‘It’s a grift’: Lofgren tells Tapper Trump bilked donors

January 6 committee member Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) presented a video that accused former President Donald Trump and his campaign of pushing false election claims to raise money to fight voter fraud that did not exist. #CNN #News


  1. For the life of me I will never understand how people thought a reality TV ” Star “, Who willingly paints himself Orange mind you. With 6 bankruptcies and zero understanding of the geo political world we live in would some how make the United States better by electing him.

    Never underestimate the power of stupidity I suppose.

    1. @Elmosweed that’s not the way it should work but even the large tech companies do it. Look at Microsoft. They report the total as profit without deducting the expenditures.

    2. @Dave Harvey Raise your standards..You might not like Biden or the situation the world finds itself in,but man get a grip..

  2. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can fool Trump supporters all of the time.

    1. @Dan Mcgriff You and your buddy on here should get together. The trump rallies are a great place for the lonely, misfits, fringe dwellers of society. But it could be expensive for you got to keep the Lord of gold toilets in cash.

    2. @Peace Onearth It’s not costing me as much as Biden is costing me every time I fill up. Thanx for that.

    3. @Dan Mcgriff next time you try to deflect try something new because cost gouging by the gas companies is the reason it’s high, but of course to you facts don’t matter 😉

  3. History – Benedict Arnold is America’s greatest traitor
    Trump – Hold my diet coke. Nobody knows more about traitoring than me

    1. @SNOOPY SNOOP maybe are you mandated by Mosad or Cia to ANOY Miloshevitch just as Sara Kocovic ? i don t know . i don t wanna a know .

    2. @SNOOPY SNOOP You know HOW they say : “Zeidok a Priest , end , Neithenn a Prophet , ANOYED Svetozar Milloshevitch Till the End of the World ….”

  4. The same people that are shoveling their hard earned money to that man are also some of the ones screaming the loudest about gas prices to fill up their gigantic gas guzzling trucks.

    1. @Donnie TRUMP seems to me like Diaper Donnie has been the one crying for the past 2 years lol…MAGA tears…bigly

    2. @Al Avdic and one can cook with them, beans too, rice, sugar…canned goods if you don’t have a garden…..hum…..maybe some medical supplies…..get some chickens if you can…yard eggs are really good! 👅

    3. Taxes on income should be at least 35 percent for people making 40k through 70k.
      60 percent Taxes on above that

      80 percent tax on millionaire athletes and celebrities who are multimillionaire.
      We will eventually remove financial Inequality from society

    4. @Jae biden needs to get executive orders to subsidize electric vehicles and charging stations for everyone. Or gas vouchers

    5. @LotWizzard are gas is the highest in the country. But everytime I go somewhere which is everyday I see ppl with the new car tags on there new car so I would have to disagree with you on what ppl can buy.

  5. So you are telling me the guy with the long history of cheating investors, lying and committing fraud did the thing he’s famous for? Crazy.

    1. @S K 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s not an indictment but if you think it is then trump and his family have also been indicted. As I’ve pointed out since trump left office all the investigations into him and his family have been the geeen light…..the trumps also have and are facing grand juries🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Hearing “it’s a grift” acknowledged so many years and wasted lives later is not as vindicating as I’d imagined, and I had pretty low expectations. Trump has been committed to his role since the 70s and the most frightening part of this saga is that people are still discovering the true nature of his character as if it isn’t painfully obvious.

    1. @TOS100 Returns
      You should have saved your money and taken the book out at the library, you gave tRump your hard earned money!!!🥺

  7. Trump knew what he was doing. I would not doubt that he said – “If we push a basic narrative continually, my supporters are clearly gullible enough to empty their bank accounts for me. Push the narrative and drain them completely.”

    1. The problem is he didn’t say it, or at least they don’t have evidence that he said it. No smoking gun.

      The financial aspect may be the best bet for criminal charges.

    2. @That Guy You don’t need a smoking gun for an indictment. While we all know that a “Smoking gun” refers to the strongest kind of circumstantial evidence, as opposed to direct evidence, but three witnesses testifying on video (under oath) that directly links to the other evidence is remarkably compelling.

    3. @Carl Rosa he can just say some people said there was no fraud, but some said that there was. He had the right to do everything within the law to fight it, and he had a memo from a constitutional law expert saying it was legal. The thing about these hearings is they don’t show the other side, so they make the case look stronger than it is.

    4. @That Guy “The Crisis ( problem ) is inside people s minds ” . a US senator quote i 2008 ….

    5. @That Guy ” he can just say some people said there was no fraud,” No, that wouldn’t work for John Gotti and it won’t work for him. If they indict him Federally, they know what they are doing. His excuses are remarkably weak. The President of the United States can’t claim blind willfulness. It would be the same as the leader of the NYSE claiming he doesn’t understand basic math.

  8. Grifter-in-Chief. Interesting that he can bilk so many for so long and it is completely in front of everyone. He is still doing it. He bilk’s the American taxpayer by siphoning hundreds of millions for his golf courses and motels etc. and the American people still vote for him.

    1. “But he didn’t take a salary…” One of my favorite responses from the MAGA feeble minded…

    2. @Keith Savage He did more than ask..His team hounded his supporters .They set it up that if you gave you were a ‘ patriot’ but if you didn’t you weren’t ..They set it up that if you donated then that amount would come out on a regular basis..It was a grift built on lies..
      If that impresses you..🤷‍♀️

    3. He hit us hard for 4yrs and still hitting them. That’s why I’ve never donated nothing to nether parties. Reason I don’t know what they’re doing with it. Right here prime example. 💯💯🎯🤔🤔🤔🤔👌🏾

    1. That’s what happens when The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn gets banned. No one can recognize a con.

    2. @Dan Mcgriff Trump did have this country rocking and rolling . . . if by “rocking and rolling” you mean the first chief executive since Herbert Hoover to preside over a net job loss.

    3. @Dan Mcgriff Smart like blaming all these things on Biden, and giving credit to Trump. Inflation we are suffering is from a strong economy in the middle of supply chain issues and after Trump dumped 2 Trillion in stimulus money for Covid.

      Fuel was dirt cheap because of Covid.

      Trump got things done. Tell me, what did Trump do to make the economy so great within the first month of presidency? Hell name something he did at all in any part of his presidency.

      I’ll wait.

  9. The people who donated to Trump don’t care about where the money went in any detail- as long as Trump gets to play with it and use it to further himself (supposedly on their behalf), it’s all good.

  10. Trump bilking donors? That’s not really breaking news, is it. By the way, it’s also fascinating to learn how it went with the donations for the inauguration. It ended in a lot of money for this family of grifters, and a slap on the wrist when the weak legal system at last came round to do something about it. The American way, rich white man’s privilege.

    1. @far22186 they didn’t defraud anyone. How many millions did the Trump campaign have to pay back for their last scam? I forget

  11. Ex-government employee Donald looked his supporters in the eye, declared, “I love the poorly educated!” and they responded by cheering, voting for him, and sending him money.

    1. @Aenews13
      Canada doesn’t import Russian oil but nice try… lol
      In any case, the price of oil is STILL not President Biden’s fault.

    2. @Abelis 🇺🇦 well now they don’t since they banned it so nicer try from you 🙃, and he can alleviate prices by drilling more so Im blaming him

    3. @Abelis 🇺🇦 NO, no way. It is not only Trump, but our Republican party and administration who needs to be in charge, it is not only Trump alone. We NEED the Republican rule NOW ever so badly.

  12. There could literally be a video of him laughing and calling his supporters idiots, and they’d say it’s fake. Cult mentality and sunk cost fallacy won’t let them change their minds and admit they’ve been conned.

    1. @нυмαη ƒєllα I like Biden it might not talk very well or no worry is sometimes but he’s doing great things for the country

    2. OP – He bragged that his “Christian” followers would follow him after he shot a man and it turns out they would. They build a gold statue in his honor. He’s their god now.

    3. @Dan Mcgriff As a second language you are doing very well, wrong names (it is trump, not President Biden Mr Human Fella was talking about) and also trump who ‘might not talk very well’ .But you are correct, as far as President Biden is concerned, on your last point.

  13. “They hope that Trump supporters understand…”

    Well that’s a mistake. Understanding requires basic mental competency

    1. And people on SSI/Medicare give this toilet money and he has been trying to abolish their income, WTF.

    2. @Dudley Do Right The GOP has been trying to end Social Security and Medicare for more than a decade now. Honestly, let them. I want to see the GOP voters realize what they voted for.

  14. Every time they say, COULD THERE BE CRIMINAL CHARGES. There would be without question if it was private citizen, doing the same thing. There would be charges especially if that private citizen was untitled and financially unable to defend themselves. BET ON IT!

  15. This is just such an old trick by thieves, that it’s hard to believe that anyone fell for it. Even kids use it when they’ve done something wrong.

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