The US Secret Service erased text messages from January 5 and 6, 2021, shortly after they were requested by oversight officials investigating the agency's response to the US Capitol riot, according to a letter given to the House select committee investigating the insurrection and first obtained by CNN. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe discusses with CNN’s Ana Cabrera. #CNN #News
‘It raises all kinds of questions’: McCabe on deleted secret service texts

They have “Secret” right in the name. Bunch of crooks.
nice to hear from you.
@Mohammad Ali hasan rakib I’m reporting every single one of your, and your sock account’s, spam replies.
Last fight
Its impossible to erase anything nowadays, how stupid do they think we are. If this doesn’t sound like a typical trump mouthpiece I don’t know what does.
Please, will someone help this YT virgin out? I am obviously ‘green’ when it comes to YT, if someone could take a moment and tell me. What the hell are these comments I see littered everywhere, like, “Last Fight” and “nice to hear from you”? I know I shouldn’t let these things make me crazy, but it takes away from the vastly diverse comments and opinions I enjoy reading. Thank you in advance!
@Vital Signs durham magat turd
@Casey Clark of your country club
The fact that they refuse to testify tells you they are shady. I hope these text messages they are trying to hide can be recovered.
Hope? The 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s are long gone. Our election footprint is never lost.
@Honor Guards Fencing Club lemme rip ur IP and see?
Of course they can be recovered, whether from the phones themselves, the USP provider, or the NSA. Remember Prism?
Give the SS a break. Putin needed jobs for his former KGB mates. The world is laughing at this soap opera.
Correction: The world is laughing at the USA government/ sh$t show.
Government agency not backing up data? Really? Recoverable should be a high possibility, required and mandatory.
Last fight
Thank you, so much
It’s backed up.
Oh boy, even the secret service is in on the cover up of the coup attempt. Got Damn it!
Last fight
I know. I remember when they were the people who threw themselves over the convertible. This is a sad chapter.
The secret service is circling the wagons and protecting their own.
Probably explains why Mike Pence would not get in the car.
@Rose Goodwin
It was nice to speak to you as well, and much better than some of the extreme trolls I usually encounter here. Before you go I wanted to mention one last thing In regards to translation. This is what I meant when I had said the foundation of Christianity is destroyed. There are no original text to come back to in order to verify that what the Bible contains, is the actual Engeel that Jesus came with.
This is something that makes islam so perfect, the quran is preserved in its original form and language unchanged. Millions of people have memorized it word for word letter by letter and I personally know more people who have done this than I can count on my feet and hands. Not a single part of it has been proven to be untrue even after nearly 1500 years and science is still catching up to some of the things explained about our universe and how life works in this world.
Litteraly thousands and thousands of sayings from the prophet (pbuh) have been properly recorded and authenticated and seperated from what god says, vs what the prophet says. They even went as far as to record who heard it, who was it told to, who else heard it, what kind of person were they, how was their family, did they have good memory, the list goes on. The rules for authentication on the sayings of the prophet are very, very, very strict.
I’ll look into the scriptures that you mentioned. I recommend you look at the Quran.
God says in the Quran
“Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.”
I most certainly will.
if secret service knew it happened, why was this ‘accident’ not reported BY THEM before it was discovered by outside watchdogs?
@Belly Dancer Em you got that right thanks
Last fight
Well said N B
Now we know why Pence wouldn’t get into the limo……Re-staff the whole department.
How do you know that’s why Mike?
@Dwight Fry That was already mentioned at the time. They feared he would be flown to Alaska.
@Tele Bubba Republicans just needed him gone. Did not matter where. They just needed to replace him for a second.
Imagune how Pence’s son felt when his daddy didnt kniw who to trust!

Last fight
I think that we were required to keep records for five years in the corporate world. I kept records (in my notebooks) for 15 years in case I had to explain or justify a decision that I made. Wouldn’t the NSA have the text messages?
Cell Phones ?? Yeah you keep believing that !!!
The secret service even has an internal memo on how to avoid oversight. Whoever is the journalist on this should be getting a hold of that memo which is available on the internet. This memo on how to avoid oversight by the IG and any sort of accountability cuts across all the different divisions of law enforcement in the federal government. Whoever wrote the memo should be fired or maybe brought up on charges. They’re actually trained in how to avoid this stuff.
How would a public, federal, law enforcement agency have published instructions to avoid accountability? Where and how did you hear this?
Last fight
Hope the messages will be recovered for this important investigation for America.
What do you mean hope? Your electronic footprint is never lost look around at the times we are living as the 1940, 50s, 60s and 70s are long gone.
Everything but 1984.
Last fight
The lies have become SO BAD. Accidentally losing the texts from 2 of the most important dates… Come on… Really? Do they actually believe EVERYONE is THAT stupid? As stupid as them?
Hillary’s secret router…you didn’t believe that either!
@ran away Yes, I and everyone else who watches the committee hearings with an open mind. You, clearly, are not.
I don’t know why you think that the failure to impeach Trump supports in any way your point. The impeachment trials both failed because the GOP would support ANYTHING he did.
Both times Trump put his lust for power before the nation’s interest, in violation of his presidential oath.
The Secret Service were in on the fix. Fire them all, then, investigate, file charges, try, convict & throw them all in jail for the rest of their useless lives.
The Secret Service Agents that were on Duty on 1/6 should come in Voluntarily to the Select CMTE, whether Behind Closed Doors, or in a Public Hearing. Maybe Both, 1st Behind Closed Doors & later in a Public Hearing. All they have to do is come in & TELL THE TRUTH. They either Corroborates Hutchinson’s story or NOT.
The secret service agents probably signed a nondisclosure agreement.
@Shelli Belli then why are they making public statements?.
No they should not come in voluntarily their supervisor should send them in this happened on company time which in this instance the tax payers are the company let’s hear what they have to say
Last fight
A lot of people were “sworn to uphold the constitution” but they certainly were not, or at the very least, they didn’t do a very good job of it.
not one Politician in Washington has upheld the Constitution.
Last fight
How disappointing to have these employees of the hardworking American taxpayer not to follow the rules nor do they job accordingly.
It is exhausting how they all keep getting away with everything.
Thank you, so much
Two words come to mind whenever something is deleted after having been requested in conjunction with a hearing or official investigation.
Adverse Inference.
If this was indeed a “routine, PLANNED, migration” everything should have been backed up before it started.
That is what they want us to think.
We are not that dumb.
Backing up files, what is that they all must be saying
Last fight
The Secret Service has shown a lot of glaring problems over the last several years. It is time for a wholesale change in leadership there. Trying to blame the IT cut-over is not acceptable. The service is either incompetent or corrupt. Their proper handling of this information should never have been an issue given the circumstances of January 6th.
You are right on target. The organization needs outside review and current leadership have no role to play in its conduct.
Last fight
Or both corrupt and incompetent. Monumentally Corrupt in doing this and incompetent for thinking such a lame excuse would ever be believed.