Italian nurse: We’re not even counting the dead anymore

The coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage Italy, where the military has been called in to support overwhelmed crematoriums. CNN's Barbie Nadeau reports.

#CNN #News


  1. When you think of death number in China, consider there are still 5,000 patients staying in ICU beds who may die in weeks, also consider there were 40,000 doctors and nurses from all other provinces sent to Wuhan to support local medical colleague.

    1. 5000 is total active case, not severe case, get ur figure right!! china has cured 73000 case out of 81000 case total, only china can achieve that

    2. @TheDonna1959 who cares about u believe or not, now ur shat hole murica is epicenter of virus, china is laughing hard at u , ur sha thole country cant even test anybody,,,

    3. @Doc Moto – Idiot what trump * putin have to do with this? China Lied
      1 – First Corona Virus Infection *17 November 2019*
      2 – Destroys lab and tries to hide the problem in *December 2019*.
      3 – At east 60 cases by *December 2019*
      4 – Arrests and prosecute Doctors who warn of the virus in *December 2019* One of First Doctors died of virus
      4 – Only told WHO on *9 January 2010* (Nearly 2 months after)
      5 – China did not publicly concede there was human-to-human transmission until *21 January 2020*
      6 – Videos and people testimony show thousands of death and different story to China.
      7 – Crack down on social mead during virus lockdown there are videos of police with masks going to peoples door to complain of comment online

    4. @get lost The reason of the tragedy in news is just you don’t trust the info from China. China is the first victim and send lots of warning message to WHO. All those were on Internet. But you choose not to believe it, what we can do?

  2. for two days in Italy we have the infected and the dead are decreasing.
    Quarantine results are beginning to be seen, and a little hope

    1. intersezioni Thank God. I feel terrible about what’s happening in your country; such a beautiful culture, great food…

    1. Our trajectory is already worse than Italy’s. Too little, too late. This is going to hit us hard. I already have it so I’ll luckily be free to move around soon, and I started taking precautions in mid-february.

    2. @Jennifer McGoldrick So sorry to hear you’ve got it, I hope you recover soon without complications.

  3. Italians: don’t take the virus seriously

    Americans: don’t take the virus seriously
    America: (just imagine what’s gonna happen here)

    Guys, the US is already the third most infected country in the world after China and Italy (accumulated number of infected), pls start taking this sh*t seriously

    1. Miamian here. Too many people are living it up here in South Florida. Some people just don’t care. The worse part is this affects those around you. I blame those that thought licking Ice cream was cool.

    2. @StarDreamMemories Its all about the adrenochrome. Research it if you don’t know about it. These sick demons live amongst us. They sell the rest of the organs and stem cells to support the DNC campaigns. It’s basically the DemonRats stealing our tax money for themselves. As for as their taste for adrenochrome and their blood lust of innocent blood, we all know these are satanic rituals by the evil DEMONRats. Sacrifice the virgins and the innocent gifts of GOD to make Molluch stronger. GOD always wins. The Devil knows this and that’s why these people are going looney right now. Its getting increasingly harder to fill their addictions and sick rituals. Why do you think so many “elites” and celebrities have the corona virus? Tainted blood? Sure seems disproportionate to the average population huh? I have two kids who are being raised in a traditional family household also. They truly are gifts from God and have made me a better person across the board. They are my life and I will raise them with the same morals and values that I have but with the knowledge that the world is against them so to be strong and wise and ALWAYS stand for something and to fight back against these Demonic so called Elites. God bless you and your family and stand firm in your values and morals and pass them on. Hope you stay safe in these times of triumph.

    3. Kimboo Ooo – I feel for all the checkers at the store. I was there yesterday and some jackass was holding up the line making the clerk check his stupid lottery tickets.

    1. Truth! For those of you that catch this coronavirus will be Hell to pay. Especially, when you find yourself in the hospital with a breathing tube (ETT) down your throats attached to a ventilator! Educate yourselves! Coronavirus does not only affect the older population. Don’t take risks with your lives!

    2. @Erik if this were real, all these allegedly affected nations would have rolled out tons of freestanding clinics 2 WEEKS ago. it is not being treated the way according thoroughly hashed out and preagreed upon protocol demands. it is hilariously fake.

  4. 0:40-1:00 That means in the U.S. we are waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind. Very screwed.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    1. @The Reason There’s no reason to THAT! Million’s are homeless out in the wood’s, out on the street’s ect. ect…..They 99% have got it too!

    2. @The Reason It’s definitely crushing humanity! There’s no doubt about that! Italy has truck on after army truck shipping hundred’s of friggin bodies to and fro day after day after day CONSTANTLY on back and forth they travel to crematorium’s that are FULL on up to the neck in damn bodies!

    3. @The Reason This is going to be the so much worse than our current “Administration” can comprehend. And he’ll NEVER take responsibility for his part in not jumping on top of it when we might have had a chance to minimize our losses.

  5. Think of this… Italian and Spannish healthcare are far more prepared than the States.

    Stay at home to save lives.

    1. You’re right, but their are two major factors…very little social distancing and the older population is the biggest in all of Europe. Just too much arrogance and ignorance. The government is also to blame. How do you not cutoff public transportation. Their are many societies like this, my own included. We can refrain and comply to help everyone or else suffer.

  6. So sad. My friend in Virginia is in a coma. Ventilated since Friday. Gravely ill. A 12 year old girl in England very ill. No underlying health issues. Please take care. Be care full.

  7. So sad 😢😢 I’m so sad to see the rate of death in Italy 😣😔
    May God bless them , from India🇮🇳

    1. India, Turkey and all the Stan ending countries are looking at some serious population control very soon.

    2. If the people in India listen and quarantine the impact will be far less devastating!! Be careful luv from America!!😐🙏🙏

    3. Please try to imort these medical quipment and protecitve masks from China, China’s industries have already been mobilized maximally to produce masks and other protective gear.

  8. I couldn’t imagine having your loved ones dead bodies being hauled away in military trucks without having a funeral or be able to grieve at their gravestone. Totally devastating and sad.

    1. @Jose Carranza I’m already two full weeks into it. The high fevers didn’t start until about 8/9 days in. I have or had viral pneumonia- it’s getting better now. Just tylenol for fever. But I have certainly never had a fever for over a week before! And I haven’t had a fever of 103 since I was a small child. So it’s been shitty, but I’ll be fine. Breathing has improved. Cough isn’t that bad. Sleeping about 14-16 hours a day and I lost five lbs 🤷🏻‍♀️ But it’s no joke. I don’t want my dad or aunt getting this! If my nona hadn’t died last year at 100 I’d be very worried for her.

    2. @Go Time the body cares not but the living SURE DO CARE IF THEY GET ILL from handling it !! will pollute the air BIG TIME if all the dead are cremated; then the remaining survivors will choke to death on that air pollution; BURY THE DEAD its the right thing to do to prevent animals from eating them then passing on any germs to us or spores becoming airborne and we inhale them…yikes…

    3. @Jennifer McGoldrick so, sorry to hear. Its a scary and sad situation for all of us. I wish more people would take this seriously. Hang in there and get better soon

    4. @Go Time
      amen, so true ……..just throw them out into the ocean n let the sea creatures feast……cremation or viking funeral also works just fine.

  9. Ok, aside from the sick, you have to have respect for all the doctors risking their life to help people when they could just go home to their families

  10. I haven’t been out since Saturday, and way to many were out then. Parking lots looked like the week before Xmas!

  11. “At first Italy’s government relied on people to do the right thing; now, they *make sure they do.*” WAKE UP AMERICA OR THIS WILL HAPPEN TO US

    1. Fear is the virus. Clearly they are still counting the dead, Cleary the average death is 80+, clearly Italy is Europe’s most polluted country (Google about the air quality).

      Don’t let fear keep you from assessing the facts and coming to your own conclusions. Respect the virus, but f*ck the fear mongering

    2. @Captain Win yes Captain win that’s why we are the land of the free and the home of the brave don’t worry about us we overcome everything and come out even stronger and better shouldn’t B making comments about China’s ways of taking care of this virus because they started it God only knows what happened in China and what was done to civilians

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