CNN's John Berman breaks down where the votes are trending in the Nevada and Arizona Senate races. #CNN #News
‘It’s looking better for Democrats’: See where key Senate races stand right now

CNN's John Berman breaks down where the votes are trending in the Nevada and Arizona Senate races. #CNN #News
Just think if They spent that money in taxes instead of trying to get out of Paying Taxes!
@Perry Mason XIX Ever received a Job from a “Poor” person other then if you work for yourself? A much larger percentage then your stated 10% of people invest in wall street via 401k or a Pension. Quit whining because some people happen to make more then others. If you feel you are worth more get a different job or convince your currently employer you are.
@RedTrump Trump lost.
@Corrina Banks 2 million non citizens to care for in 2022 due to Biden’s open border marathon.
@Howard J that is such a small amount compared to assistance to that goes to welfare of other people
@Perry Mason XIX shouldn’t that trillion dollar infrastructure bill pat for that but we know it is Dems Solyndra 2.0 and more fake Shovel Ready Jobs.
There comes a point where the electorate has reached a saturation point and no amount of money will affect anything anymore at that point only the policy matters.
So tired of money corrupting our government. They should be running on ideas to help Americans not who can spend the most money. There needs to be a cap on how much can be wasted. So many people living on the streets when politicians waste so much in ads that tell you nothing.
@neosapiens sorry, they shouldn’t be bought.
@sal ortiz cuz the Repubs are big fans of getting money out of potlitics????
@Denise Nickeson I’m referring to limiting spending on things that have nothing to do with the United States and limiting taking advantage of loopholes used by these people. I haven’t seen many democrats in favor of that. I may need better info but let’s see if anyone has a reference to study.
Keep corporations and unions out of politics. Corps can give like one person and is subject to those limits. Same for unions.
Dems get majority of corp funds.
Watching from Britain, where throwing money at candidates is unlawful, it seems bizarre that you buy your politicians. It’s not an election, it’s an auction.
Politicians are bought in the UK.
@Farmer Stole My Tank wasn’t the Supreme Court. It was law for 200 years. It was the Supreme Court who stated that corporations could spend under free speech.
@G George better example is to talk with folks from Pennsylvania who voted for Fetterman.
@Rodney Short On Sales !!!
@Lorraine Tapper what obstacles? Show ID and be registered? And the second part you can do when you do the first part!
The money going into the Georgia race is obscene. There should be limits on what can be spent. Additionally, gerrymandering should not be allowed. In comparison, gerrymandering has been illegal in Canada since the 60’s. This forces parties to run on policies and what they can do for the people.
The whole Georgia thing is a mess. There is only 2 parties involved, why is there a runoff election?
If I remember correctly, the citizens United decision by the Supreme Court was strongly condemned by Obama during his presidential address.
Citzens united was a bill passed by the Republicans that brought dark money in to the voting system. You REPUBLICANS GOOGLE up citizens united . That is the reason that there is so much money in these POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS.
@Elijah Bethea even worst is that after Citizens United most big donors can remain unanimous if they want. Arizona and California just approved legislation designed to at least remove that layer of secrecy. Of course Republicans are fighting back trying to stop every measure that will bring more transparency to our elections
So much money that could be used to feed children, house families, provide health care, improve schools. All for a run off that should have been a no brainer, because one of the candidates appears not to have one to start with.
@Donald West I rally hate to be the one debunking your libel, but here goes. Warnock’s ex-wife wanted to leave the state, and since they had joint custody, she could not do so. So, in order to get sole custody of their children, she created an incident, then called the police, saying Warnock had run over her foot, as he tried to away from her brand of crazy. She would not let EMTs examine her foot, and a later xray showed no damage, yet she tried to press charges anyway. The courts tossed them out, because they were clearly fabricated.
@Deborah Freedman Well, you don’t like the good Reverend, then you maintain he had no input on the decision to evict??
I don’t know if he did or didn’t, but he is part of the leadership of the church and he is part if the process of operations and daily affairs of the church.
Unless you work there or have special knowledge, I don’t know how you could make a statement indicating the wasn’t involved.
Anyway, in most housing assistance programs, I agree, you get the dregs that bring everyone down.
My point if, Rev. Warnock takes a heft stipend ( $7400) while many of his flock live in squalor.
Not exactly living a humble existence.
The question here , as is often the case.. which one is least bad?
@Deborah Freedman debunk all you want.
Perhaps that happened the way you mentioned.
Perhaps not.
I wasn’t there and most likely you weren’t either.
If the media does honest reporting, then facts are available for all to inspect.
Wernock is new and towing the line and will follow the leadership.
The Atlanta media has covered for people in the past.
Once again, both have baggage.
Warlock voted with Biden 96 percent of the time.
@Deborah Freedman had a camp were children were abused
Way to go Arizona…
Why you can not count
I’m really impressed by how much money Democrats have been able to spend on these democratically existential campaigns. It’s amazing what you can do when your states are high GDP, high educational attainment rate, and with enormous tech sectors. Success is born in Blue States.
still counting.
It’s not only the money, the quality of the candidate count
@Harold Moore stop talking to your reflection dummy

. Moron
@Lionel Fox was that’s supposed to be funny? You have the humor of a five year old girl.
@Harold Moore I have the humor of people with common sense, you have the same humor as Amy Schumer and mentally Ill Starbucks employees.
@Harold Moore your reply was so god damned stupid you make people want to staple their balls to the ground and jump.
Fedderman isn’t quality
Is anyone in Georgia concerned about the volume of ads we would be receiving through thanksgiving. Hopefully one party wins both Arizona and Nevada so we can be at Peace.
A 51st Senate seat for the D party would mean Joe Manchin could no longer single-handedly block the D agenda. But a House with an R majority would be able to block it. So perhaps the most important result of the Georgia runoff will be the perceptions about whether Trump is a loser and a fool. DeSantis probably secretly wants Walker to lose.
why would you be concerned about Ads im not sure what you’re saying
And we still want Warnock to win
Thanks for the update. How could people not vote for a former astronaut?
Agree, and also how can they not vote for one of the greatest running backs of all time?
How does being a former astronaut or former running back makes you a good candidate?
It’s what you do when you win what’s making people vote for you.
And when you run on the highly unpopular retrumpican agenda, well then you might loose.
Maybe because he is and Authoritarian dirt bag?
What?? You’re not serious?
@ChenZen Because astronauts are American heroes and obviously intelligent to be able to land such a profession. Obviously there is more to it than that & it was more tongue-in-cheek, but I follow Mark Kelly and he is a good guy.
I assume Joe Manchin does NOT want the Ds to gain a Senate seat.
Joe Manchin has one vote like everyone.
@ChenZen : Manchin was sometimes the sole vote that opposed the other 49 D Senators. That made his vote pivotal in those decisions, because none of the 50 R Senators voted with the Ds. If the Ds gain a seat (51 Senators plus the VP to break ties) it would take two defections to block them, not just one. That would undercut Manchin’s power.
Oh he’s not the only one. Where have you been for the past two years. Holy sh*t not sure another two years of this is going to bode well for anyone including the cucks
Joe Manchin’s flex power would be diluted. Same with Kristen Sinema. Yeah? Fortunately at least those two were deal makers that did deliver legislation.
He sure doesn’t because he know he won’t be able to do all the bullshit that he did with build back better…holding America back from going forward…
Staggering amounts of money isn’t going to make Herschel Walker Senate material. This person has to sit in the upper chamber of our Congress. Come on now! It’s almost delusional that people think that he is the proper choice for their state! I saw a poll on Fox News that said as far as experience Raphael Warnock was winning, but people were actually voting that Herschel Walker had more experience! What are they telling them in Georgia?!?
@Guru of End Times Police investigated that incident and found no evidence that he ran over his wife’s foot. Verdict: LIAR
And you think Federman is Senate material? Lol L O LOL
@I’m a Covid variant Beats having a Turkish Muslim who sells fake diet pills on Oprah for a Senator. In fact a sack of onions beats Oz. At least the onions don’t kill people with diet pills.
@Jnnnx I didn’t but ok, whatever makes you happy, like a sucker on a baby such as yourself.
@Say What? Herschel is a psychopath with diagnosed multiple identity disorder due to brain damage from playing football. He was arrested for holding a gun to the head of his former wife. He needs to be in treatment, not the Senate.
Voting has never been more important in America. The turn out this time round has been astonishing. It shows that Republicans voted against the GOP to bring back some normality to the political arena and away from the crazy liars. Biden wouldn’t be my first pick but the one thing we can all agree he’s trying his best and is not a fear monger like Trump nor would he sell out America or trash talk like that idiot!
It’s hard to believe so many Democrats vote for masks, lockdowns, enforced experimental vaccinations, destruction of children’s education, and brain damage
mark cunneen: Be informed, Biden has sold out America to China, to the world order or Reset, to serfdom, to food and gas shortages, to children being owned by the state and not their parents, to debt. Biden’s loyalty is to himself.
Why doesn’t Georgia just do preferential voting at the ballot? That’s what they’re doing in effect, but making it as inconvenient, drawn out, and expensive as possible. Get voters to rank their choices and get the same result without holding runoffs. Though it makes it more obvious people can vote third party without “wasting” a vote, so that probably answers my question. Rather keep the possible third party down than make things easier/better for the public.
@Justin Woodward clearly they don’t if they just yolo at it knowing their vote is wasted while potentially allowing the worste candidate to win.
it’s not racist enough, obviously.
@Justin Woodward Ranked choice voting means *_exactly_* that you get to vote for whomever you want. But people with fully working brains, understand that ranked choice voting eliminates the time and money to hold a separate runoff election. If Georgia already had ranked choice, we would already know who the winner was because Chase Oliver’s votes would already have been divvied up according to the second choice on those ballots. RCV is simply a built-in runoff that you don’t have to pay for or wait for.
As usual, my state of Oregon, has decided to be another test case, this time for ranked choice voting. Other states have followed our example, of voting only by mail. Let’s see how this experiment turns out, before demanding other states go for RCV.
Rank choice has been around for 150 years. It is a proven way to handle elections with more than two candidates. It doesn’t need more testing.
I like how all these people talk about doing math like they are solving some complex stuff, all they do is addition and percentages
Still too close for comfort. It’s scary how extreme so much of this country has become.
Oh relax your kaks
Exactly, when someone like Fetterman can actually win to become a senator, there is nothing sacred anymore
I totally agree, Marilyn. I’d feel more comfortable with a wider point spread for the dems.
seriously. No matter you’re views, political affiliation, etc. how can you vote for him?
@ Marilyn from Tarot Clarity: The Left has been moving closer to the steep cliff on the Left and really speeded up in 2015. They want you to be a serf and they landlords. Their, Democrats, adopted motto is “you will own nothing and you will be happy.”
You want to know what’s disgusting? You have millions of homeless people in America, you have millions dying from a lack of health insurance. These (people) are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to run for political office. How disgusting is that.
It’s true, the Europeans spend only a few months on most of their campaigns. Stateside we have a giant bonfire of wasted cash every election of 2 year campaigns (18 months too long). One of a number of reasons for generating more fake money out of thin air for frivolous waste. With endless purse strings you’d think they could solve homelessness, but they don’t care.
When the votes were in doubt there was upset and it continues. Accuracy is important when it comes to the number of votes in America.
It’s important in any country. But especially for USA because it holds itself up to the world as the home of democracy, greatest democracy, etc … all that bullshite.
Imagine all that money being used to provide for the homeless
I’m really impressed by how much money Democrats have been able to spend on these democratically existential campaigns. It’s amazing what you can do when your states are high GDP, high educational attainment rate, and with enormous tech sectors. Success is born in Blue States.