A top adviser to Bernie Sanders said the candidate would reject the offer from Mike Bloomberg to spend heavily on his behalf in the general election if Sanders wins the Democratic nomination. "It’s a hard no," Weaver told NBC News after Tuesday night’s debate. "Bernie has said he's going to fund his presidential campaign with small-dollar contributions and I think we can do that. I think we can raise over a billion dollars in small-dollar contributions." The panel discusses. Aired on 02/25/20.
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'It's A Hard No': Sanders Rejects Bloomberg's Cash In General Election | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Bernie Sanders understands that campaign contributions from billionaires are fundamentally corrupting and to accept it would be a repudiation of everything Bernie has stood for his entire political career. Bloomberg is free to run issue ads and ads against Trump, as long as his money doesn’t go to Bernie directly.
Matt D I have done better. To bad you will be stuck in the basement til at least 45 because you have nothing else going in your life. PLEASE BERNIE, Give me the FREE STUFF. Mommy I need my lunch…Waaaaaaaa MOMMY. What a pathetic life you have.
Is using the CIA to push viewpoints in german newspapers any different?
@Don Williams Bernie’s first press conference after taking office will be to announce that he has told the Department of Agriculture where to plant all the trees that are going to grow all the free sh1t he is going to be giving away.
Trust me he will need the trees because the rich will cease to exist. We’ll all be equal though…..equally poor!
Eddie Claude is correct!
Michael Bloomberg literally said (slipped) that he bought the House seats for the Dems! Bernie can’t be bought.
@William Esselman You copy pasting this screed into every thread isn’t going to convince anyone, so just *go away* (BTW, you kind of give the game away by whinging about “promiscuity”. Telling, that is)
The fact you think Bernie will gain more “power” by tossing aside his morals and ideology instead of sticking to them is, itself, a symptom of the corruption that installed Trump.
Bernie would be eaten alive if he caved on this issue; so much so that Bloomberg backing Sanders would be more akin to sabotage than support. The fact that most of this panel can’t see that is just plain sad, and makes one wonder just how many times THEY have have set aside their own morals to climb the ladder and attain more “power”. Sadly, they’ve become slaves to this corrupt mindset without even realizing it.
Mr. G ……………….. They set up a false dichotomy, too . Framing it as, “OH …. You’re ETHICS are more important than beating Donald trump ? How dumb are you ?” . Hypocrites !
Thank you Eddie, at least he is the only pundit on the panel who actually gets it!
Look how confused they look as he explains it.
@Nancy Mesek That’s the world they live in. They don’t understand people who think this way.
Yeah, Bernie sells his soul and integrity to Bloomberg and he has nothing, no power, nada, zilch. These vile MSNBC shrills would sell grandma down the river for a $1.00
Dear Observer,
If you can’t see what candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supports is basic Bolshevik socialism, you should study history.
Both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders hold policies that are antithetical to our American ideals. Make no mistake, their policies are meant to destroy the United States of America. It takes hate of capitalism and fear of the free market, to buy in to their Frankfurt School of thought.
You will find operatives all over these liberal YouTube threads who pretend to be something they are not. They obfuscate and gloss over facts and do their best to spread the narrative of how bad billionaires are and how enslaved you are to them. They will attack your empathy, empathy is the key to their deception. They will attack your beliefs and they will attack you.
They have one goal and it is overturning western civilization and everything you hold dear. The attacks against the family, the perverse insertion of homosexuality and sexual promiscuity into our culture, the crisis that are manufactured at our border and the constand assault on our Democratic process, it’s all a part of their plan. These processes are the same things that have been happening in every Western Nation on the planet Earth.
There’s a greater than 90% chance that if you find anyone on social media hiding anonymously behind a fake profile name, doing their best in attempting to convince you of how terrible things are in the USA, you are dealing with someone who isn’t a US citizen. That’s how terrible the policies of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are, that’s how terrible the policies of the entire Democratic party are, they must find support from outside of the country.
Eddy gets it though. Every time I see him on he always seems to be on the right side.
They’ll take a free membership at MAR A LAGO… A few contracts and some vacations. Ivanka vacations with Putin’s GF. NRA rethuglikkkans went to RUSSIA! So much HYPOCRISY. Smh
Eddie spitting FACTS.
He is the only person who regularly shows up on these programs that stands up to their nonsense again and again. I don’t know how he stays so even keeled. I’d be spitting mad most of the time. Thank goodness he’s there. A quiet voice of sanity in the lunacy of MSNBC, these days.
At the end of the day all politicians are most loyal to their largest donors which is why Bernie gets my vote
The max donation is $2800 if you are running as a Democrat. It’s not like Republicans who can take an unlimited amount of money in donations.
Dear Observer,
If you can’t see what candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supports is basic Bolshevik socialism, you should study history.
Both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders hold policies that are antithetical to our American ideals. Make no mistake, their policies are meant to destroy the United States of America. It takes hate of capitalism and fear of the free market, to buy in to their Frankfurt School of thought.
You will find operatives all over these liberal YouTube threads who pretend to be something they are not. They obfuscate and gloss over facts and do their best to spread the narrative of how bad billionaires are and how enslaved you are to them. They will attack your empathy, empathy is the key to their deception. They will attack your beliefs and they will attack you.
They have one goal and it is overturning western civilization and everything you hold dear. The attacks against the family, the perverse insertion of homosexuality and sexual promiscuity into our culture, the crisis that are manufactured at our border and the constand assault on our Democratic process, it’s all a part of their plan. These processes are the same things that have been happening in every Western Nation on the planet Earth.
There’s a greater than 90% chance that if you find anyone on social media hiding anonymously behind a fake profile name, doing their best in attempting to convince you of how terrible things are in the USA, you are dealing with someone who isn’t a US citizen. That’s how terrible the policies of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are, that’s how terrible the policies of the entire Democratic party are, they must find support from outside of the country.
Thanks for the novel. Shove it up your AH!!
@VoiceofReason you can shove your Bolshevik Revolution, and Frankfurt School of thought, sideways, right in your butthole.
thanks but NO Bloomberg, we the People Got Bernie’s back
Got to hand it to Bernie for sticking to his principles and rejecting Bloombergs attempt at electoral bribery while most other Democrats would prostitute themselves for Bloombergs cashola.
Matt D He is a millionaire……genius. Stop it. You look like a fool defending this fraud career politician who has never done anything but protest.
Brilliant Hooligan : I live in a million dollar house, drive an Audi, vacation and stay in a $100-$200 hotel and somehow feel like a loser when I see a yacht worth 10-100x more than my 1000 sq ft sm. humble home. When you see Bernie you feel like a loser and the difference between me and you is that you are not a brilliant hooligan but a total loser and waste of space.
Baby drumphf that wasn’t very kind of you. Why are you upset with me? I’m not stopping you from making millions. Use your right
. Unless you just wanna stay a professional “protestor” do everything you disagree with. You’re irrelevant in my empire. Thanks for coming on my show and showing all my listeners just how unintelligent a certain mindset in humans can sound just that. #BeKind
It’s just another sickening test by the Establishment, to see if Bernie can ever be bought. Well, you got your answer. NO.. he can’t.
You have small boobs
He is bought though. His wife embezzled the wealth he has through his foundation. He also gave members of his family big money jobs. He’s a weak, do-nothing democrat, that has been in office for over 50 years and only got two post offices renamed. He’s worthless.
@Sirxchrish Prove it.
You can’t legislate for the people while accepting corporate dollars.
you cant talk sense into sell outs. Dont even try. They only chase the dollar because they have no morals.
Batgirl P You also can’t legislate if you lose.
If he keeps praising Castro, that’s exactly what is going to happen. Trump 2020 
BERNIE 2020!!! All Blue Senate too! The 2 women on the panel are totally willing to sell out, the man in the middle actually gets it. This IS the time for We the People to take our power back! Do not get sucked into “this is how the game is played, this is how it’s always been done.” This IS a Political Revolution. Be a part of it – for We the People! BERNIE & the SENATE 2020!!
Trumpty Dumpty your fall is coming! Take our power back??? You do not understand how socialism works. Bernie will destroy this country.
@Rod Dude, Bernie is a ‘DEMOCRATIC’ Socialist, just like Canada, all of Europe, all of Scandinavia, Australia & New Zealand. And yes take our power back from the Corporations.
Stop spreading lies. Republicans are such scaredy cats!
Funny how de-fanging the rich donor class seems like a terrible idea… to all the members of the rich donor class.
Catch 22 set up by the media, had he said yes then this video would be about him being a hypocrite and selling out his supporters.
It’s also funny how they don’t consider that this tactic of taking money from the extreme wealthy didn’t work for Hillary.
It’ll work this time though – Because power!
That’s dirty money. They want their fingers in.
It’s called integrity. Bernie has it. MSNBC and its pundits don’t.
@Don Williams swing and a hard miss.
Don Williams But you hit a bases empty grand slam right? WOW. No rebuttal to refute what I said. Great comeback.
Bernie can go live in Cuba , we don’t need his commie ideas .
I am tired of the shills too
These people just don’t get it. “When you get power, then you can get rid of money in politics!”
Wealth is power in this country. Those with wealth dictate how society goes. Thinking that you need big money to eventually get rid of it is a CONTRADICTION that you cannot solve.
This is an election to determine what matters more to you. Seeing a potentially new American political society? Or just getting rid of the cartoon authoritarian and thinking everything is going to be okay?
We don’t need his money
We’ll eat the rich
Bernie 2020
That’s why the people love Bernie! The man has been true to himself for 30 years! Bernie 2020
40 years plus go Bernie go
These people, lol. Isn’t this the point of the Sanders campaign? lol