Army airborne officer and medic, I agree with this US general 100%.
Retired Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson: *I like the way he thinks, I agree with his comments.* If I could, I would volunteer to go and help, but I know even less than Ukrainians about these things.
God bless your brave heart, General! Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇺🇸✌
I hope someone listens to this guy, he knows what he’s talking about.
I’d love to see our military members not being told by their “leadership” that in order to have financial means to pay their basic bills they should apply for food stamps. We’ve got enough $$$ for sending anything Ukraine needs, but not enough to pay our own volunteer military.
When us sent drones to Ukraine it’s not been heard of lots casualties.but when Iran sent drones to Russia it has been giving so much casualties to ukraine.why?meaning us drones was not so effective,than Iran’s drones
The C-Ram system can take out artillery shells? Holy hell, that’s quite impressive :O